Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Apr 16, 2023
But what’s so different to what you’re all doing?! Contacting HER friends, HER family. Finding her work places. Calling social on her. Trying to ruin her life no one is excusing what she did back then, especially not me, I think that’s far from okay, and always did think that BUT how is becoming the troll making you any better? Two wrongs will never make a right. Instead of ignoring her behaviour back then, a vendetta was made, and then a bunch of you have spent years doing to her, what she once did to someone else. I don’t excuse the black eye either, however I also don’t instantly believe she intentionally caused it.

Thankfully, I’m not middle aged yet, not even close, married, have a small bunch of friends, two young children.. I don’t think we need to get into what makes someone “broken” though, because I could ask you a similar question.
Who from here has contacted Kayleigh’s friends/family/workplace??


Aug 10, 2023
The only person ruining Kayleigh’s life is her. And FYI I do indeed believe that I am better than her. She lives a lonely existence, she desperately craves attention and validation and doesn’t care who it comes from. She is severely obese and her diet is a recipe for disaster. She is illiterate and ignorant. She is a neglectful Mother and I mean emotionally neglectful, she is so materialistic that she believes a house full of tat and mountains of processed food constitutes good parenting. Her Children’s behaviour and very obvious delays are all of her own doing and she has set them up for a lifetime of struggles. She is quite clearly a terrible partner. She is a truly terrible Dog owner 😔. She is unable to maintain a relationship with any friends or family. She is delusional and the biggest hypocrite I have ever come across. She seethes with jealousy at others lives, happiness and achievements. And last of all she lives in a little hovel that she absolutely detests. So just to clarify my blessed life is incomparable to hers and I do believe I am better than her.
She’s neglected them from day 1. And people that followed her way back when, will agree.
The fact that her children are delayed is completely down to her not parenting them. And I don’t mean a 15 min walk to the park or an hour at soft play. I mean sitting down and reading to them, writing, colouring in, painting. All the things normal parents do to help develop their children.

I’m just going to say this and I don’t care who I offend… the fact that Bobby started school in nappies and both kids used dummies past the age of 4 is abhorrent and 💯 down to lazy parenting. She was a stay at home mum, so had the luxury of being with her children 24/7 (something that those of us who work full time would love to have) so she has no fing excuse other than she is a lazy slobby t!!
She chose to shove a dummy in their gubs and Tablets in their faces, day in day out, so she could spend her days trolling people online.

I’ve personally heard voice notes of her shouting at the kids and Dan too and KK saying all the does is shout at them at bedtime. So giving her kid a black eye is just the tip of the iceberg of what’s went on in that house.
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Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
But what’s so different to what you’re all doing?! Contacting HER friends, HER family. Finding her work places. Calling social on her. Trying to ruin her life no one is excusing what she did back then, especially not me, I think that’s far from okay, and always did think that BUT how is becoming the troll making you any better? Two wrongs will never make a right. Instead of ignoring her behaviour back then, a vendetta was made, and then a bunch of you have spent years doing to her, what she once did to someone else. I don’t excuse the black eye either, however I also don’t instantly believe she intentionally caused it.

Thankfully, I’m not middle aged yet, not even close, married, have a small bunch of friends, two young children.. I don’t think we need to get into what makes someone “broken” though, because I could ask you a similar question.
It's not her behaviour 'back then' this is her behaviour NOW, CURRENT, PRESENT. Are you backwards?
Apr 20, 2023
You clearly have no real view on what a child’s care home is truly like. They aren’t all fun and sunshine like the show Tracey beaker would have had you believe. Children in care homes are often left far more neglected than before. Like I said, you lot don’t care about her children at all, just her downfall. Whether that drags the kids down too, you don’t care.
I have an inlaw who’s a social worker. And from what I’ve been told I can hand on heart say them kids would be better in a home than with you
Apr 20, 2023
How can random bitches be on here condoning child abuse? Condoning giving a child a black eye by throwing a toy so hard during a 'bollocking'. Whether you are Kk or not you're all as sick and delusional as each other. If you don't agree with this comment then YES it was aimed at you.
This. Like wtf is going on here? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Aug 12, 2023
I have yes, and do I agree with her actions? Definitely not, can I tell by the voicenote that she’s remorseful but hiding it? Yes. Because I’m not just out to ruin her life. Those children aren’t abused. Or neglected. Far from it. And you guys are wanting to waste socials time, when the service is already stretched enough, which just makes it more likely that the children who are being physically abused, hurt, bullied by their parents to be missed by them. To slip through the cracks.
Ok i have no words..,
Nov 21, 2023
I’m going to say this again. I don’t condone giving children a black eye. I don’t condone not reading to your children, not putting the effort in because it IS lazy, of course it is. What I also don’t condone is the witch hunt of a woman who maybe just needs help, whether that’s from a social giving her advice, a plant to help her help her children, a doctor to help with mental health or diagnose any underlining issues her and her children may have, but instead of any of you thinking about that it’s instantly come to “those children shouldn’t be there” “she doesn’t love her children” “those children would be happier in a home”.
You’re all as bad as eachother, and just as bad as you believe she is too.

