Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Ruby Onslow

Nov 13, 2023
I do agree to a point however people have to want the help and she quite clearly doesn’t. She thinks being a t is a cute personality trait and it’s not. It’s a horrific trait which has resulted in her not only ruining her children’s lives but her own too.

For years she has tried to make something of herself online and it’s failed, so she’s resulted to selling herself (and badly at that). She could have maybe made something of herself if she didn’t act the way she does. If she was just a genuine person but she’s not. She doesn’t have a genuine bone in her body. She’s spent probably most of her life acting the way she does now and it’ll take a hell of a long time to rectify that if she even tried. The issue is she’s burned so many bridges along the way that even if by some miracle she does change, she’ll have no one.
Absolutely agree with you
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May 29, 2023
@KK’s Personalities well at least she's informed the police before SS have too!

And @brokenbottle its lucky i have faith in SS then. Its clear shes been reported by the school before by her own admission, so along with the masses of evidence provided, so much more than the school has previously had, they will do more than refer her onto someone she's able to ignore. You can only refuse to better your kids life a few times before they ask why.

Luckily I know exactly how they work and what they offer, and have faith they will take these "claims" (and I use that terms loosely as we have evidence from the horses mouth) seriously. It's very likely they will hold a TAF meeting in reguards to hers and the kids needs but if this is ignored after mounting evidence they will then escalate to a CIN meeting. You simply cannot refuse to better your parenting once on their radar.
You wanna stay off Google you do. You clearly don't know how they work.
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May 3, 2023
I wonder if she ever thought of the repercussions when she behaved the way she does? It was bound to inevitably catch up with her. The only people I feel sorry for are the children to be in the middle of all of that. Their needs aren’t being met, clearly, resulting in what she spoke to Paul about and the behaviour etc that has been witnessed and she’s broadcast. It’s just so sad.

She needs to look within herself and sort it out. I don’t even know if she knows what a nurturing parent looks like. It all starts with her, once she learns how to respond instead of the reactive parenting she’s been practicing it will hopefully filter down. But I hope for the love of god she gets a diagnosis for her son, and her daughter also if she’s displaying traits.

Is she back with Dan? Referring to her partner.

I won’t comment on the mention of taking her life…

Ruby Onslow

Nov 13, 2023
@KK’s Personalities well at least she's informed the police before SS have too!

And @brokenbottle its lucky i have faith in SS then. Its clear shes been reported by the school before by her own admission, so along with the masses of evidence provided, so much more than the school has previously had, they will do more than refer her onto someone she's able to ignore. You can only refuse to better your kids life a few times before they ask why.

Luckily I know exactly how they work and what they offer, and have faith they will take these "claims" (and I use that terms loosely as we have evidence from the horses mouth) seriously. It's very likely they will hold a TAF meeting in reguards to hers and the kids needs but if this is ignored after mounting evidence they will then escalate to a CIN meeting. You simply cannot refuse to better your parenting once on their radar.
I agree that the older child should have CiN status, he is after all a child in need of care and support and that's regardless of Kayleighs lack of parenting. Any child can be CiN because of disability or care needs.

However my point was that everyone seems to think that sending the voice notes off will amount to invoking Child Protection protocols and I don't think that's the case. Is the child at risk of significant harm?

Harm yes, significant harm no. We might not like it but that's the way it is.
Apr 16, 2023
Ok, so let's break this down

1. It's quiet, not quite

2. Her partners mental health, so an admission that they are not separated

3. Doesn't want to share her life on social media, a fing 🤡 and saying she won't let her kids on SM as if it's cos of us not because her ham sandwich is online lol

4. As trolls go, she is describing herself, everything she has listed there she has done to numerous people online, contacting partners, children, work places etc 🙄

5. She has missed the parts out when Kevin made an appearance last night to derail the topics

6. Befriending someone online is fine, but when it doesn't go
the way you wanted it to, and you try to destroy the other person's life online, karma is a t, isn't it? She hasn't just done this to Paul but to several men, nice and not nice men.

7. Just remember, if it wasn't for you, Paul would never have been in a position to create an account on CC to clear his name, you keep leaving the part out where you harrassed him and hia daughter, t!

8. If your mental health is so bad, you are absent from work, 2 days ago you were busy making content with your new lights that you got from the council tip. I bet your employer would be very happy you are creating porn content whilst being too ill to work in a proper job

9. If you were really in touch with the police, you wouldn't share a bad snap of a police website. I mean, talk about sting yourself.
Apr 16, 2023
I came here off the back of her stories I'm probably no better than you for even reading this utter chaos but your annoyed at her for calling her kids names which many of you have admitted to calling your own kids, yet many of you have called her kids bullies if you are a sen mum you would realise kk is actually asd herself her son is asd and high chance her daughter to! Being an adult myself who was only aware I was asd after going down the pathway with my son it's really hard being a parent with addtional needs never being aware and then having to fight for your children its really difficult because more often than not I can't speak for kk but myself was brought up in a home where addtional needs wasn't a thing now is she perfect no but nor are any of you seeing the same select name pop up constantly commenting your all definitely taking the time to read all this hate who has your kids because I've just wasted serval minutes of my life doing this and your doing it hourly all those minutes add up to you 'neglecting' your kids. You mothers are half the issue abusing someone constantly it takes a toll on your mental health when your mental health is bad your patience is thin you don't think straight you are willingly joyfully playing a part does it condone her behaviour no but it also doesn't condone yours, you will be the ones with be kind or when someone takes their life to bullying how sad! When taking a part in this witch hunt. On that note I won't be reading any more I won't be commenting I am definitely not kk just a sen mum seeing many of you perfect mums needing educating a child isn't a bully because he wants to play his game and his way my son is 8 its an issue we have had all our life it is hard for them and it is hard for us children with sen issues process and see things differently doesn't matter how much you tell them the sky is blue if they think its purple its purple research and educate yourselves so that your perfect humans can also be aware that kids aren't always being mean or spoilt brats they are masking or unregulated they are screaming inside because they are struggling with x y and z! Before you have a field day regarding grammar and spelling I am dyslexic and on the pathway of being diagnosed with asd and adhd but then again no point saying that because it's clear you don't actually care.
Sorry hun this thread isn’t about you, as far as I’m aware nobody asked to hear your life story. And as for excusing your Child’s behaviour, do you not think that all Children struggle with not getting everything their own way, sharing etc? It’s your job as a parent to teach them these things, not simply smack a label on it.
Apr 16, 2023
me too but i don’t have kids so my dogs/fish are fair game?

