Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Aug 19, 2023
I’m Not unhinged, it’s her parking in my space, I took the photo to show my husband. Unhinged is Kayleigh. Who has men left right and centre, screams daily, smashes things, leaves her kid in the garden crying. Publicly shames a man she doesn’t even know to thousands of people, doesn’t even know his real name (her words) but lets him come to her house. He could be a psycho path for all she knows and her safety is at risk. she’s put her kids at risk. That’s unhinged Love.


Aug 13, 2023
I won't discuss the children, I have been clear about that in the past. However, where is her ex partner in all of this?

If ever someone needed handing a gift horse to enable them to get the kids and themselves away from a seriously toxic situation, they have it handed on a plate for them.
I’d love to know how Dan never noticed the black eye, bruises etc. and if he allowed that to happen, and not physically removed his kids from the home and her, then he is just as bad.

KK Kling-on

Apr 16, 2023
She’s reminding me of baby p’s mum 😡
  • Recognise – the signs of abuse and neglect.
  • Respond – appropriately to concerns about abuse and neglect.
  • Report – concerns to the appropriate authorities.
  • Record – information accurately and appropriately.
  • Review – safeguarding practices regularly to ensure they are effective.
And this is why the five R’s were put into practice, because of baby P’s case, god rest his beautiful soul

Frank Farmer

Jul 29, 2023
I’d love to know how Dan never noticed the black eye, bruises etc. and if he allowed that to happen, and not physically removed his kids from the home and her, then he is just as bad.
I don't know tbh, but if you treat someone like a mushroom, they may become desensitised to the situation. We know he was gaslighted, lied to, verbally abused, allegedly physically abused. Who knows if he was threatened with having access to the children removed, like his parents. I agree that he should of grabbed the kids and run for the hills, but what was his state of mind? He is a victim as well


Nov 2, 2023
Trolls, Tattle & CC were her only content for months on end, constantly referencing the sites. Then blocks anyone who mentioned either site. Absolute crackpot.

Also, what was she doing while her child was going to school with no underwear, what was she doing instead of helping them count to 10, weaning them off a dummy, teaching them right from wrong.

This, this is what she does. fing giant knob head she is. The cringe I am cringing for her ….
My IBS ses have more rhythm flying out my arsehole than that fing heffalump has!!!
May 23, 2023
Seeing videos like this now where we would usually laugh and take the piss are just all a bit more serious and chilling. But yes Kayleigh, you should, can and WILL be stopped.
Time on the clock behind looks like school run time. While the mums are drinking 35p boost with kids who are loved having a gossip (probably about her) kk is online looking for TikTok love. But it’s fine because she earns enough to buy toys to throw at her kids, 19 hour holidays and Xmas presents that you’ve kindly shown them before taking away from them for the month. But off you trot to film a TT about your cute little dinner platters 🙃

KK Kling-on

Apr 16, 2023
Whatever it was that was launched at her was either thrown as such force to cause a bruise… how would I know? I have some of these beanies, got my eldest to launch one at my leg, lots😂 and after the 50th time the eyes caught me, but it didn’t cause enough force to bruise whatsoever. I know the eye area is more delicate, but, it must have been at some fing force to cause a bruise.

So she beat all the odds

*small percentage chance of hitting with the hard bead eyes ☑️

*small chance of it bruising even if it did ☑️

*small chance of anywhere on the child but the child’s eye area being hit ☑️

all these small chances and KKK managed to do them all. She’s also very lucky it wasn’t actually her eyeball it caught, because she would have ended up in A&E for that and possible damage.

Unfortunately all this accidents and incidents, ie the bruising on the boys arms. Thumb print they accused you of? Probably bang on the money there, where you’ve grabbed him or yanked him, and not nicely either, hard enough to cause a perfect bruise the shape and size of your thumb.
Apr 16, 2023
I believe you could easily bruise a child's elbow, or anyone's for that matter if you yanked and squeezed it hard enough. Especially in a rage which we know she's prone too. I don't understand why she kept going "on his ELBOW?!?!" as if any sort of foul play was immediately dismissed because of the body part. Yes KKK. On his elbow where you no doubt flew into a rage and fing dragged the poor boy or god knows what else.

I've had a few hours in bed with my OH and kids (the benefits of a superking, we all fit!) And feel a lot less shaken after a nice family cuddle but still so sad. My partner is disgusted and can't believe her actions, her admitting her actions, and why Dan hasn't stepped in but as said above, being abused and manipulated and blackmailed can really do with your MH.

I also believe it was the dummy that was thrown at her, no doubt hard and at close range for it to bruise like that. It would make sense as the dummy was what she wanted and why wouldn't you HAND your child a toy as a swap for a dummy? Because there was no toy and if there was it was not a beany baby.
Apr 17, 2023
I have no words.. Admitting to throwing a toy at her daughter in anger and giving her a black eye.
“Bruise next to her eye” that would be a black fing eye you appalling excuse for a woman never mind a bloody mother.

And backwards billy isn’t a nice thing to call a child but it is better than feral little monster due to his mother’s neglect
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