I also don’t give a flying toss about anyone smoking weed, unless the woman’s passing the joints to her kids why would anyone care?
Apr 20, 2023
I’m going to say this again. I don’t condone giving children a black eye. I don’t condone not reading to your children, not putting the effort in because it IS lazy, of course it is. What I also don’t condone is the witch hunt of a woman who maybe just needs help, whether that’s from a social giving her advice, a plant to help her help her children, a doctor to help with mental health or diagnose any underlining issues her and her children may have, but instead of any of you thinking about that it’s instantly come to “those children shouldn’t be there” “she doesn’t love her children” “those children would be happier in a home”.
You’re all as bad as eachother, and just as bad as you believe she is too.

I also don’t give a flying toss about anyone smoking weed, unless the woman’s passing the joints to her kids why would anyone care?
Why you wasting your Tuesday night to write this? No one gives a do love


Aug 10, 2023
But what’s so different to what you’re all doing?! Contacting HER friends, HER family. Finding her work places. Calling social on her. Trying to ruin her life no one is excusing what she did back then, especially not me, I think that’s far from okay, and always did think that BUT how is becoming the troll making you any better? Two wrongs will never make a right. Instead of ignoring her behaviour back then, a vendetta was made, and then a bunch of you have spent years doing to her, what she once did to someone else. I don’t excuse the black eye either, however I also don’t instantly believe she intentionally caused it.

Thankfully, I’m not middle aged yet, not even close, married, have a small bunch of friends, two young children.. I don’t think we need to get into what makes someone “broken” though, because I could ask you a similar question.
“We” aren’t all doing that so don’t come in here tarring every member with the same brush. The member who contacted social services was a school mum and being honest, if I found out half the things KK has done and her kids went to my kids school, I’d be doing the EXACT same thing.

KK has never once apologised for her behaviour, not once. So make no mistake, she has no remorse.

How anyone can witness that behaviour and CONTINUE TO FOLLOW AND DEFEND HER blows my fing mind.

Throwing something at a child’s face and not intending to cause hurt??? Pull the other one 😂

And please please for the love of god stop saying her behaviour is in the “past”.

It’s very much in the present. And let’s not forget. She put herself in this position. She got rejected by P and rather than taking it like a woman and moving on, she slagged him to thousands of strangers on her insta and TikTok and when he caught wind, he had no other option to come on here and defend himself. He was a complete gentleman and didn’t call her out her name until she lied about where they met, contacted his daughter and then spread horrific lies about this man to thousands of followers again. And that, my naive little friend, was her downfall. And although P had to go through all that, I’m so glad he came here and helped confirm what many of us knew already, that your dear dear friend KK is a dirty s and child abuser.

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
I’m going to say this again. I don’t condone giving children a black eye. I don’t condone not reading to your children, not putting the effort in because it IS lazy, of course it is. What I also don’t condone is the witch hunt of a woman who maybe just needs help, whether that’s from a social giving her advice, a plant to help her help her children, a doctor to help with mental health or diagnose any underlining issues her and her children may have, but instead of any of you thinking about that it’s instantly come to “those children shouldn’t be there” “she doesn’t love her children” “those children would be happier in a home”.
You’re all as bad as eachother, and just as bad as you believe she is too.

I also don’t give a flying toss about anyone smoking weed, unless the woman’s passing the joints to her kids why would anyone care?
Well referrals to social have been made so she can get parenting help from them.

She can go to the doctor herself who can support her mental health.

She is a grown woman. She needs to access the support available to her, but first she needs to admit something isn't right and that there's a problem. Does she do that? No. She goes on the attack instead and makes things worse for herself.


Aug 10, 2023
Who from here has contacted Kayleigh’s friends/family/workplace??
The person claiming to be the neighbours daughter said she was contacting the social service’s and I think she was in contact with Dans mum too. I’m sure someone advised P to contact OF about her sharing private information (gdpr). That’s all I have seen.

Just to reiterate… KK has no friends or family and who the do knows where she’s working these days so who is there to contact?? 😂😂😂

Maggot Robbie

Jun 5, 2023
I have yes, and do I agree with her actions? Definitely not, can I tell by the voicenote that she’s remorseful but hiding it? Yes. Because I’m not just out to ruin her life. Those children aren’t abused. Or neglected. Far from it. And you guys are wanting to waste socials time, when the service is already stretched enough, which just makes it more likely that the children who are being physically abused, hurt, bullied by their parents to be missed by them. To slip through the cracks.
I disagree. She was not remorseful in the slightest. Why on God's green earth would you tell a stranger about that if you had any remorse?
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