Lou @Lifewithloux

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Apr 12, 2023
Another enabler 🙄
Would love to know which comment is a lie? All I read us pure truth

Apr 16, 2023
What a mess!! Begging for her birthday! Got a wish list and doesn’t care cus she wants stuff. It’s my birthday next month maybe I should start a beg list! 🤔She’s a grown adult, does she have no shame?! (Well no) but she is so child like the drugs have completely frazzled the last of her brain cells. Her chance at getting her kids back is 0. Does she think that social and the courts and probably her ex don’t watch her public lives off her face tralling the streets for food and drugs.
Lastly worries about the hygiene of the chicken place?!!! Have u seen your fingernails luv??
May 15, 2023
I didn't see yesterdays live but have been told lou denied smoking weed but admitted ste still takes drugs. If anyone had the pleasure of watching is it true?
After tonight’s live I think we can say, with all certainty, that they’re both still on drugs. I just can’t comprehend losing my children and then broadcasting myself, in that state, to ‘thousands’ of people.


Apr 17, 2023
I’ll be honest, even though originally it was that if she left ste she could see the kids now I don’t believe that would even happen.

First of all she chose him already so even if they split up now the courts and James are just gonna say well you had your chance and secondly ste isn’t to blame for how she is. Even when she lived with James and the kids she was off her face constantly, very scatty and erratic and would take the kids out at daft o clock at night. Always on live crying and fighting with other Insta accounts.

Regardless if she’s with ste or not she’s not a decent enough person to get those kids back now or be in their life. I do feel bad saying it but it’s true. She had an addiction before ste came along and she met him through already having that addiction. She manipulates people into thinking it’s him that’s the bad one she knows exactly what she’s doing.
If Ste wasn’t her dealer I’ll eat my Temu freebie hat
Apr 24, 2023
Constantly playing the victim. As if any of those accounts named care about her. Why should they? Its always been about her and her greed. I can guarantee she also never ordered £100 worth of stuff for her kids either. Drugs and ste are her priorities. Imagine james watching her account and seeing her of her face on drugs. If I was him I'd make sure my kids would never see her again


Apr 23, 2023
Just watching her demise when Steve is around is heartbreaking. I know we give her a lot of s but I wish she could see it for herself. Yesterday morning she started off relatively 'normal'. A few hours of being with him, she's off her chops, slurring, can't string a sentence together and can just about hold herself up. It's hard to fathom how someone can have such a hold on you that you're willing to sacrifice everything.
Give him up and get back what's left of your life Lou, ffs


May 11, 2023
What a fing mess. She was absolutely kippered! Spunking all that money on take away and will be crying she's got no money for food in a few days. Why can her enablers not see this is textbook addict behaviour? If any of you are reading, seriously look this up.

Just watched Ste and the Chewits. I'm speechless. It was like a 5 year old had hijacked his mums live to tell everyone which sweets he liked best 🤣 How have these pair got this far in life?!
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