Lou @Lifewithloux

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Apr 23, 2023
She looks rougher with each week that passes by. The change in her in 18 short months is shocking ... and sad. She is THE poster girl for "don't do drugs" and "just say no". She's aged 30 years in a year & a half. She's well on her journey to ⚰ if she stays on her current path.
Seriously where is this all going to end? She’s definitely getting more and more down and out looking, whoever her action worker is doesn’t seem to be doing a very good job! Mind you she probably totally ignores all advice given to her! Gonna bleach her hair , gonna do her skinny tan like the celeb-trees, gonna clear up, gonna do a birthday list, gonna do her feet coz they’re tell-able, gonna go live… how bout go to sleep!


Jun 3, 2023
For someone who claims to be clean. You doth protest too much.

People would probably engage with you more and listen to you if you admit the truth.

Relapse is unfortunately part of drug recovery, no recovery journey is faultless . Its how you mitigate your triggers moving forward. You stand zero chance of every being near your kids like this, so I implore you as a recovered user myself, just be honest, addicts lie, they lie all the time and it's a big thing to be truthful.

Also you are putting all your "dirty laundry" on an open public site, a site anyone can view even if you block them via 3rd party viewer sites. You are living your life online, so of course people will give their two pennies worth on here and on Instagram and tattle etc, any legal person or police would advise you not to put everything online because it leaves you open to abuse and also services that protect your children can use all this as evidence.

Also in a recovery hostel ,I assume it actually part of your tenancy that you should keep your location secret to protect yourself and future users of the property.

Put the phone down, visit your doctor, admit you've relapsed and possibly look at in patient rehab or further support from a mental health team. Leave ste and fight.....you are a mother ...FIGHT for those kids with every ounce you have.

Trust me children of addicts often have severe issues themselves. I'm a kid of an addict, I was an addict, I can't have children myself due to non addiction related issues but I see people like you taking a blessing for granted and I can't help but be annoyed.


Apr 16, 2023
For someone who claims to be clean. You doth protest too much.

People would probably engage with you more and listen to you if you admit the truth.

Relapse is unfortunately part of drug recovery, no recovery journey is faultless . Its how you mitigate your triggers moving forward. You stand zero chance of every being near your kids like this, so I implore you as a recovered user myself, just be honest, addicts lie, they lie all the time and it's a big thing to be truthful.

Also you are putting all your "dirty laundry" on an open public site, a site anyone can view even if you block them via 3rd party viewer sites. You are living your life online, so of course people will give their two pennies worth on here and on Instagram and tattle etc, any legal person or police would advise you not to put everything online because it leaves you open to abuse and also services that protect your children can use all this as evidence.

Also in a recovery hostel ,I assume it actually part of your tenancy that you should keep your location secret to protect yourself and future users of the property.

Put the phone down, visit your doctor, admit you've relapsed and possibly look at in patient rehab or further support from a mental health team. Leave ste and fight.....you are a mother ...FIGHT for those kids with every ounce you have.

Trust me children of addicts often have severe issues themselves. I'm a kid of an addict, I was an addict, I can't have children myself due to non addiction related issues but I see people like you taking a blessing for granted and I can't help but be annoyed.
that's the kind of inspiring chat she needs but she'd never listen!
May 1, 2023
So she says she can’t cry due to her medication and the s she had been through in the past 18 months blah blah so she can’t cry😂 away and behave Lou, it’s the fake crying silent scream face thing that you do, your a con artist wanting folk to feel sorry for you so they can send you money or gifts of tat, to inflate your ego
That’s like prince Andrew saying he doesn’t sweat 🤷‍♀️
May 5, 2023
The state of her ☹️ Does she not look back at her videos before she posts them? Can she really not see what we see? At this point I really don’t think there is any hope for her

I agree. She is totally blind to herself. Not only in the way she looks, but the things she says. The lies she tells. She's fooling nobody but herself.

The change in her in 18 months to 2 years is shockingly appalling.

Lou, we KNOW you read everything on here. SORT YOURSELF OUT! Get rid of Ste, get clean (even a blind person can see you are NOT clean & drug free), get a job, & work towards seeing your beautiful children again .. before it's too late.


  • Screenshot_20230604-200602_Gallery.jpg
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Apr 16, 2023
Somebody who knows the pharmacy she goes to needs to show them these screenshots so they can see that she is very clearly taken all the methadone at once as soon as she’s given it!!

She also really needs to wash her hair 🤢
I contacted the pharmacy when she had clearly taken her Sunday dose on the same Saturday she filmed inside the Pharmacy. I made them aware that she had been off her tits that night and was saying she needed something strong for her ankle and knew where to go to get something. The woman on the phone wasn't bothered by any of that, just that she had filmed inside the pharmacy while taken her methadone.


Jun 3, 2023
that's the kind of inspiring chat she needs but she'd never listen!
I've been an addict and I'm not ashamed ,but I had to do the hard work, I've had a s life too but it was up to me whether I stayed in that head space or not.

I have offered advice to her previously and she blocked me.

She doesn't have it in her to get clean, I've seen many friends like her end up in body bags, I'm not much older than she is ,it is possible, she just doesn't have it in her and its bloody sad because it's her kids who will be picking up the pieces for the rest of their lives
May 23, 2023
it's sad to say but she cares more about being "an influencer" regardless of the attention she attracts as long as she's getting it, than her kids. she's so self centred and obsessed with getting stuff for free it's unreal. I hope she does read on here. YOUR FOLLOWERS ONLY FOLLOW YOU TO LAUGH AT YOUR LIES. away to lush for a sugar lip scrub and stop taking smack hun x
Apr 16, 2023
That’s like prince Andrew saying he doesn’t sweat 🤷‍♀️
I said the same thing to my mrs earlier :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

I think this 'burglary' was my final straw with Lou. The fact she thinks she is fooling everyone is infuriating. She really does think everyone is blind/thick when it comes to her addiction.
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