Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Apr 16, 2023
@Yammyssubstanceaddiction so true, what can a 4 year old do that requires a "bolloking" ??? Isn't that the age where you sit them down for 5 minutes on their own, then come back and have a conversation with them about whats happened and try and understand them and work together to make them happy again? Or explain why you dont do XYZ but that its okay now we will just move on and take it on board for next time? It's madness.

@LousCostaCoffeeCup it's heart wrenching isn't it! It's bad enough she had a man around her kids with on the register, who's name she didn't even know but even this is a step too far for her.

@It’s all the drama Mick totally agree they should be ignored. They're here to derail and although we've been told countless times "I'm not KKK" I struggle to believe or comprehend how anyone but herself would dismiss the abuse of a child unless they're the culprit.
Apr 16, 2023
@DoIKnowYouHun its crazy isn't it, she almost seems like she's bragging, speaking of how she gave Bira a black eye and then gave the school what for, for daring to bring it up!! Who does that? What normal, sane person does that? Monster is the perfect description for her. She's bloody vile. I think it's been so long since she's had any friends other than 5head she doesn't understand most people would be sickened by her behaviour.


May 3, 2023
You’ve got to be looking at yourself as to why your child still has a dummy at 4 (excluding additional needs). It’s not the little girls fault however troublesome she wants to paint her as. As you’ve all said, she’s fING 4 YEARS OLD. There’s all sorts of ways you can deal with that, launching a soft toy at her and swearing at her isn’t the one. Kayleigh has the emotional regulation of a 2 year old herself. I think she should be given a bloody dummy.
Apr 20, 2023
I don’t understand any of it, but I really don’t understand why she’d admit to all of it, I mean there’s no shame in her voice or guilt. No contrition. It’s all a they’ve got it in for me sort of attitude. Telling all this to a man she fancied?! What part of her thinks yeah a decent fella will hear all of that and think I’m worth it?! That’s what scrambles my brain, does she really think she’s done nothing wrong and this is normal parenting life? None of what comes out of her mouth is something I relate to as a Mother.
That for me is what makes her so dangerous


Aug 13, 2023
Thank GOD our Paul is one of life’s treasures. Imagine (and please do not think I’m accusing Paul of this) he was a wrongen and heard the little girl wore no pants. Knew her school and managed to get his foot in the door and around those children! This could have ended sooooo differently! Imagine if Paul was Kev not Kev?! Honestly guys today has absolutely sickened me.
Apr 12, 2023
You’ve got to be looking at yourself as to why your child still has a dummy at 4 (excluding additional needs). It’s not the little girls fault however troublesome she wants to paint her as. As you’ve all said, she’s fING 4 YEARS OLD. There’s all sorts of ways you can deal with that, launching a soft toy at her and swearing at her isn’t the one. Kayleigh has the emotional regulation of a 2 year old herself. I think she should be given a bloody dummy.
A dummy’s a comforter for them and after hearing the voice notes sounds like all the comforting the poor baby gets 🥲


Aug 13, 2023
Also… I don’t believe it was a beanie baby toy either that was thrown. My kids have these toys, and my youngest especially has a huge collection of them. None has ever marked her even when she’s slept and rolled on them. The only hard bit on them is the eyes and that’s smaller than a fing coin. Definitely not something that could black someone’s eye (in my opinion)


Aug 13, 2023
Also… I don’t believe it was a beanie baby toy either that was thrown. My kids have these toys, and my youngest especially has a huge collection of them. None has ever marked her even when she’s slept and rolled on them. The only hard bit on them is the eyes and that’s smaller than a fing coin. Definitely not something that could black someone’s eye (in my opinion)


