Lou @Lifewithloux

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Oct 10, 2023
for God's sake these ppl sending him money, are they insane? The boy is on just over 1,900 a month, that's with his rent and council tax payed. And they are writing in the comments that they can't afford to feed their kids Yet the chuck money his way for vape pills and ready made sandwiches . I wish someone would send me free money to go to a bakery for freshly made sandwiches and some cakes. These enablers deserve to get ripped off imo. Idiots. She was texting him through the live. I hear lou is RAGING that someone's doing a tesco shop for him. She has said and I quote "it's not fair. I'm the one with all the followers and he's getting the money and gifts, it's not right"
🤣🤣 everyone stop sending money, make him do a wish list. Only buy stuff for men, nothing that will benefit that beast of a unit
I'd gladly but off pork swords wish list but nothing for that sket
Gifts for men are easy to sell, especially at this time of year.
In rough areas the local shop lifters go knocking door to door with things like meat, cheese, baby milk powder, deodorants and perfumes.
Easy to steal, easy to shift.
Especially the baby milk because people seem to think the people stealing it are doing it because they're desperate to feed their kid, so they ignore it and let them get away... In reality it's because it's extremely easy to sell.


Oct 10, 2023
Haha good luck with that! They police might also be interested in a little drug deal that went online as well!!!
Police won't care about either most likely.
If there are videos up about her that she doesn't like, while listing herself as a digital creator, it's at worst a civil case for either copyright or slander.
If it's posted from tiktok it's game over because you lose the rights to it as soon as you upload it.
If it's slander well, you can't exactly say that videos you've posted yourself that are reposted are slanderous to you can you?

As for the drug deal, the crime itself is possession so unless they're caught red handed it doesn't matter if there's video evidence
Aug 29, 2023
Ooooh last part of her story was a dig at angie lol
I just watched Lous stories on Instagram and I definitely think the last part was a dig at Angie...hopefully someone screen records and sends it to her. How two faced is she. Lous just been in her live commenting 🙄 she's clearly so jealous of Angie getting money and gifts 🤣 I don't know why anyone gives either of them anything 🤯
Apr 30, 2023
Her curtain rails went the distance and she's whining like a baby 😂
She went from 'This is why l need a man, to this is why l need money to buy a drill, to why is life doing this to me!' 😂

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