Lou @Lifewithloux

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Lous Alexa

Apr 16, 2023
She is 100% using something.
I'm a recovered addict and this is like looking at myself 20 years ago.
Methadone doesn't do this.
Beta blockers don't do this ( I'm on those now)
Opiate based painkillers do ,which she can't have been given legally as its mega no no for a doctor to prescribe those to someone actively taking methadone.

It may be pregablin, diazepam, or morphine at a guess .

I have chronic illness that caused excessive fatigue and even I'm not like she is ,that isn't tiredness. She can't be tired she does sweet FA all day.

Some of her accounts who follow her are saying they spotted a syringe on her floor in one of her stories over the past few days .

She needs sectioning. She is gonna die at this rate and as much as i hate her ,I don't wish her dead no matter how much of a disgusting human she is .
I thought I saw a syringe too but not certain. Thoughts?

Apr 30, 2023
She's fuming that people were concerned and they had the audacity to call for help, and had the audacity to wake her up with an ambulance. Absolutely fuming.
I really hope people wipe their hands of her now. Because of her own actions when people show concern she acts like that!. Ungrateful oxygen thief!.
May 12, 2023
I have to say I was dead when ont when I said she’d keep her drug s to insta and push the in sober s to tiktok. I

I’m no expert but I can’t think what else it could be? But the chances of her hitting a vein are next to nothing surely
Replying to myself because the first part of the reply was something I wrote earlier but didn’t send 💀 sorry lads, not on drugs x
May 3, 2023
Definitely not, I know several people who take it for chronic pain and it does not make you sleep sitting there lol. I think it helps keep you asleep?
I take the max dose amitriptyline for pain and I have done since I had my last baby docs planned it all outi started the night she was born and had my dose up every 2 months 10mg at a time till we got a balance (came of it during pregnancy and suffered bad with the pain) I have never been like that, I have breast and bottle fed my baby every 2 hours for the first 6 months and she's settling now to sleep through the night but i never passed out or never woke up for my baby. They tell you to take it at night no later than 7.30 cause it can stay in your system and make you drowsy the next day when you first start it most of the time that's if they over medicate too quick. I've actually automatically took my night tablets in the morning by accident and didn't even get tired,
Lou uses it as an excuse to hide behind and people who have never heard of it. It's like people who never take tablets then take cocodamol and get drowsy. She's a hard core user no way would any med used properly affect her like that. Apologies for the rant but she gives people with chronic pain a bad name. My mate watches her and knows I take the same thing and tried to tell me I would be like that.

Jealous A Cup

Apr 19, 2023
The breathing through her mouth is new, not helpful either as she slurps and grunts, rather than breathe properly and make an effort to speak properly like she's been told to before. I mean imagine being too lazy to breathe properly.
The breathing and drowsiness is like respiratory depression. It's really quite dangerous
signs of respiratory depression include:

Fatigue ✅
Confusion and disorientation✅
Lethargy ✅
Nausea and/or vomiting
Fluctuations in blood pressure
Abnormal breathing sounds, such as a whistling or crackling sound✅
Apnea (abnormally long pauses in between breaths followed by a long sigh)✅
Bluish or grayish skin
Rapid heart rate

These can be caused by:-
  • Alcohol
  • Benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium, Ativan)
  • Barbiturates (phenobarbital, secobarbital, amobarbital, and pentobarbital)
  • Narcotics or opioids (morphine, Vicodin, OxyContin, fentanyl)
  • Illicit drugs (heroin, GHB, desomorphine)
More often than not it's opioid medication. Respiratory depression and overdose can occur in anyone. Sometimes, people who take their medications regularly may overdose unintentionally if they accidentally mix their medications or drink alcohol with medications still in their system.
Apr 16, 2023
Where I live the big thing is fake Valium. People are taking bucket loads of them and they are not as expensive as H etc.
They are deadly, seen so many people through work at deaths door because of it.
It’s the same here, I worked with a women who was taking up to 100 a day! She went on to suffer drug induce epilepsy
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