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Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
I have no words.. Admitting to throwing a toy at her daughter in anger and giving her a black eye.
WOW. The worst bit about all of this is how she 'thinks nothing of it' and then acts hard done by when she asked about it. Vile, disgusting sorry excuse of a mother. How she spoke about her little girl is just heart breaking. Of all the things this monster has been accused of doing or not doing this is by far the worst. Cant even take accountability or apologise for hurting her child. Just straight into 'poor me', all about her the self centred t. Women like that do not deserve children. One day they will be able to make the choice themselves and walk away from that s stain of a mother.
Apr 16, 2023
They're soft toys at the end of the day, my kids face planted onto the floor thats made of pebbles when they tripped and went off of decking and there was a slight scrape but that didn't black the eye!! Even when running straight into the wall because of playing "dizzy dinosaurs" there was a red mark for what, an hour that never bruised and though initial gut worry while going to console her was "do do do her face!" There was no bruising and that was at age 3 or 4. To seriously bruise a face like that to the point you mistake it for PAINT?!?!!! That's some serious damage done by more than a soft toy.


May 3, 2023
Wee details as well, like if she’d come home covered in paint why’s she getting up the next morning with paint (like Kayleigh thought) on her face?! Do they not have a bath at night? Or is that the kids responsibility as well? Bet wee B got into trouble for going to school with no pants on 😔 Does she still show the whole putting the outfits out the night before? Surely she’d see the pants still lying if B hadn’t put them on? Poor little soul.


Apr 30, 2023
@DoIKnowYouHun its crazy isn't it, she almost seems like she's bragging, speaking of how she gave Bira a black eye and then gave the school what for, for daring to bring it up!! Who does that? What normal, sane person does that? Monster is the perfect description for her. She's bloody vile. I think it's been so long since she's had any friends other than 5head she doesn't understand most people would be sickened by her behaviour.
Don’t even think she’s mates with child snatcher anymore either
May 23, 2023
Wee details as well, like if she’d come home covered in paint why’s she getting up the next morning with paint (like Kayleigh thought) on her face?! Do they not have a bath at night? Or is that the kids responsibility as well? Bet wee B got into trouble for going to school with no pants on 😔 Does she still show the whole putting the outfits out the night before? Surely she’d see the pants still lying if B hadn’t put them on? Poor little soul.
Thought the same about the paint. How does the perfect mother not see the paint on them when drying them off and putting on PJs unless that’s another job the kids are expected to do themselves? Brush your own hair, put yourself to bed, see you in the morning briefly while I point at the things I laid out for you the previous night so you can dress yourself because ‘I’m busy getting the kids ready’ 🥲

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
Has the beast been posting today? I’ve not seen anything. She is disgusting how can you hurt a four year old like that
Nope she has not posted anything today. Says it all really. She is probably running round trying to do damage control like last time, contacting SS herself to let them know the nasty trolls are coming for her. Only this time it's not just words from strangers that are been shared, it is Kayleighs own words that she has shared with someone. Boasting about what she has done and how she doesn't care. How she just blames the school / nursery when they raise concerns to her. She needs to stay in whatever hole she has crawled into. Of all the things, let's hope if she does address it she is at the very least able to express some deep remorse, accountability all without defense or blame on others. She is disgusting!!!
Apr 16, 2023
@EducatedMoron I'm worried that she may have got in trouble at home for telling the school her mum hurt her. Imagine 😔 I can see KKK now "bolloking" her for reaching out for help 😭

@Yammyssubstanceaddiction it's gross knowing she leaves them to their own devices. Busy doing what?? Eating breakfast, planning what she's gonna have for a meal deal for her 2nd breakfast then watching that stupid mind seed TV. She's scum. Her mum will be fing turning in her grave!

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
The scummy parents she refers to that the school look out for are parents just like her. She is that scummy parent! Amd it's nothing to do with how she looks on the school run, it's how they see her with her children, how she speaks to the teachers at the school, how the other parents speak about what they know about Kayleigh and about how her children behave and what they say. The school dont care that you are in your scruffs with no make up on you imbecile, they care about the back eye your child has, the lack of underwear, the language and behaviours of your children that they have learnt at home. THATS how they KNOW you are a scummy parent you stupid, thick, ignorant animal.
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