Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Apr 16, 2023
Then there's these delusional idiotic ramblings. Until she finally admits in her last message 'I liked him, he didn't like me, so I ended the friendship' - aka 'he rejected me so I rejected him'. What she fails to admit is that once she 'ended the friendship' she went on to talk about him all over his social media, block and unblock, post his picture and name everywhere and try to belittle him while spinning her own narrative. ONLY THEN did Paul join us here because she stone walled him leaving him unable to respond to her accusations and stand up for himself. Even now she continues to speak about him like this on her social media.
Jesus christ is she still banging on about paul, KK get a fkn life man, he wanted nowt to do with you get over him you fkn muppet.
Apr 16, 2023

She is one of the people that completely believes their own lies and it’s hilarious because every time she goes on one of these mad rants it makes her look like such a fool.
She's only doing it for attention, she has nothing to post, so let's drag up paul again, bore off KK your pissed because Loubeg getting more attention than you
Apr 16, 2023
If I had a dick she would absolutely make it shrivel up
Apr 16, 2023
Going through her stories and apparently the "trolls" just want to get a name on the Internet but the only one posting to IG and TT is KKK. We are on a forum with like minded people, sharing our horrific experiences of being targeted by HER and she thinks this is bullying? KKK you dirty t, I wouldn't be here had you not randomly doxxed me one day, someone you don't know and who was uninvolved in everything. I wasn't part of insta 4 years ago, wasn't part of the group chats you and others were in. You don't even know who I am cos you've started on sooo many innocent people. Isn't that worrying?

If a thread was made about me, I'd know exactly who it was because I'm not disliked by enough people for it to be a mystery! Don't you find it weird YOU are the common denominator in all this?? And you keep saying "she" done it to get a reaction, talking about Yam.. but from what I can see, myself and several others have voice notes so whys your fanny so wet for the kraken all the time? You fing weirdo.

Everything you've ranted on about, you delusional do, doesn't come close to what you've done. Didn't mention how you harassed our Pauls kids as well did you? But he's so in the wrong and for what? Seeing straight through your act and knowing you're a dangerous, poisonous t and legging it from ya.

You know what's empty? Your life. I don't sit and night and have to eat 10 packs of sweets, a grab bag of crisps and 3 dinners to feel whole.. I have my partner doing that while he massages my feet. While we laugh and chat, while the kids giggles travel downstairs.. what have you got? Not a fing lot. A Smelly dog, a baby dad whose tied to you and doesn't want to be and 2 degenerates for children, who are that way because of YOU. Your life is empty, hollow, and that's exactly why you have time to file 100 fake police reports.. or should I say find everyone's mum, 2nd cousin and job they left 5 years ago. You're pathetic. A scummy mummy who hangs washing out her front. Says it all.

Lying about keeping decorum in public, well no one I know orders 5 cakes when out you classless fing beast.

I am DYING for this police report to be real, its time to rally around, gather up our heaps and heaps of evidence and hand it all over and show them the TRUTH. Because then you can't hide behind your fake narrative, t. Not when you're the dickhead with the conviction.
Apr 16, 2023
If she would spend a wee bit less time worrying about dust on skirting boards, and some more focused on her kids’ development they’d be much better off.

Did anyone notice those kids could barely speak a word before they started school? Speaks volumes about their home life. As the health visitor told her when the boy was a toddler (when she was so offended that the HV wanted to refer him to speech therapy) less tv and get rid of the dummy. Honestly, children who are at school and still sucking on a dummy is shameful. Just screams lazy parenting. (A video that was posted of the little girl getting the Elsa make up table thing, she had a dummy in her hand. I think someone here posted the video too. And a later video in the hotel the boy’s dummy was there).

And before she starts about SEN. My youngest child has Down’s syndrome. I’m painfully aware of what it’s like bringing up a child with additional needs.

I’d suggest taking them to a library, but they’d destroy the books, I’m sure. Also KK, FYI how you always talk about your kids wrecking the furniture, their clothes and toys. That comes from a place of boredom and frustration.

A dirty kitchen floor? Bold of her to shout about that when her kids are playing on a carpet the dog and shat and pissed on multiple times! Carpet cleaners don’t lift all of it. An Only Fans superstar and still hasn’t replaced that manky carpet!

I can understand you don’t want to put a lot of money in to a rented house. But you could carpet or laminate that small living room for £200/£300. I thought that would be pennies to such a big time OF creator!

Are her skirting boards cleaner than mine? Absolutely, yes. But do I give my children a dummy, and park them in front of the tv to keep them quiet while I clean them? Nope. Kids are little for such a short time.

Seriously, I genuinely feel sorry for those kids. How are they ever going to have friends? K will start a row with every friend they ever get’s parents. Then she’ll s them off over social media. Poor kids. It’s not their fault.
Apr 12, 2023
Then there's these delusional idiotic ramblings. Until she finally admits in her last message 'I liked him, he didn't like me, so I ended the friendship' - aka 'he rejected me so I rejected him'. What she fails to admit is that once she 'ended the friendship' she went on to talk about him all over his social media, block and unblock, post his picture and name everywhere and try to belittle him while spinning her own narrative. ONLY THEN did Paul join us here because she stone walled him leaving him unable to respond to her accusations and stand up for himself. Even now she continues to speak about him like this on her social media.
Was flicking through her stories earlier and honestly couldn’t even be arsed to read it all, I knew already it was going to be more delusional bullshit 🤡

Maybe it’s time for us to put out a public advert like they do for PPI and finally make the t accountable for the evil s she has done, there must be thousands of people now!

Have you been a victim of The Beast of Dunstables Delusional behaviour?
Have you left SM because of bullying or continuous green eyed torment?
Have you been abused then blocked and had malicious lies told about you just to suit her narrative?
Contact us today and join forces in getting this rancid hot dog sectioned for the good of all man kind!

Call 0121 Do one KKK 🐷
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Frank Farmer

Jul 29, 2023
Was flicking through her stories earlier and honestly couldn’t even be arsed to read it all, I knew already it was going to be more delusional bullshit 🤡

Maybe it’s time for us to put out a public advert like they do for PPI and finally make the t accountable for the evil s she has done, there must be thousands of people now!

Have you been a victim of The Beast of Dunstables Delusional behaviour?
Have you left SM because of bullying or continuous green eyed torment?
Have you been abused then blocked and had malicious lies told about you just to suit her narrative?
Contact us today and join forces in getting this rancid hot dog sectioned for the good of all man kind!

Call 0121 Do one KKK 🐷
You missed "Have you had itchy bollocks and fear you may have caught a dose?"
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