Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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May 29, 2023
TKMAXX £40 🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣👌👌👌👌
She’s up there big in the game with this bag! I’ve got more expensive towels than this!
What upsets me is the reduced food and cheap unwanted clothes people don’t want for there children that she thinks is gold! How about you spend what you’ve spent on that from bag on a few cute outfits from Asda or primarny for the kids, cheap but BRAND NEW!
May 23, 2023
If she didn’t spend so much s on bland out of date food and actually food prepped the way grown ups do it (not sticking a teabag in a cup ready for next day) she’d have enough money to buy things that are actually instagram worthy, I actually cackled like the witch I am when I saw her bag post 😭😭😭
She’s so unaware of her failings like ALL THE TIME 🤣🤣🤣 nah deaded at how slow she is actually, like in the coffin, pray for me and send flowers deaded! 💀🤣
Apr 16, 2023
Her OF must be on fire to be able to afford that! 🔥
Imagine steak, chips and a 40 quid viral TikTok bag all in the space of a few days! Oh to be 14 again! 😭😭😭

I might start posting every time I spend £40 🤣 you'd never see the end of me 🤣 augh its soooo deeply embarrassing that she thinks its a flex 😭 and £40 on a new handbag but got her kids CLOTHES FROM A BOOTSALE. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE KKK!
If Dan’s mum is such a t, why is Kayleigh arsed that she has nothing to do with the kids? It must be exhausting always looking to battle with someone.
I think it's another case of unable to take accountability for her actions. Goes off on a tangent about his mum not wishing him a happy birthday and when she finds out she has, rather than apologise or at least delete the vile stories she pulls out irrelevant screen shots from ages ago. She's a fing berk.
Apr 16, 2023
Why does she contradict everything? If MIL is that bad why would she want ANYTHING from her regarding her children? Why would she need to air all her dirty laundry if MIL is that irrelevant!? Make it make sense (your words) hun.
She new all this about the MIL yet still sent the kids to sleep there
Apr 16, 2023
pretty sure that fat t used to slam anyone who showed off with s! what did she used to say "be humble with what you have" well clearly you have do all now, you materialistic t. i use the word materialistic lightly as your sense of style is fing wrong.

No matter what she had wether she becomes a millionaire tomorrow or not, she'll never spend her money properly. She spent more on the reduced raid she posted on tiktok than on the kids at a bootsale ffs. Her self obsessed and gluttonous spending habits on herself and food is honestly something that should be looked into. She claims its from being on her arse in the past but I call BS because I've had to choose between me or my kids eating before and I don't hoard food because of it. Especially now I'm in a good place with a steady income. She's just fed. Its all about her, she's actually disgusting 🫣 even when she showed her kids at the restaurant the other day (the same page she has her tits out on) I just thought, this is all for you you selfish t.
Apr 16, 2023
No matter what she had wether she becomes a millionaire tomorrow or not, she'll never spend her money properly. She spent more on the reduced raid she posted on tiktok than on the kids at a bootsale ffs. Her self obsessed and gluttonous spending habits on herself and food is honestly something that should be looked into. She claims its from being on her arse in the past but I call BS because I've had to choose between me or my kids eating before and I don't hoard food because of it. Especially now I'm in a good place with a steady income. She's just fed. Its all about her, she's actually disgusting 🫣 even when she showed her kids at the restaurant the other day (the same page she has her tits out on) I just thought, this is all for you you selfish t.
When I was a kid, my mum lived on frozen veg (obviously cooked) for a few days because it was the only thing in the freezer and I needed new shoes and she needed to pay my babysitter. It never crossed her mind for me to go without so she could eat.

I’ve been on my arse money wise when I first moved out but always made sure my dogs were fed and had comfy beds. Isn’t it sad that I treat my pets better than she treats her kids!

For those wondering…my dogs are spoilt as do now 😂😂
Apr 21, 2023
The cheap skate! The kids can’t even have their own meal! I wondered why she had covered what they had with a lollipop.
So they had 2 premium platters at £32.95 each
1!!!!!!! X kids meal (looks like Bobby had some of theirs) £8.50
2 kids drinks at £2.60
His drink and her drink!

I mean! Would you ever!!!!!!!!?????? Greed! Pure greed! Those kids get nothing ‘premium ‘ in their lives, her on the other hand!! 😫 shameful! Her kids have never and will never come before herself


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Apr 21, 2023
Why did they have to pay £20 deposit if it was an off the cuff random meal out?
There’s a restaurant we go to and if someone wants to order lobster, or the chateaurbriand a deposit is required prior. I wonder if it’s because they decided they wanted the “adults premium” banquet they needed to put £20 up front.


Apr 16, 2023
The cheap skate! The kids can’t even have their own meal! I wondered why she had covered what they had with a lollipop.
So they had 2 premium platters at £32.95 each
1!!!!!!! X kids meal (looks like Bobby had some of theirs) £8.50
2 kids drinks at £2.60
His drink and her drink!

I mean! Would you ever!!!!!!!!?????? Greed! Pure greed! Those kids get nothing ‘premium ‘ in their lives, her on the other hand!! 😫 shameful! Her kids have never and will never come before herself

Note at the bottom says 10% off as well

Maggot Robbie

Jun 5, 2023
Will someone please explain why she says she wouldn’t allow the Grandmother to have her children but then, in the same paragraph, says the Grandmother wouldn’t have them for a couple of extra hours? Make your mind up KKK! Strikes me that you think that it’s an expectation for grandparents to give you a break from YOUR children. I have never ever felt it was anyone else’s responsibility to look after my kids for whatever reason.
This. Constantly berating the woman for not having the kids but in the next breath publicly announcing that the woman is an alcoholic and didn't raise her own kids. Makes out like she's done/doing the world a favour by 'looking after' Dan..kkk you are all sorts of fing wrong.
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