Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Apr 20, 2023
In case anyone hasn’t seen them…

All I’m saying is that in my area, the police don’t do welfare checks anymore. It’s a paramedic job and the wait is LONG 🤔

Oh, and Tanya is a mug.
Does she not think before she posts this drivel?Why is Dan ringing the police to go check on her? 🥴 the phones never out the fs hand just ring her. The suicide baiting is fed up and I don’t think that will look very good to social services.

And she’s obviously had to make friends with Tanya because her baboon lips need a top up 😂

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
Also who is calling her phone on private number to troll her? If someone was we would never hear the end of it. She gloated Kev Collins was once inbetween her blocking and unblocking him. She's on her stories on insta making it look like people are stalking her on the school run, calling her phone all the time, in her inbox trolling and sharing lies about her all over social media. None of these things are happening. Someone on here could easily post those stories on insta or tik tok but they haven't. So what the do is she on about. She only knows what is being said ON HERE because she keeps coming ON HERE to read it. She is making an active choice to come on here and read it. For what reason KK? Why do you keep coming here? Just go about your business and let us go about ours.
Apr 16, 2023
In case anyone hasn’t seen them…

All I’m saying is that in my area, the police don’t do welfare checks anymore. It’s a paramedic job and the wait is LONG 🤔

Oh, and Tanya is a mug.
No shame on YOU kk, it’s your own actions that have put you in the position you are in now. A nervous wreck who is afraid to leave the house. Just think about how many times you had the chance to be a better person but refused to listen to any advice and carried on regardless. Your Children deserve so much better from their Mother and this is just another example of what a complete let down you are and have always been to them.
Apr 16, 2023
How does she know they called on a private number if she doesn't answer phone calls to private numbers?

How is her mental health so bad and yet she's STILL ONLINE moaning about services, STRETCHED ones at that not checking on her for admitting she blacks her kids eye in a rage. Shouldn't the social be doing a welfare check on the kids? Dw KKK. That's coming soon.

Love how she's playing the MH card though. Scraping the barrel just like lou. All those scumbags do the same thing don't they? Cry suicide when they can't "win" in their eyes. Change the record its fing boring.

Maybe she wouldn't have anxiety and paranoia if she didn't s off everyone and anyone and allow her children to bully and physically assault others. Maybe she shouldn't have plastered herself all over the internet and made enemies with every Tom dick and Sally. Its okay when you do it, but a problem when you're the "victim" aye KKK?

And 4 years ago? Is she joking? So you haven't doxxed, harassed, made up that people have EDs, racially abused, or said someone miscarried cos they're a t and their dead baby didn't want them, in 4 years no?? SHAME ON YOU kayleigh. You're fing vile and this s show you're putting on is BEAUTIFUL. I LOVE watching you squirm. I love knowing you're suffering and I know you won't say when SS come to assess your s parenting, but I LOVE knowing they will. Mark my words jabba, they are coming for you. Deflect all you want. YOU blacked brias eye. YOU called her vulgar names In a more hateful way then I've even heard someone talk about you and oh you are hated girl. KARMA.

And don't act like you give 2 ss about your kids routine. Your kids have no routine apart from a 5 o'clock bedtime. They even dress themselves and go to school in no underwear because you can't be fed you massive whopper.

Maybe the next voice note I'll post is the one about you slagging off Tanya's for being a coke head! See how long you last then, t.
Amen 👏🏼

Frank Farmer

Jul 29, 2023
Screenshot_20231122_185827_Chrome.jpg Screenshot_20231122_185837_Chrome.jpg
Funny how you two are never seen in the same place at the same time isn't it.
And the point you are trying to make is?


May 29, 2023
I'm sure the sudden panic and "harrassment" reports will be a red flag to SS when they arrive. They're not idiots, although KKK is and this behaviour really is her just shooting herself in the foot. Anyone "innocent" would completely ignore the "claims" and move on but that's hard to do with cold hard evidence isn't it, so in typical narc style she makes it all about her. Careful KKK. Trained professionals are coming to assess you and they're smarter than you think.
Its really cute that you think that's how social services work and they have all this power.
Really cute.

Frank Farmer

Jul 29, 2023
Wait, she’s claiming she has a stalker on the school run? 😂😂 from what I’ve seen, the school mum hasn’t took photos, followed her home, shared what school, isn’t sat outside KKs door etc. I can say I’m stalked when I see 50+ parents in the play ground 😂 doesn’t make sense whatsoever.
How can you have a stalker on the school run when on delivery and collection your arse does not leave the drivers seat?
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