Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Apr 21, 2023
She had her details. They were pals for 6 years. Why not call her? If she blocked her number, call her from her mans. Make up a new Facebook/ insta and reach out there. If I was friends with someone for 6 years and they turned on me like that, I’d try everything to get in contact and find out what the hell went on. I wouldn’t go to the one place that I know my ex friend detested.
I got the impression they were not irl friends but online friends 🤷‍♀️


Aug 10, 2023
Kayleigh you are worthless, from birth to death you will have brought nothing positive or good to this earth. You are a complete waste of space, a nobody. One of those people who if you disappeared tomorrow there would be no tears or sadness, no one telling your children funny tales of you or stories of you being kind and caring. No great selfless moments that Dan can share with the kids about you. Nothing that can make them think “I’m proud she was my mum”.
There would only be a massive sigh of relief from almost every single human being you have encountered.
I can’t even fathom how you sleep at night knowing this. Or how you can look into they innocence kids eyes and know deep down that you and your actions have already sealed their fate. It’s criminal.

Apr 29, 2023
Kayleigh you are worthless, from birth to death you will have brought nothing positive or good to this earth. You are a complete waste of space, a nobody. One of those people who if you disappeared tomorrow there would be no tears or sadness, no one telling your children funny tales of you or stories of you being kind and caring. No great selfless moments that Dan can share with the kids about you. Nothing that can make them think “I’m proud she was my mum”.
There would only be a massive sigh of relief from almost every single human being you have encountered.
I can’t even fathom how you sleep at night knowing this. Or how you can look into they innocence kids eyes and know deep down that you and your actions have already sealed their fate. It’s criminal.

God I love you 😂

Frank Farmer

Jul 29, 2023
Oh and Paul your irrelevant just get over the fact we arnt friends anymore. These people are not your friends .

Yet do continue to sit in this forum trolling me because you must be really hurt to keep wonderinf what I'm doing and talking about me. It's really odd behaviour from a man your age . Heaven forbid anyone ever does this to your kids.

Let's get 1 thing straight, you did do this to my daughter, you brought her into things.

I have never once mentioned or spoken about you children, for me it is an absolute no-no

My age wasn't a problem when you were creaming your undercrackers thinking you had cracked the jackpot because uou thought I was loaded, was it?

Get help, seriously. Get meds for whatever condition you have before you end up completely rabid and licking windows

Jealous A Cup

Apr 19, 2023
Doubt any of that will happen though, still waiting for this better life she bangs on about
That's what she saw Paul as. An older (sorry Paul) man who can take her down the west end and fund her ambitions of a better lifestyle. That's why she's so pissed.
No longer getting taken down the west end but taken down Dunstable's back alleys by a local roadman 😂😂😂 #ambitious I'm very jealous
Aug 1, 2023
Oh the exact same thing how you trolls have done ? Commented ? Aired ? Re shared ? Do you not think it dangerous calling me a fing peadophile ? That my kids sexually abuse each other? Etc etc because many of you in here have!

Don't even start with any moral highground of me posting anything when you have written , spread and liked the most hideous s I have ever read in my life.
Omg did your kids sexually abuse each other 🥴
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Apr 20, 2023
She isn’t interested in her kids. We are more concerned about their safety than she is.

She’s been told for years about how her online activities will impact her children now and later on life and she doesn’t give a do. She craves the validation from strangers online and values that more than her Children’s happiness.
This. She only has them for the benefits. She’d gladly ship them off with ss if they stopped bringing in any money
Aug 13, 2023
Actually she put up a story showing a black guy sat at the table in her living room with her children there too. The one who used her washing machine who, to true KK form, she fell out with very soon after.
mayb he washin machne fixed bro
Y u h8in on da mannn


Aug 10, 2023
Let's get 1 thing straight, you did do this to my daughter, you brought her into things.

I have never once mentioned or spoken about you children, for me it is an absolute no-no

My age wasn't a problem when you were creaming your undercrackers thinking you had cracked the jackpot because uou thought I was loaded, was it?

Get help, seriously. Get meds for whatever condition you have before you end up completely rabid and licking windows

Paul 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 fing love you!!!
May 23, 2023
Oh get a grip will you, again why are you all so concerned with what I was doing yesterday evening? Are you rhat invested in me ?

I was at a friend's last night is that ok? Would you like photographic wveidenxe of how i spent my evening?, 🫠Sorry I didn't spend my time in here yesterday evening.
‘Ohhhh get a grip will you’ 🤣🤣🤣🤣 somebody take their nan back to the care home 🤣

Lous Alexa

Apr 16, 2023
Let's get 1 thing straight, you did do this to my daughter, you brought her into things.

I have never once mentioned or spoken about you children, for me it is an absolute no-no

My age wasn't a problem when you were creaming your undercrackers thinking you had cracked the jackpot because uou thought I was loaded, was it?

Get help, seriously. Get meds for whatever condition you have before you end up completely rabid and licking windows
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