Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Apr 16, 2023
@NotKKBeforeYouStart how do you feel about these? You failed to answer my earlier questions on how she sounds remorseful while calling her child several names while explaining she gave her a black eye. Sounds to me like she's excusing her actions, not remorseful of them. Like oh I blacked her eye but she's rude and obnoxious so that's okay? PS. The child is 4.

I often complain about my kids, but I don't physically attack them in a rage while giving them a "bollocking". That's the difference. I often think parenting throws curve balls, but I don't brand my kids rude, obnoxious or a liar.

Also, the school have never made numerous reports of BOTH my kids coming home with bruises. Funny that.


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May 29, 2023
@NotKKBeforeYouStart how do you feel about these? You failed to answer my earlier questions on how she sounds remorseful while calling her child several names while explaining she gave her a black eye. Sounds to me like she's excusing her actions, not remorseful of them. Like oh I blacked her eye but she's rude and obnoxious so that's okay? PS. The child is 4.

I often complain about my kids, but I don't physically attack them in a rage while giving them a "bollocking". That's the difference. I often think parenting throws curve balls, but I don't brand my kids rude, obnoxious or a liar.

Also, the school have never made numerous reports of BOTH my kids coming home with bruises. Funny that.
Surprised you have the time to be a parent given all you do is post voice notes constantly and obsess over KK.
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Apr 16, 2023
@NotKKBeforeYouStart how do you feel about these? You failed to answer my earlier questions on how she sounds remorseful while calling her child several names while explaining she gave her a black eye. Sounds to me like she's excusing her actions, not remorseful of them. Like oh I blacked her eye but she's rude and obnoxious so that's okay? PS. The child is 4.

I often complain about my kids, but I don't physically attack them in a rage while giving them a "bollocking". That's the difference. I often think parenting throws curve balls, but I don't brand my kids rude, obnoxious or a liar.

Also, the school have never made numerous reports of BOTH my kids coming home with bruises. Funny that.

Oh and copied to add - and what friends and family you on about earlier? Last I checked she'd ruined all of her relationships.


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May 22, 2023
The people that are giving her advice are the same people she calls trolls.

We have all, at one point or another, gave advice on keeping her children separate from her porn work. Also gave advice on keeping their faces off sm or at the very least, on a private account for friends and family only.

She acknowledged the advice and even storied about keeping her porn work and children separate. But that lasted all of 5 minutes.
When she realises “what” brings “who” to her profile, she will put the safety of her kids to the back and her need for attention before their well being.
The fact she sees no issues with advertising pornography amongst pictures of her children is fed up. She’s not dumb, she knows exactly what she is doing.
Im not even referring to her only fans. Although yes she needs to make some changes about how she advertises and mixing her kids photos within 100%. But that isn't where safeguarding ends. This is part of the problem. It's been so focused on it being about her OF the rest is almost forgotten. She needs help. Not a witch hunt. She has to accept she needs help though.

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
What is the obsession with the term witch hunt amongst many people on here. Also why do people keep asking why we aren't talking about other people on this thread and what they're doing wrong? Because it's a thread ABOUT Kayleigh that's why. The lack of intellect around here is crazy and quite frankly it's like having a conversation with a monkey. Make a 'we love KK' thread and take it there, simples.


May 29, 2023
What is the obsession with the term witch hunt amongst many people on here. Also why do people keep asking why we aren't talking about other people on this thread and what they're doing wrong? Because it's a thread ABOUT Kayleigh that's why. The lack of intellect around here is crazy and quite frankly it's like having a conversation with a monkey. Make a 'we love KK' thread and take it there, simples.
Hang about lads, the Kim Jong Un of the threads here. We better shut up.
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Aug 10, 2023
It truly is wild to me how much you’re all convinced that the way you’re acting is the right thing! Causing a woman distress, worry, mental pain, because you get a kick out of it, sat there waiting for her downfall when I can guarantee those of you who are parents have ranted to your friends about how annoying your children have been, or how badly behaved they’ve been. It doesn’t mean you hate your children, just that they’re annoying little gremlins, I know I have. I know my children have caused me to blow my top, lose my temper and rant to friends and family.
None of you complain about RG using her platform to promote OF, while also posting her children, but Kayleigh cant, because she’s Kayleigh.
It’s horrible. Disgusting. Vile. That Kayleigh said things about this Yams kids and home, but it’s fine for these things to be said about her and her home, because it’s Kayleigh and you don’t like her.

With everything going on in the world right now. With the amount of children being brutally murdered in their homes and in their hospitals, you’d think you’d all spend the spare time you have protesting about that. Trying to make a difference there, instead you’re trying to have two young, very loved children, from their home because you hate their mother. Bloody hell man, I cannot stress this enough, that two wrongs don’t make a right, that everything you’re doing, the stuff that makes you think you’re better than her, makes you just as bad as you feel she is. Just as troubled. Just as abusive. Narcissistic. Horrid.
I can absolutely assure you I’ve never called my 4 year old “obnoxious” said she had an “attitude problem” or called her a “bully”. To anyone. A family member or even my closest friends. My children act up from time to time but I remind myself daily that I am so so lucky to be their mummy and I would kill and die for them. I protect them, I nurture them, I celebrate their successes, I fill their life with love and peace as I know only too well that kids aren’t kids for long and grow up fast. My kids never go to sleep at night with a bad thought in their head and I know for a fact that the same can’t be said for Bobby or Briah. And that’s heartbreaking.

