Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
I low key hope this new account is real just so KKK knows she's the talk of the playground šŸ™šŸ˜‚ @KayleighHOErn might be this you've heard of.
Whether they're real or not I imagine most school mums have something to say. Also one quick Google of her name, both real name and SM names and she's all over the internet, comment cafe, tattle, porn pics.


Nov 15, 2023
Believe me I do not think any of that is okay, or even remotely normal, she is 100% the definition of "own worse enemy", and brings it all on herself, there's no denying that, and I've not stated otherwise, I think the things she said about Tanya were horrific, and I think Tanya should have run a mile and not just fallen back into the same routine with her.
I'm no friend of Kayleigh, just a long term follower, I have always thought her parenting lacked any real effort, and that actually she needed support from a lot of professionals from the get go, I don't believe she's had an easy life, and I doubt the loss of her mam so early in her life helped, which is why I don't think it's fair to instantly want her own children removed, because regardless of her actions, she does love those children, and I do believe the removal would cause a spiral, as it would for anyone who loved their children.
I know you all think I'm coming across as some Kayleigh obsessed loon, but I'm not, far from it, like I've said, I'm a sucker for playing devils advocate.
I believe she needs help. She needs the support of social. Of a mental health professional. of the school.
I know what I'm saying is being laughed at, and I get it, I do.
do off then. Seriously. You have annoyed me more than anyone on here. ā€˜Devilā€™s Advocateā€™? Condescending t.


Nov 15, 2023
Iā€™m going to go back through this thread, it will likely take me a while, because itā€™s pretty obvious that Iā€™ve only seen one side to a story, I still donā€™t think two wrongs make a right, but Iā€™m clearly missing something arenā€™t Iā€¦ like I said, Iā€™m likely naive and donā€™t want to see the bad in people, but the more Iā€™m trying to get my point across, to play devils advocate, the more Iā€™m being told and the less Iā€™m able to make any sort of reasonable ā€˜excuseā€™ā€¦ I truly do just hate the thought of children being ripped away from their parents when the household situation has a chance of being rectified
We are not here to inform you or change any opinion. We owe you sweet do all. Go away if you donā€™t like it and stop trying (badly) to educate us into some weird, ā€˜naiveā€™ enabling bullshit you have created in YOUR head. Super annoying and super fy.


Nov 15, 2023
Iā€™m actually unsure what else Iā€™m supposed to do to prove Iā€™m not Kayleigh šŸ˜‚ I have no idea about the other accounts, they could be for all I bloody know, but like I said yesterday when I was being told that I was her, Iā€™m not. Not from down south. Iā€™m a mam of two young boys. Iā€™m married. I can spell relatively well when autocorrect isnā€™t being a complete toss pot, just someone trying to play devils advocate, and very clearly failing/making an arse of herself.
In all honesty, I donā€™t give a s if you are her or not. You have come across as such an annoying dickhead regardless. Go away
Nov 21, 2023
We are not here to inform you or change any opinion. We owe you sweet do all. Go away if you donā€™t like it and stop trying (badly) to educate us into some weird, ā€˜naiveā€™ enabling bullshit you have created in YOUR head. Super annoying and super fy.
Give over man! Why are you ALL so angry when anyone tries to see the good in someone? Seriously? Iā€™ve already claimed Iā€™m probably being naive, but I never said any of you owed me anything, especially if it were to turn out that I was wrong. Kayleigh seems to have figured out who I am anyway as her account has disappeared for me, so even those trying to see the good on her, stick up for, will get blocked šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø canā€™t play martyr for someone who would rather fall from grace less than gracefully apparently.


Nov 15, 2023
Give over man! Why are you ALL so angry when anyone tries to see the good in someone? Seriously? Iā€™ve already claimed Iā€™m probably being naive, but I never said any of you owed me anything, especially if it were to turn out that I was wrong. Kayleigh seems to have figured out who I am anyway as her account has disappeared for me, so even those trying to see the good on her, stick up for, will get blocked šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø canā€™t play martyr for someone who would rather fall from grace less than gracefully apparently.
You do not take hints do you? šŸ¤£ who has blocked you? I couldnā€™t give two fs to block you. I just think youā€™re dumb as do


Aug 10, 2023
Its all whispers around the playground!!!!! I don't know how anyone knows or who knows what!!!! I am worried to ask too much down the school due to other lasses being reported!!!!! So thought I'd try find out here thats all i were doing!!!!!!
Rather than ask questions, I suggest you read through the threads here and on tattle. That should provide you with the answers.
Apr 21, 2023
Give over man! Why are you ALL so angry when anyone tries to see the good in someone? Seriously? Iā€™ve already claimed Iā€™m probably being naive, but I never said any of you owed me anything, especially if it were to turn out that I was wrong. Kayleigh seems to have figured out who I am anyway as her account has disappeared for me, so even those trying to see the good on her, stick up for, will get blocked šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø canā€™t play martyr for someone who would rather fall from grace less than gracefully apparently.
Because we have ALL tried to see the good in kk and had it thrown back in our faces one way or another. I suggest you start from the beginning of the thread, go onto tattle even and start there from number 1. It will take you months but until then I wouldnā€™t preach.

Also I must of repeated this a million times but we are not trolls. We just happen to share our public opinion on people who post publicly on the internet. You donā€™t have to agree with us, but there is zero point in trying to argue with us over it.


