Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Apr 16, 2023
I've just found the details for SS and will continue down the "appropreate route" as KKK likes to say, and from then there will be nothing more I can do. Its quite late in the day now and unsurprisingly I am completely drained from what I've heard today. Tomorrow I will be compiling the unclipped and uncropped evidence down into one email, in chronological order into an email and from there all we can do is hope for the best for those poor, neglected, and now we know, physically abused children. Its really sad when a stranger on the Internet cares more about her kids than her and that's saying something.


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Apr 30, 2023
I've just found the details for SS and will continue down the "appropreate route" as KKK likes to say, and from then there will be nothing more I can do. Its quite late in the day now and unsurprisingly I am completely drained from what I've heard today. Tomorrow I will be compiling the unclipped and uncropped evidence down into one email, in chronological order into an email and from there all we can do is hope for the best for those poor, neglected, and now we know, physically abused children. Its really sad when a stranger on the Internet cares more about her kids than her and that's saying something.
What a brave thing to do and honourable , take some time away and breathe . Abuse is never ok in any way shape or form


Apr 17, 2023
Oh stop being so dramatic! Those voice notes were shared months ago. You’re making out like you’ve only just heard them. Did Paul share what he text and voice noted in reply? Bet he didn’t.
You’re a vile nasty excuse of a human being that’s revelling in sharing something that’s heavily biased in one direction. Those voice notes would not stand up in court and you know it. You’re just hoping that some of your sty arse kissers will report so you can try and push the power in numbers narrative. Grow up and get a hobby!!

after listening to the voice notes does it really matter what @Frank Farmer replied? Surely that's irrelevant
Apr 16, 2023
@Lauhugh32 thank you ❤️ I've never made a report to SS before as I've never had too, I really didn't want to do this. I had hoped we could all laugh at her pitiful existence as usual, but this has been far more than I bargained for. I cannot wait to get my kids from school and give them and my partner a big hug. I'm not usually so easily rattled but this takes the cake.
Apr 16, 2023
Isn't it funny none of us hit our kids, and none of them behave in the way B&B do? It all makes sense now. The lashing out, how behind they are.. They've been truly truly neglected. What upset me more is knowing bria told the teacher her mum caused her eye injury and yet no one helped her😔 god knows how long it's been going on! But hopefully they can get KKK the mental health help she needs to parent properly. As I understand it SS are there to help so hopefully after possible parent courses, and constant watching, she changes her violent and abusive behaviour.


Apr 30, 2023
Stop blowing smoke up her ass! She’s neither brave or honourable. She’s a nasty little troll. Bet she does any reporting anonymously because she’s so so brave!
Trolling is when someone post or comments online to deliberately upset others.
This is not to deliberately upset her as she has no emotion unless a packet of Richmond’s dangled in front of her leatherly clad face.
This is to being to light the physical and emotional abuse of two minors.


Apr 16, 2023
I have no words.. Admitting to throwing a toy at her daughter in anger and giving her a black eye.
So she lied to the school about how it happened. It wasn't an accident!
She threw it at her one minute but then said she told the teacher she threw it to her. That's why there is reason to have safeguarding concerns right there.
Apr 16, 2023
@Lauhugh32 I totally agree, so many incidents of pulling her up for the kids being bruised, or not dressed properly?? They should have escalated it further. Its lucky I am before it's too late. I don't think she set out to black her eye but the fact is she admitted she threw it AT her I'm anger, after bolloking her. It's lucky I'm willing to report it now before she lashes out again. Whose to say she couldn't lash out in anger and accidentally seriously injure the child? We all hear of freak accidents where you're pushed, or fall and hit your head wrong and die. She needs to be educated on how to parent before something really scary happens.
Apr 16, 2023
@Lauhugh32 I hope for the kids sake the school take this as far as it can go. They need protecting. She is a monster. For those who missed it..
Accident? is what it is ? Aw that's ok NOT, your a fkn bully, you only bully kids (called another child a name) s scared when it comes to adults though
Apr 16, 2023
New voice note. School concerned about bruises on Bobby and apparently because its on his elbow that means she didn't do it? I find that incredibly hard to believe after what we now know about her giving Bria a black eye. She seems to get very defensive doesn't she? Something I can't see her doing unless she's panicking..
There trying to say she's a s mother who beats her kids, and think's it's ok to tell a complete stranger on line all about it
Apr 16, 2023
How do you know she only knew him for a little while? Oh yeah because he said so. Yet again only going with a small portion of the story because it fits your narrative of the story.

FYI I don’t have a husband, men are disgusting!
No you don't, you just were the fake tatty rings, only 1 that's disgusting is you
Apr 16, 2023
Sorry KK, but are you MORE concerned over voice notes than that fact you’ve admitted you son attacks other children. Bria goes around with no knickers. You ‘bollocked’ Bria resulting in a black eye. You can’t be bothered to fight for your sons special needs. I really don’t care what s I get for this, but I HOPE the person with those voice notes sends them to the social. I hope they’re shared to the school. I hope they’re shared everywhere and some huge fing monster which is what you are in comparison to Bria, blacks your fat fing eye you t.


Apr 16, 2023
Stop blowing smoke up her ass! She’s neither brave or honourable. She’s a nasty little troll. Bet she does any reporting anonymously because she’s so so brave!
A troll? Did you hear them voice notes? Hurting children? Lying to school about it. Sorry Kayleigh but that's abuse and you should absolutely have to answer for your actions. There are only so many times you can cry troll.
A troll didn't make you shout at B or throw a toy at her to where she's bruised. The trolls didn't make you lie to the school about it. It wasn't the trolls not getting your young children dressed for school on a morning.
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