Also, can we talk about how your puppet master felt so comfortable slagging her child off to a complete stranger? Just remember that! This was a man she claimed to have met on a porn site who she was very comfortable telling him how she abused her own daughter. Sent her to school without underwear. That is not normal behaviour!! She’s very lucky that PJ is a good one, but the next time she might not be as lucky.

I can also guarantee you I have NEVER smacked them in the face with a toy (dummy 🙄) gave them a black eye or grabbed them so hard it left a bruise on an elbow. You seem to continually overlook these matters whilst again, tarring us with the same brush.

The reason so many of us women can’t wait to see her get her karma is because she caused us actual pain by her actions. Trolling, bullying, contacting family, contacting ex partners, broadcasting phone numbers and addresses. Putting some women’s children in actual harm. AND SHE GAVE ZERO fS.
She never once apologised or showed any sort of remorse and until you’re on the receiving end of her targeted harassment, then you have no fing right to comment on how we should be feeling.

And as far as I am aware, RG done do all to any of us, so long may she continue to flourish and rake in the cash.
Apr 18, 2023
In case anyone hasn’t seen them…

All I’m saying is that in my area, the police don’t do welfare checks anymore. It’s a paramedic job and the wait is LONG 🤔

Oh, and Tanya is a mug.


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Aug 10, 2023
Welfare check 🤣🤣 stfu. Just trying to get extra points on her police case.

She knows that the case is going nowhere as she didn’t follow their advice and take herself offline. She continues to engage, and encourage “trolls” so is complicit in any behaviour she is calling other people out for.
You are allowed to speak about people online. You are allowed to share any pictures they have put on a public domain such as insta, TikTok, Twitter etc.
You’re allowed to call people nasty names, might not be nice to see and hear but as long as you’re not trying to elicit violence or any other illegal behaviour, the police won’t intervene.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I honestly hope to god that the police look into it. They will need to go through this full thread and I can only imagine what damage that will do to KK.

As far as I’m aware, the only one to behave illegally is KK. Doxxing someone, abusing her children, the safeguarding issues. The police will have a field day.
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Apr 16, 2023
How does she know they called on a private number if she doesn't answer phone calls to private numbers?

How is her mental health so bad and yet she's STILL ONLINE moaning about services, STRETCHED ones at that not checking on her for admitting she blacks her kids eye in a rage. Shouldn't the social be doing a welfare check on the kids? Dw KKK. That's coming soon.

Love how she's playing the MH card though. Scraping the barrel just like lou. All those scumbags do the same thing don't they? Cry suicide when they can't "win" in their eyes. Change the record its fing boring.

Maybe she wouldn't have anxiety and paranoia if she didn't s off everyone and anyone and allow her children to bully and physically assault others. Maybe she shouldn't have plastered herself all over the internet and made enemies with every Tom dick and Sally. Its okay when you do it, but a problem when you're the "victim" aye KKK?

And 4 years ago? Is she joking? So you haven't doxxed, harassed, made up that people have EDs, racially abused, or said someone miscarried cos they're a t and their dead baby didn't want them, in 4 years no?? SHAME ON YOU kayleigh. You're fing vile and this s show you're putting on is BEAUTIFUL. I LOVE watching you squirm. I love knowing you're suffering and I know you won't say when SS come to assess your s parenting, but I LOVE knowing they will. Mark my words jabba, they are coming for you. Deflect all you want. YOU blacked brias eye. YOU called her vulgar names In a more hateful way then I've even heard someone talk about you and oh you are hated girl. KARMA.

And don't act like you give 2 ss about your kids routine. Your kids have no routine apart from a 5 o'clock bedtime. They even dress themselves and go to school in no underwear because you can't be fed you massive whopper.

Maybe the next voice note I'll post is the one about you slagging off Tanya's for being a coke head! See how long you last then, t.
Apr 16, 2023
I can absolutely assure you I’ve never called my 4 year old “obnoxious” said she had an “attitude problem” or called her a “bully”. To anyone. A family member or even my closest friends. My children act up from time to time but I remind myself daily that I am so so lucky to be their mummy and I would kill and die for them. I protect them, I nurture them, I celebrate their successes, I fill their life with love and peace as I know only too well that kids aren’t kids for long and grow up fast. My kids never go to sleep at night with a bad thought in their head and I know for a fact that the same can’t be said for Bobby or Briah. And that’s heartbreaking.

Also, can we talk about how your puppet master felt so comfortable slagging her child off to a complete stranger? Just remember that! This was a man she claimed to have met on a porn site who she was very comfortable telling him how she abused her own daughter. Sent her to school without underwear. That is not normal behaviour!! She’s very lucky that PJ is a good one, but the next time she might not be as lucky.

I can also guarantee you I have NEVER smacked them in the face with a toy (dummy 🙄) gave them a black eye or grabbed them so hard it left a bruise on an elbow. You seem to continually overlook these matters whilst again, tarring us with the same brush.

The reason so many of us women can’t wait to see her get her karma is because she caused us actual pain by her actions. Trolling, bullying, contacting family, contacting ex partners, broadcasting phone numbers and addresses. Putting some women’s children in actual harm. AND SHE GAVE ZERO fS.
She never once apologised or showed any sort of remorse and until you’re on the receiving end of her targeted harassment, then you have no fing right to comment on how we should be feeling.

And as far as I am aware, RG done do all to any of us, so long may she continue to flourish and rake in the cash.
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