She’s never really done even playgroups etc… let alone school runs to actually see people
can you imagine!! Thing is I think she actually knows it’s her, I also think she knows she’s fed up with her kids too, that’s why she avoids real socialising with them and other kids. It’s all changing now at school, and things like leaving in year 6, are massive and the parents come together and put on events etc etc . She won’t be included and her kids will get a s ride through it all because of her. But of course it will be everyone else and not her.
Some people are capable of change, but you KKK are just rotten to the core. You can have allll the crystals in the world and sage yourself from your bodged lips and wonky snaggle teeth to your manhole sized soggy lettuce, and even your little time warp house, but you will never change. You just ooze jealousy, hatred, negativity and issues.