Everything get's blamed on mental health these day's same as i'm going to harm myself or unalive myself is just being thrown around tt as though it's the norm, if that's how insta or tt make ppl feel, come off the app it really is that simple, or how about don't put full life, kids sexual partners all over it 🤷‍♀️
Apr 16, 2023
Ok, so let's break this down

1. It's quiet, not quite

2. Her partners mental health, so an admission that they are not separated

3. Doesn't want to share her life on social media, a fing 🤡 and saying she won't let her kids on SM as if it's cos of us not because her ham sandwich is online lol

4. As trolls go, she is describing herself, everything she has listed there she has done to numerous people online, contacting partners, children, work places etc 🙄

5. She has missed the parts out when Kevin made an appearance last night to derail the topics

6. Befriending someone online is fine, but when it doesn't go
the way you wanted it to, and you try to destroy the other person's life online, karma is a t, isn't it? She hasn't just done this to Paul but to several men, nice and not nice men.

7. Just remember, if it wasn't for you, Paul would never have been in a position to create an account on CC to clear his name, you keep leaving the part out where you harrassed him and hia daughter, t!

8. If your mental health is so bad, you are absent from work, 2 days ago you were busy making content with your new lights that you got from the council tip. I bet your employer would be very happy you are creating porn content whilst being too ill to work in a proper job

9. If you were really in touch with the police, you wouldn't share a bad snap of a police website. I mean, talk about sting yourself.
10000% ☝
Apr 16, 2023
Everything get's blamed on mental health these day's same as i'm going to harm myself or unalive myself is just being thrown around tt as though it's the norm, if that's how insta or tt make ppl feel, come off the app it really is that simple, or how about don't put full life, kids sexual partners all over it 🤷‍♀️
Literally EVERYTHING!!!!
Apr 12, 2023
Ok so, let me get this right, KK is asd and we should be sympathetic?? Is that why she behaves like a mega t?

Also you lot, buckle up. The old bill are involved now… bet you’re quaking 😂
Every man and his dog have ADHD and Autism because they relate to a sentence written by someone on Insta and TikTok they are all self diagnosing themselves, that’s getting really fing boring!
Even with a diagnosis from a qualified professional not one you can pay a fee online for either it’s not an excuse to be a vile human being or abuse a child!
And as for Kkk pulling the suicidal card that t would be the first to rip someone to shreds for saying that!
And she has been active online just not SM, she’s been here creating 4000 profiles chatting s between them herself 💤

Boring Boring Kayleigh
Boring Boring Kayleigh
Boring Boring Kayleigh
Last edited:
Apr 16, 2023
@It’s all the drama Mick so true, I'm the perfect example of being diagnosed later in life but when I was diagnosed did I go on PIP and excuse my emotional disregulation and act out? No. All it did was lead me to understand myself more and, before and after diagnosis, my emotional disregulation has never ever made me lash out at my kids. In fact, I believe I'm a better mother because of it because I'm the first to understand being overstimulated and feeling emotions XYZ randomly. It equips me with the knowladge to take a step back when my child is "creating" and rather than give them a "bollocking" I ask what's made them feel/think/act this way and I will them correct/comfort/parent accordingly. Theres literally no mental health excuse in the world that excuses how she behaves and acts in the presence of her children and if there is a MH issue there that prevents her acting accordingly then SS are right to step in for their wellbeing.

In terms of the suicide insinuation, she's one to talk and she is the biggest troll going. Forever, it's been spoken about how she's made people feel. I mean lou is a prime example, she's clearly unstable, albeit it due to drug use, but KKK has no problem logging into her lives, does she? And ripping people to shreds online. Trying to break up families online. She is gross and this is the best karma.
Apr 16, 2023
Every man and his dog have ADHD and Autism because they relate to a sentence written by someone on Insta and TikTok they are all self diagnosing themselves, that’s getting really fing boring!
Even with a diagnosis from a qualified professional not one you can pay a fee online for either it’s not an excuse to be a vile human being or abuse a child!
And as for Kkk pulling the suicidal card that t would be the first to rip someone to shreds for saying that!
And she has been active online just not SM on, she’s been here creating 4000 profiles chatting s between them herself 💤

Boring Boring Kayleigh
Boring Boring Kayleigh
Boring Boring Kayleigh
💯 agree with this, everyone just seems to label their kids these day to justify there kids just being naughty, he swears, he kicks, he bullies it's not my fault, it's adhd blah, blah, blah
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