Lou @Lifewithloux

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Apr 16, 2023
Did no one hear her moaning about Alfie coming tomorow cus she was tired? I might be mistaken but when she mentioned it being 8 she was moaning why couldn’t it be another day because she would be more awake?
1.. she is always tired and never up early unless she’s on something 👃
2 if I hadn’t seen my child for months and to have the opportunity I would be absolutely over the moon, not this sad sap crying over her methandone consumption, wishing she wasn’t on it then wishing she had more. And moaning about being tired.
And I also think she faked sleeping for attention drowsy one minute then sort of bouncing around after she had been resurrected by her monster.

Red Devil

Apr 17, 2023
Did no one hear her moaning about Alfie coming tomorow cus she was tired? I might be mistaken but when she mentioned it being 8 she was moaning why couldn’t it be another day because she would be more awake?
1.. she is always tired and never up early unless she’s on something 👃
2 if I hadn’t seen my child for months and to have the opportunity I would be absolutely over the moon, not this sad sap crying over her methandone consumption, wishing she wasn’t on it then wishing she had more. And moaning about being tired.
And I also think she faked sleeping for attention drowsy one minute then sort of bouncing around after she had been resurrected by her monster.
And that’s exactly why she’s not fit to have her kids. She would leave them to fend for themselves while she slept all day in her pit.
May 18, 2023
Hi, I joined to just clear a few things up about adoption. I adopted my kids, both years ago and just recently.

So, it's very unusual to have open adoption in the uk. It can happen though and we now know that adopted children benefit from meaningful contact with their birth family, IF safe to do so, so more creative methods of contact are being encouraged.

So potential options for contact are

- letterbox once or twice a year where birth and adoptive parents write to each other just to keep the link there. This is most common.

Sometimes adoptive parents will agree to once a year direct contact, in person. At first this is likely to be at a contact centre and as time goes on, it can be more meaningful in the community and adopters stay with their child at all times.

Sometimes adoptive parents will agree to more than once a year direct contact. Maybe a few times a year. All of these contacts will initially be supported by a social or family worker until they know direct contact is appropriate. Again the adopters stay. As the years go by, this will change to community, without workers if appropriate.

Contact can be at the birth parents house, IF it's safe and the birth parents are appropriate. In Lou's situation, I would eat my hat if this was the case, as Lou continues to demonstrate she has no sound understanding why she isn't safe to parent, what adoption means or acceptance that the child has a new mother. Not someone who just looks after her kid, but a new mother. She would also have to have a safe, clean home without any threat. So there is no way it would be appropriate with the risk of drug dealers, Ste's history etc of her home being threat free.

If any contact at all is happening it will be at a centre. Highly supervised. As an adopter who is very open minded, I can't see any adopter agreeing to contact with Lou. There is too much risk to the child, to them as his new parents with Ste especially and the drugs. Too little understanding on Lou's part to respect that the baby has a new family. Acceptance is a huge part of a more open adoption.

Last thing - the adopters might not have event given Lou the right name to keep themselves safe. This is likely again with Ste's past and their drug habits. And they absolutely won't be 'best friends'. This is likely how Lou has perceived their 'relationship' as someone like Lou often misreads and misunderstands relationships, and takes niceties for best friends. I missed the details of the farm that supposedly the adopters live on. But it's typical in this situation with violent histories, that children are moved out of area. Depending on the level of risk. Lou would not know their address or even town so she's likely chatting BS if she's given specifics.
From what I’ve heard Lou say here and there over the months I concluded that it was a special guardianship situation.
May 26, 2023
Did no one hear her moaning about Alfie coming tomorow cus she was tired? I might be mistaken but when she mentioned it being 8 she was moaning why couldn’t it be another day because she would be more awake?
1.. she is always tired and never up early unless she’s on something 👃
2 if I hadn’t seen my child for months and to have the opportunity I would be absolutely over the moon, not this sad sap crying over her methandone consumption, wishing she wasn’t on it then wishing she had more. And moaning about being tired.
And I also think she faked sleeping for attention drowsy one minute then sort of bouncing around after she had been resurrected by her monster.
She later said that she's gotta go to B&M first, surely they won't be open for her to get back at 8???
May 7, 2023
just catching up!

So I’ve heard Charlie is a trans man and Lou met him before he started his transition so probably why she keeps mis gendering him. it would drive me mad. Why hasn’t he set her straight? I might ask her if I catch her on live next 🤣

I watched her Poundland car crash. I had to laugh when she was saying she wouldn’t pay £2.60 for Simple body wash…. Lou a bar of soap is cheap as chips and you don’t buy that either clearly! 💩💩
Apr 30, 2023
The other day I am sure she said after this weekend she would not be having any visitors to her bungalow and that Steminem wouldn’t be at the party… so is this ‘break up’ planned in order to make it look like she’s got rid of him.
Actually, you could be on to something there. Are you thinking the pair of them have planned it?, because it really does make sense.

It's a pity she didn't talk about her child as much as she did Temu. Get your priorities in order you useless cretin!.
And the more she talks about Ste, the more l think it is planned.
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May 3, 2023
Actually, you could be on to something there. Are you thinking the pair of them have planned it?, because it really does make sense.
But to only stage it yesterday and online. Even with 1 brain cell between them it would figure out it's all over social media and that 1 day means nothing, Im Sure the people who have Alfie watch their lives or read on here
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