Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Apr 16, 2023
Now I'll give you this chance to now provide the actual truth of when you were told of this forum via Instagram before I can show that you are in fact a pathological liar. Now I am aware of these as Kayleigh who I now no longer speak to has shown me these when she was discussing this page with me also, and I am certain you mentioned her trolls on one of her lives before you met her did you not ? Because I was there spectating.

Would you also care to explain how any of those screen shots are showing her to be 'obsessed' as you like to put it with Jodie ? How are these messages 'obsessive'?

Because if anything its showing that jodie is actually obsessed with trolling Kayleigh like she has many other members on Instagram for quite a few years. It also shows that this was a private conversation she had with whom she thought was a friend at the time and was telling them of her suffering from trolling from such forums .

So I think you may want to look at your own behaviour before airing your opinion on a woman who know longer what's any dealings with you . It's coming off creepy.

Because from where I'm sitting it looks like your trying to stir s up for kayleigh because your still not over the fact she no longer wanted to be friends with you.

And I do hope you don't go trying to solve any crimes , we all know how dangerous it is to be throwing false accusations around without any proof don't we .

How many fin email addresses do you have, jesus christ girl. Its a Sunday fing morning😩
Apr 16, 2023
Swear Paul has come across as nothing but witty, calm and completely unbothered since being on here as well 🤣🤣

I have to agree with this. @theallegedsugardaddy seems like an absolute hoot. Hasn't been dettered by KKKs trolling of him and his daughter, hasn't been offensive, just honest and open. No one can blame Paul for coming on here. He was dragged through the mud for absolutely no reason other than being unfortunate enough to be kayleighs next victim to tout on SM for likes. Another poor attempt at going viral by trying to dehumanise and humiliate another human being. KKKs favourite pass time! But he's taken it all on the chin and come out looking legendary! Well done Paul!


Aug 13, 2023
Oh for goodness sake, here we go again 🤦🏽‍♀️

Kayleigh, it’s a Sunday afternoon, for the love of god PLEASE come off here, any other social media and take your kids out, or do something beneficial with your time! Maybe interview a few PAs for your OF IG account or something 🤭🤭

Aileen, your behaviour is absolutely dipping into dangerous territory. You have kids, that’s under the social services radar. You will have social services involved in those kids life’s until they’re 18. Do they know how unhinged you’re behaving online? Do you think it’s acceptable to come on here, and publicly say the things you’re saying, mentioning Yam and her life/kids/home, gladly boosting a week or so ago about making 10 reports on KK, yet you’re a full time parent/guardian to vulnerable children. You, my forehead friend, needs help. Perhaps someone can return the favour and report you as your behaviour as it stands is coming off equally (possibly worse) than KK herself.

Whilst on the subject, is there a thread about that absolute t forehead? I think she may need one.

Frank Farmer

Jul 29, 2023
Oh for goodness sake, here we go again 🤦🏽‍♀️

Kayleigh, it’s a Sunday afternoon, for the love of god PLEASE come off here, any other social media and take your kids out, or do something beneficial with your time! Maybe interview a few PAs for your OF IG account or something 🤭🤭

Aileen, your behaviour is absolutely dipping into dangerous territory. You have kids, that’s under the social services radar. You will have social services involved in those kids life’s until they’re 18. Do they know how unhinged you’re behaving online? Do you think it’s acceptable to come on here, and publicly say the things you’re saying, mentioning Yam and her life/kids/home, gladly boosting a week or so ago about making 10 reports on KK, yet you’re a full time parent/guardian to vulnerable children. You, my forehead friend, needs help. Perhaps someone can return the favour and report you as your behaviour as it stands is coming off equally (possibly worse) than KK herself.

