Will he not be able to keep his property as its only 3 months and he could be out in less with tag, I'm sure when he was talking about it he said anything over 6 months and he would lose his flat?
I know there is more drugs in jail but money wise etc I don't think he will be on it there! Prisons get you off methodone a lot quicker than on the outside also, what does worry me is him coming out with a lower tollarance (as they won't be as free to him as outside) being back with lou and taking the "normal" amount they do and something bad happens as his body isn't used to it!
As lou has said in many many lives she is used to the amount she takes I think it was 900mg pre gablin which to a normal user is classed as a overdose, she said its fine and she regularly takes that much, and the I will have 2 random not knowing what they are could really do some damage as his body will not be as used to them due to the break,
I think we have some interesting times coming up, I just wish she came with subtitles the only words she doesn't mumble is swear words and thank yous for the gifts