Lou @Lifewithloux

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Apr 17, 2023
There was a history of DV with lou.i think it was a case of mutual DV, that was caused by substance abuse causing psychosis.
Lou was such a loving mum. She grieves the loss of her children, even though her actions and associations and addictions caused her maternal downfall. Her maternal love has and will never end.
I'm not stupid or ignorant. I know the best and her faults.
Who is this stupid t?
Jun 9, 2023
Lou is ok she bounces back
You are one horrible excuse for a mother.. if she was my kid no matter what she had done I would move heaven and earth to help my child get back to a normal drug free and stable person.. and if Lou does sort her life out eventually (which I can’t see happening) I hope she kicks you to the fing curb where you belong…

YoU ArE SuCh a fY ExCuSe fOr A HuMaN bEiNg
Apr 16, 2023
It was her dad's mam. I grew up in care from six weeks old. Addiction runs in my family's genes
Addiction runs in family genes, either your thick as fk or taking the piss ,so lous a druggie because it runs in the family fk off, my father was an abussive alcholic living at home was not great so does that mean when i had my own kids i should belt them whilst im pissed ,no i didn't as i new when i had kids that no way on earth would i ever treat my kids that way,no wonder lou is like she is if thats the s that comes out your mouth ,so firstly you say because her nana died 1st week seniors she found hard make friends and now addiction runs in family so was obviously she was going to end up like that ,i can see were lou gets it from its everybody elses fault fml
Jun 9, 2023
You are one horrible excuse for a mother.. if she was my kid no matter what she had done I would move heaven and earth to help my child get back to a normal drug free and stable person.. and if Lou does sort her life out eventually (which I can’t see happening) I hope she kicks you to the fing curb where you belong…

YoU ArE SuCh a fY ExCuSe fOr A HuMaN bEiNg
But that is if you are her mum, which you are not ..
Apr 16, 2023
Ok i

Lou is ok she bounces back
She's ok she bounces back wtf you actually don't give a flying fk do you , aw she'll be ok man she always is ,are you for real she hasn't just fell over SHE's off her face daily has lost 3 kids, lives in filth begs online and you come back with she bounces back you are not right in the head am fkn gobsmacked
May 23, 2023
Totally agree, i don't think them kids should be anywere near lou or her parents
Lou can’t even brush her teeth correctly, she can’t cook, clean, doesn’t work, when she had her kids she was a mediocre parent at best, prioritises the internet over everything, can’t budget, is morbidly obese because of poor diet choices, is rude and mouthy. Begs on the internet for every single thing ranging from take aways to desks, dildos and Xmas trees.

All of these things a decent parent would have taught their daughter to or not to do.

Marie is a s t, pass it on


Apr 17, 2023
Let me put you straight, Marie. One day she will not bounce back and that day is coming fast. I hope you know that.

And yes, I do know from painful experience. My own dad died two years ago this week from an addiction he didn’t ever admit to. He died alone and he didn’t give one single do about his kids to even say he needed help. Ringing any bells for you, Marie??

How you gonna feel when you’re clearing out her flat where her body has been laid for three weeks decomposing on the bed like I had to for my dad?

Get your s together, Marie. You intervene now or you’ll regret it for the rest of your pathetic life.
Oct 3, 2023
What I’ve never understood as her mother is you never seem to be there helping her with a routine, helping her budget, showing her how to keep a house clean. Building her up. Something a mother should be helping her with, not strangers on the internet. When she’s saying she has no food, why not take her some cooked meals round. Put some in the freezer. No mother would let their child go without food.
Granted you spend time with her children and have them to stay, that’s great it’s just a shame you don’t extend that to your own daughter a bit more often.
Apr 16, 2023
Lou can’t even brush her teeth correctly, she can’t cook, clean, doesn’t work, when she had her kids she was a mediocre parent at best, prioritises the internet over everything, can’t budget, is morbidly obese because of poor diet choices, is rude and mouthy. Begs on the internet for every single thing ranging from take aways to desks, dildos and Xmas trees.

All of these things a decent parent would have taught their daughter to or not to do.

Marie is a s t, pass it on
And all this because the mother wasn't there for 6 weeks and addiction runs in family ,i don't smoke but i feel like i need a joint right now ,scrap that i already feel stoned by what has been written 🤪
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