Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Nov 21, 2023
@NotKKBeforeYouStart how do you feel about these? You failed to answer my earlier questions on how she sounds remorseful while calling her child several names while explaining she gave her a black eye. Sounds to me like she's excusing her actions, not remorseful of them. Like oh I blacked her eye but she's rude and obnoxious so that's okay? PS. The child is 4.

I often complain about my kids, but I don't physically attack them in a rage while giving them a "bollocking". That's the difference. I often think parenting throws curve balls, but I don't brand my kids rude, obnoxious or a liar.

Also, the school have never made numerous reports of BOTH my kids coming home with bruises. Funny that.
I personally feel that the way she’s speaking about it shows she’s hiding remorse. Of course it’s not okay to throw things at a child, even Kayleigh knows that herself! But I’m not going to sit here and pass judgement on how she has no remorse when there is 0 proof of that. Absolutely none showing she doesn’t care that it happened. No one is excusing that. No one is saying it happens to the best of us, but passing judgement and bullying isn’t something I can get on board with. Not to a woman who is clearly teetering on the edge, a witch hunt for the removal of her children will cause more harm than good for all of them. My eldest is prolific bruiser. The slightest thing can make him bruise and I’ve been pulled by his school… does that also mean that I’ve abused him? No it doesn’t. Kids bruise. Some more than others and schools/teachers HAVE to pull the parents for them, whether minor or not.
Apr 16, 2023
@NotKKBeforeYouStart yes you've said that, let me make it more clear, what about that screams "hiding remourse" ? The changing "at her" and "too her" ? The name calling? The lying about what she threw at her? Just curious. I'm not asking you to say she has no remourse, I'm simply trying to understand where in the evidence provided you see any of that apparent remourse? And again yes kids do bruise. However I find it odd that both children have been flagged for marks, bruises and neglect by professionals. One perhaps. But both? Very odd. As schools dont HAVE to pull you up on bruises, only if they're are a pattern in some way, symetrical, or on unusual body parts because as you say, kids bruise all the time. Otherwise the entire school would be pulled. But theyre not. She is.

And she isn't teetering on the edge ether, it's a big show. It's gaslighting narcassism at its finest. Everything she's stated in her stories she has done to other people and all quite recently. It's not all in the past as she likes to pretend.

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
I personally feel that the way she’s speaking about it shows she’s hiding remorse. Of course it’s not okay to throw things at a child, even Kayleigh knows that herself! But I’m not going to sit here and pass judgement on how she has no remorse when there is 0 proof of that. Absolutely none showing she doesn’t care that it happened. No one is excusing that. No one is saying it happens to the best of us, but passing judgement and bullying isn’t something I can get on board with. Not to a woman who is clearly teetering on the edge, a witch hunt for the removal of her children will cause more harm than good for all of them. My eldest is prolific bruiser. The slightest thing can make him bruise and I’ve been pulled by his school… does that also mean that I’ve abused him? No it doesn’t. Kids bruise. Some more than others and schools/teachers HAVE to pull the parents for them, whether minor or not.
Noone is saying kids don't bruise without abuse from their parents. But KK admitted that she bruised her child on this occasion. You must be psychic to be able to tell she expressed remorse in that voice note, yet hid it so well noone else could tell. You should charge money for your psychic abilities because that is quite a talent.
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