All you ever hear from Lou is I'm struggling at the moment, im vulnerable, my mental health's really bad. Earlier she said you don't know what iv been through. As if she's the only one that's ever had any troubles. Then crying cos without tiktok she's alone cos she has nobody and no friends. What annoys me is she's in that position because of her own choices and actions. She's the only person who can change her life but she won't cos she would rather wait for someone to do it for her which is never going to happen. Rather than sit crying on live why not turn it off and go and actually try to better herself. She won't because that takes effort...takes effort to come off drugs, fight for her kids, go out and make some friends, clean her house...none of it is done cos she's too lazy. This I'm vulnerable thing she keeps saying...she's not really vulnerable in my opinion. Also, vulnerable people tend not to realise they are actually vulnerable. Lou just uses the word to try and get people to feel sorry for her or as an excuse for something she's said or done to try and get herself off the hook. She's vile. The pity party earlier this evening (only caught bits of her live) was pathetic. It's never Lou's fault, she's always the victim what bullshit. Needs to take responsibility and go get herself a life instead of waiting for someone to do it for her. Iv have never seen a more pathetic person.