Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Jealous A Cup

Apr 19, 2023
Kayleigh is such an embarrassment. She is one lonely jaffa orange 🍊 all this talk on here about receipts she should be thanking us she has had something to keep her occupied this weekend. I totally believe she is on the fiddle with benefits. I believe she is a narcissistic abuser to Dan - financially, emotionally and physically. Poor man is scared sless because she uses the kids as weapons. He should just take them to his parents and not bring them back, take you to court using all that's been said as evidence and get custody.

The kids will end up on the receiving end of her narcissism eventually when Dan grows. I totally believe she can't stand being round them now and believe what has been said about her calling Bobby a dispicable name.

Kayleigh when your kids are at school and nursery (when you can be bothered to take them) what do you do? We know your "content day" is Sunday. Why not do it in the week and spend sometime parenting at weekend and giving them fun. We go away and have days out most weekends - your doing so well apparently selling your anaemic udders and punched lasagne you could afford this, no?

I guarantee it's not just us in here and on tattle talking about you. Your whole local community does, the neighbours, the school mums. Your reputation is dog s and it won't get you far in life.
Apr 20, 2023
Bored because your being told facts and not like a pig in s over vile untrue accusations. Ruined your fun have I.

Honestly the mentality.
Kayleigh you seriously need to get some fulfilment in your life. I know your children will never be able to give you that so maybe get a hobby that isn’t sitting on your phone all day talking s. You must be so deeply unhappy in your life. I am actually starting to feel sorry for you
Aug 1, 2023
KKK everything you say is a lie, you started with been busy with the kids? Pfttt. Yeah okay and I've been busy with Henry Cavill🤦🏻‍♀️ start as you mean to go on hun, without bare faced lies as usual.

And not your jam anymore, since when? Since you can't cut out bits and doctor screen shots to your narrative?

People with an ounce of common sense will know its quite believable, more than believable in fact, to see people like you (scum) calling your kids names, parenting poorly (which you prove weekly if not daily yourself, on your SM accounts) and that you beat and abuse dan as well. The fact you're a thief, of course you are. People like you (scum) do scummy things. So it's not unbelievable at all.

Also what's a take teller? Legit can't work that one out, you illiterate fing t.

Paul knocked you back, get over it. You're not even wanted by a 57 year old man (soz if that's wrong Paul mate and you're younger) but really KKK. That's how repugnant you are. An older man isn't even desperate for you, because he may be older but he's not a fing idiot. What's that screen shot about as well? I see no proof of him harassing you, but have soo much proof of you harrassing and belittling him and his daughter. Your posts aren't "nothing more, nothing less" KKK, you fing whale. They're bullying, harassment and stalking. Things you claim everyone in the world does to you but you've never done it yourself? Funny that, eh?

But thanks for saying you'll answer questions. Why did you say you had a misscarriage and not an abortion? Because this whole loss thing, I don't disagree it's not a loss but you didn't frame it that way, did you KK? Why do you post your kids on SM between your vile half naked posts? Why did you post naked with a memorial flower arrangements that children usually have at their graveside? Why are you weirdly jealous and obsessed with yamfoot, and why when you post about her, do you share photos of her as a literal child? And her children?

Still catching up on this s show so I'll be back with more soon, thanks for your patience spunk breath🙏
do yes to all this this. do YES!
Apr 16, 2023
From all the evidence in here, the calls to social are justified. You’re having men around to the children’s home whose name you don’t even know. You’re using your kids as bait to your porn site also. These are two things YOU have posted for the world to see. You’re a massive safeguarding risk to them children kayleigh
👏👏👏 100%

Frank Farmer

Jul 29, 2023
@theallegedsugardaddy did you come here before or after KK posted the stories about you?
Not totally sure, I think once I saw that the belief was I was paying for a prostitute, I felt the need to set the record straight. I had been made aware that she had been on her live telling lies about abandoning her, and some other se she had made up
Aug 1, 2023
Nurse, she is out of bed again!

The truth has green told, and shown in screenshot, Kayleigh. I do reserve the right to put the record straight. Something you failed to do on your stories and lives.

If I am not being truthful, unblock me and I will willingly have a discussion with you for all to see

I am really sorry that you wanted more out of our friendship than I did. Genuinely. I respected your requests, and only posted on this forum to set the record straight

I was polite, did not s you off, but you felt the need to slander, lie, defame my character, contacted my daughter, issued threats, committed a cyber crime more than once, and continued to post lies to boost your views for your own game

You posted things that you thought would hurt me, and humiliate me. They didn't, as you clearly had me confused for someone who gave an actual do what you thought

But there comes a point in time, and I advised you should you continue you behaviours and actions towards me,bor my family, that I would take the appropriate action to bring the matter to a close

I did pay for most things on that day. I paid for the tickets to the theatre, which you were going to go halves on, but didn't. I paid for lunch, I do that with close friends, I may pay for one, they may pay for one. I paid for the cab, as I wanted to ensure a friend got home safe

But ultimately I paid for the above not because I was paying for your services, nothing could be further from the truth

I paid because you said you were vert tight on money, your OF revenue had dropped through the floor, you mentioned you had just earnt £50 odd quid leading up to the day, and you needed more stories / content to supply to your Scottish Sun friend to drive subs to your OF page. You said you had no money. I am not a money person. I would give my last pound if it helped a friend

My ex wife, I am not obsessed with her. I talked about the issues she had caused the family, the kids mostly. Her bra size did come up a few times, and you asked to see photos of her, which I supplied

You seemed obsessed about her, asking if I still loved her etc. Fact is I thought we were two mates chatting about previous experiences and relationships, I have told my story go friends a lot over the past 18 months, you were no different

My only narrative has only been the truth, and setting the record straight

If you want my silence, stopping posting s about me. Until you do, I will continue to provide the truth

Again, sorry you got blown out by an OAP, sorry that you can fish it out, but don't like it back, sorry the truth does not meet your narrative and seems to make you rabid

The thing I never understood was why you felt the need to to have such a docial media presence, with everything you had going on in your life, put yours and your family welfare first.

Sadly, the more I look jntonthings, I do think you are unwell, and need genuine help. You are destroying lives with your obsession of being an influencer, it really isn't healthy. For your sake, andvthatbof the family, reach out and get help before itv really is too late and you regret your behaviour and actions later in time
OH HELL YES TO THIS TOO! do ME ! paul you absolute legend.

Frank Farmer

Jul 29, 2023
I liked Paul, Paul didn't like me unfortunetly as you can see I deleted the convo I had no reason to keep the convo to use against him maliciously .

I didn't want to stay in the friendship and that's it.

A couple asked about him in my live, I said what I said which I can back this up if necessary and he then proceeded to talk about me on here and body shame me etc yes i did bite back with a silly tiktok and a few silly rants as ANY female would do after telling a male to leave them alone constantly and not being left alone .

just to add again ..my few ranty posts aimed at paul was after telling him multiple times to leave me alone even asking his daughter to ask him also.

Nothing more nothing less .
Pure Enid Blyton
Apr 17, 2023

Come on down Kayleigh
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