Aug 10, 2023
Give over man! Why are you ALL so angry when anyone tries to see the good in someone? Seriously? Iā€™ve already claimed Iā€™m probably being naive, but I never said any of you owed me anything, especially if it were to turn out that I was wrong. Kayleigh seems to have figured out who I am anyway as her account has disappeared for me, so even those trying to see the good on her, stick up for, will get blocked šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø canā€™t play martyr for someone who would rather fall from grace less than gracefully apparently.

We donā€™t want to see the good in someone who we know is evil to the core.

Does it not tell you anything that her friends and family are not sticking up for her?? Itā€™s down to pathetic holier than thou strangers like yourself???
The fact you say youā€™ve followed her for years and are still here sticking up for her tells me EVERYTHING I need to know about you as a person.

The abuse sheā€™s dealt out spans years.

What are you not fing getting @NotKKBeforeYouStart ??? Seriously. do off!
I literally canā€™t deal with your level of fing dumbness.

And as soon as she turns on you, then your tune will change!!


Nov 15, 2023

We donā€™t want to see the good in someone who we know is evil to the core.

Does it not tell you anything that her friends and family are not sticking up for her?? Itā€™s down to pathetic holier than thou strangers like yourself???
The fact you say youā€™ve followed her for years and are still here sticking up for her tells me EVERYTHING I need to know about you as a person.

The abuse sheā€™s dealt out spans years.

What are you not fing getting @NotKKBeforeYouStart ??? Seriously. do off!
I literally canā€™t deal with your level of fing dumbness.

And as soon as she turns on you, then your tune will change!!
Amen sister šŸ™šŸ»
Apr 17, 2023
Iā€™d probably say her yellow sticker funeral flowers looked se šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø
Things said and shared on here are from her own mouth so it wouldnā€™t be anybodies fault but hers if she didā€¦I mean I lost an entire child and never once threatened that, if you know me from Facebook youā€™ll even see that Iā€™ll cut off anybody threatening s like for attention, no matter how long Iā€™ve known them.
I could post on my stories how this single woman has ruined my life, made me want to top myself etc, anyone can say anything they want on socials for sympathy when they get caught being unsavoury couldnā€™t they?
But in all seriousness, half of the internet know her address so anybody feel free to send some red bulls just in case šŸ–•šŸ½
You know what she trolled and bullied me for defending Glitz and her jealous rants about her.
Did she care when I begged her to stop? No. Did she care when I told her how I felt? No. She just doubled down on me.
She pushed me to despair; I blocked her and left SM and sorted myself. Do you know what happened when o logged back in ā€œanonā€ accounts that had messaged me the same vile threatening messages this t had.
So no I donā€™t give a flying do what happens to her. Iā€™ll show her the same empathy and compassion she showed me. do all. All because I said she was going to far with her obsession with Glitz.

She wonā€™t admit fault in any of this and thatā€™s the problem. I am sorry for all the people she terrorised, doxxed and bullied. Iā€™m sorry for those poor children. Am I sorry for her? No she can do herself with a cactus for all I care. Karma is a b.
Apr 16, 2023
Give over man! Why are you ALL so angry when anyone tries to see the good in someone? Seriously? Iā€™ve already claimed Iā€™m probably being naive, but I never said any of you owed me anything, especially if it were to turn out that I was wrong. Kayleigh seems to have figured out who I am anyway as her account has disappeared for me, so even those trying to see the good on her, stick up for, will get blocked šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø canā€™t play martyr for someone who would rather fall from grace less than gracefully apparently.
Listen mate, youā€™re not preaching to the choir here and youā€™re certainly not going to change the mind in any of us. As youā€™ve been told multiple fing times, many of us are here because weā€™ve seen and/or personally experienced the vile nature of Kayleigh. Itā€™s who she is and sheā€™ll never change. Youā€™re too nice of a person if you genuinely are trying to see the ā€˜goodā€™ in her, there isnā€™t an ounce of love or happiness in her body, itā€™s all fake, narcissistic bullshit. Youā€™ve said before ā€œmaybe Iā€™m being naiveā€, well maybe you should believe in that side of your brain and actually take some time to read through the hundreds of threads on here & tattle, before coming here and spouting your ill informed opinion.

On another note, BONJOUR MES AMIES! Iā€™d just like to preface with an an apology for this hefty fing replyšŸ˜‚ It has taken me a fing lifetime to catch up, life got hectic and I stopped keeping up with this (and Louā€™s thread, canā€™t even bring myself to open that onešŸ˜‚) but came back to look a couple weeks ago (I think) when the buffalo posted all that Tom foolery about being aware what was spoken about. And only now have I caught all the way upšŸ« 

I canā€™t explain how upsetting it was hearing those voice notes, I donā€™t believe it was a dummy or a beanie baby that was thrown at cheese. Honestly do you know the sheer force needed to create a bruise? Just think about it, no dummy weighs that much to cause damage to that extent. And regardless of whether it was an accident or not, the pure venom she spat out of that overinflated mouth was absolutely disgusting, and to think she was speaking about her own flesh & blood. Honestly unfathomable.

I truly hope weā€™ve not been lead down the path to wonderland & that the evidence has actually been passed over to Social and the school. We can speculate what the outcome will be until weā€™re blue in the face, however, reports are dealt with on a case by case basis, and it is likely the reporter would not be made aware of the outcome, for obvious reasons. Playground gossip is great for just that, gossip, take it with a prince of saltšŸ«¶
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