Whilst on the subject, is there a thread about that absolute t forehead? I think she may need one.
And labelling people as nonces, dangerous ground
Aug 1, 2023
Here’s my analysis. @treeoftruth you Are KK. On your other accounts you talk about yourself in third context. You do the same here and then you get so angry you slip up. You’re going for Paul again because you hate that a man has stood up to you. The way you speak gives you away too. Different words you use that others don’t, the punctuation, I’ve known you for a very long time and I know exactly how you speak and say things, same as others know too. All you had to do is come on as @Buddha_belly @jaggyjowls or any of the other hundred accounts you set up and say your piece, but you won’t because you have no balls. If I had a thread about me I wouldn’t give two ss, I wouldn’t look, I would enjoy life but you can’t not look. It’s the only thing you have in life.
May 23, 2023
Am I missing something ? This shows a conversation where you are being told who a troll is? and a message from 2020 where she is asking this Jodie person to leave her alone ? Hardly obsessed behaviour from what I can see.

I've read this thread for a while now and didn't you say you didn't know about this forum untill the day you met Kayleigh? So would you like to show the dates that these messages were sent ?
Sorry, just reading back through some things I may have missed last night. I’ll tell you why messaging and asking for me to leave her alone is ‘obsessed behaviour’, it’s because I do leave her alone. I’ve never once in my life contacted her, how on earth can I leave her alone any more than that? So the fact that’s she’s constantly messaging me, commenting on Facebook posts, doxxing me etc when I have NEVER contacted her is OBSESSIVE BEHAVIOUR. Sausage!
May 23, 2023
Let’s have a little gander at this screenshot shall we? This was a post I made about a woman I unfriended on Facebook cos I thought she was a t who then tried adding me back as a friend (cos I’m amazeballs of course).
It’s fing old!!! Probably 3/4 years old. She’s scrolled through that many years of posts and screenshotted that, along with countless others and sent them via WhatsApp to somebody???? And I’M THE OBSESSED ONE???
Was this ss trying to prove me to be a troll? For making a statement on my named Facebook account?

Do you actually know what a troll or trolling is?????????


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Apr 12, 2023
Ffs kk jodie ain't trolled you once. Im so sorry that you're so jealous of her, these things can't be helped sometimes. All I see on jodies stories is fact and opinion. She ain't gone for your children once, which is very big of her considering some of the s you spout on the daily. Youll never be jodie and you'll never have her life. You'll never have people that like you like we like her.
May 23, 2023
Ffs kk jodie ain't trolled you once. Im so sorry that you're so jealous of her, these things can't be helped sometimes. All I see on jodies stories is fact and opinion. She ain't gone for your children once, which is very big of her considering some of the s you spout on the daily. Youll never be jodie and you'll never have her life. You'll never have people that like you like we like her.
Having hatred and jealousy towards anybody is just like holding on to a hot coal - it only burns your own hand. So they try and say the mean things in the hopes of handing that hot coal over to me, but I already have my hands full 😍. So the coal burns more intensely, the words get meaner until one day, they have to drop it because the pain becomes so unbearable 🙏🏽 because I can hand on heart assure you I ain’t taking that coal off of anybody🔥
Long story short I guarantee they give up trying to hurt my feelings before my feelings ever get hurt 😴🤣

Frank Farmer

Jul 29, 2023
Let’s have a little gander at this screenshot shall we? This was a post I made about a woman I unfriended on Facebook cos I thought she was a t who then tried adding me back as a friend (cos I’m amazeballs of course).
It’s fing old!!! Probably 3/4 years old. She’s scrolled through that many years of posts and screenshotted that, along with countless others and sent them via WhatsApp to somebody???? And I’M THE OBSESSED ONE???
Was this ss trying to prove me to be a troll? For making a statement on my named Facebook account?

Do you actually know what a troll or trolling is?????????
Yam did you manage to listen to those voice notes I sent you? I know it was hundreds of them, but wondered how you like you tea? Hot or scalding ..
Apr 21, 2023
Aw do sake did I miss cocktail night.
So just to recap, @Kkssugardaddypj is absolutely the big bald moon head who gets pissed up on a weekend and thinks she’s a road man. Yet is the only person on this forum with an actual obsessed deranged agenda against kk. Kk’s created yet another account to start on Paul and yam. And then because they’ve got no brain cells between them, they’ve come for yams kids again.
I’m glad I missed cocktail night, it’s the same old drunks in the corner telling the same old story 🤣
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