Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Lous Alexa

Apr 16, 2023
If Dan has any sense, he should seek a family lawyer asap. Just because she has sole tenancy, doesn’t automatically mean he has to leave the property, believe it or not.

He can prove he has been the main contributor to all bills and has solely paid the rent, he can apply to family court and if it’s in the children’s best interest, then she can be removed.

Again, she thinks she knows it all but is extremely thick.

Being the “mum” doesn’t automatically give you all the rights, married or not. She’s the one who has had multiple social services complaints and concerns raised, not him. She’s the one caught driving whilst live on insta and had to take a driving course, she’s also the one who got a caution shoved up her arse because of her online activity.

He could easily apply to court and would probably be in with a really good chance.

Dan - I hope you’re here in the background (or your mum, or neighbour who can rely back to you). And I hope you see that you’re the victim here and no one believes a word that comes from her mouth.
But they have a JOINT tenancy don’t you know. She told us so. And uploaded her evidence showing both their names on some paper.

Apr 22, 2023
I’m not the lady who was on Lou’s live. I just follow both threads. I don’t follow either accounts.
Originally came from tattle, think it was the Kate Hayes thread that introduced me to KK, then this thread and the tattle thread introduced me to Lou.
Aside from the obvious safeguarding concerns for the kids and the awful treatment of Dan I was under the impression that these threads were a bit of fun?
Ahh right. Sorry I just thought I’d you was the person in Lou’s live that it was odd you wasn’t having your say on her thread. Apologies, wellcome to the sshow 😂


Jul 15, 2023
Wet Wang
STI test and morning after pill ☕

Voice note transcript

Sorry about the weird capitals and grammar in advance

So he still wasn’t accepting it. I said look you’re not accepting it. There’s gonna have to be Boundaries. You’re just not accepting it. Then he brought up the whole Kev thing. And he’s like. Did you sleep with him. Did you sleep with him. He just kept going on and on. I said Do you know what. Yeah. I did. I said Yes. Yeah I did. At this point I’ve fing lost it. Yes I did. Now would you fing leave me alone. I said Now will you understand I don’t want to b e with you. Stop Forcing me into something I don’t want to be in. I feel like a prisoner … I don’t want to be here. Coz that’s how I felt. And I am still feeling. He then said that’s why there’s an sti test in your drawer upstairs and that’s when I completely lost it and I said how dare you. How dare you go through my stuff in this house. This isn’t your house. That isn’t your bedroom. You’re going through my stuff. Snooping around like a fing weirdo. I said I’m not fing having this and he was like like that’s why I found the morning after pill as well. Now listen. That morning after pill… I hid. Big time. He went through the fing bins I’m telling you that now, I didn’t leave that anywhere in my drawer, I had it in the car and I remember putting it in the recycle bin. He’s gone through the bin. And this was weeks ago. Because of An accident whatever. Anyway. And I was like wow. I said fing wow. I went upstairs and said If you don’t leave this house I’m gonna call the police. I says You need to leave right now. Right now. Get out. Get out. I screamed get out right now. Obviously the Kids were going fing… crying their fing eyes out coz I’ve have upset them. I said You couldn’t just fing leave it. You couldn’t just Leave it. I said Now look. Now I’ve lost it. The Kids are now upset. Now it’s my fault. Coz that’s what narcissists do to a point. He’s just like his fing mother. He still wouldn’t leave. And then i was like oh that’s the third time you’ve gone snooping in my s and like leave. And obviously when He went to leave and the kids went fing mental. They were Scared obviously coz I was shouting and screaming. So they left with him and that was that Really. But I turned my phone on and I got the voice message. He sent me this Literally half an hour after I left the park and you can tell he uses these kids as a weapon which pissed me off even more.


Apr 16, 2023
To me it looked like she was implying it was for her OF work, the way Goodwin needs regular tests (at regulated test centres) for her work. Not because she shagged some random bloke who’s name she doesn’t even know 🤪
Yeah but we know no one’s gonna pay to shag her. She buys them a takeaway to shag her - that’s the transaction.

KK Kling-on

Apr 16, 2023
I tell what I find odd, that someone could listen to all that and think ‘lovely girl, let’s go to London for cakes’. She doesn’t sound like a victim, she sounds like a bully, which she is.
I think she’s spun this whole story, how Dan has turned her into this bad person. He made her cheat. He made her get angry and so on. It’s very easy to do, and unfortunately even easier if you’re a genuine person with a good heart and thinks the best of people . I think he was completely tricked and manipulated by her with her stories. And if you’ve never come across someone like KKK you wouldn’t know any different
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