Lou @Lifewithloux

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Apr 30, 2023
Crying she has no food, drinks, or money, but has cash for her cigarettes.
Scamming little witch.
May 5, 2023
I followed her back then too - the twinkle t era. Hinch and the cleaning, wax melt, zoflora freak show ruined her - she didn't have what they had and she just couldn't cope with it. She idolised Hinch and Mops and got sucked into a nasty, bitchy vortex that killed her limited self esteem. I remember something about Hinch getting in touch with her - mostly to shut her up about something - can't remember what though. Hinch dressed it up as being nice and friendly but she was manipulating Lou to quieten her. That was not good for Lou who just thought Hinch was her bestie (from a few words and voicenotes). She was obsessed - absolutely idolised her - and desperately wanted to be like her. That's when the begging started, and carol entered the scene. What carol has done is prove to Lou that virtual begging works. She's as much to blame in all this as anyone else.
Lou's mental health deteriorated when she couldn't have the Hinch lifestyle. She couldn't cope. The "suicide attempt" was to guilt trip the people who were calling her out (some of them no better tbh). That cesspit of dressing gown wearing wax melt fan girls was (is) poisonous.
And here we are. I totally believe if she'd never heard of Hinch she wouldn't be here now.
I know you all know this already, i just needed to get it off my chest 😅 if you got to the end 👏👏👏

It's all absolutely true. I've said it before, myself. Hinch created this catastrophe and Carol feeds it. Carol is a massive part of Lou's problems, not the solution she thinks she is. She's not a saviour, she's a monster. Buying her that £200 laptop was fing idiotic .. insane!
May 11, 2023
It's all absolutely true. I've said it before, myself. Hinch created this catastrophe and Carol feeds it. Carol is a massive part of Lou's problems, not the solution she thinks she is. She's not a saviour, she's a monster. Buying her that £200 laptop was fing idiotic .. insane!
I think it started when carol bought her a shark vacuum cleaner - but as we all can see it's never enough. You could buy her the moon and she'd want the stars, buy her the stars and she'd want the sun - a new thing appeases her for 30 seconds if you're lucky. The addictive personality plays out in shopping or getting new things. She just wants STUFF. Then it accumulates and she gets overwhelmed so to feel better she wants more STUFF.
The drink situation the other day - it would never occur to her that tap water would even be an option - she wanted a flavour, a taste, a brand, a 'thing'. She is inherently unhappy and 'things' give her a 5 second hit.
She will never get better if she doesn't address the root cause of her issues and it doesn't look to me like anyone's helping her to do that.
In the meantime she annoys the do out of everyone (me included) and can't cope and lies and begs and flails from thing to thing. I can not see how this situation will ever be resolved.


May 2, 2023
How the do can a grown arsed, 30 year old woman live like this, and expect people to believe that her kids were removed because of a mistake by a solicitor (yeah right!) on a court order?! She lives like a kid in uni away from home for the first time - no clue about cleaning, no clue about wellbeing, no clue about looking after herself, no clue about nutrition. Thing is, these kids away from home for the first time are 18 and learning, I was one of them - she's got kids and had to look after them on her own for a few years, too. THAT is scary - how she cared for them when she can't care for herself is mind boggling. I get the whole hinch link and how that hindered her mental health - I don't think if she hadn't found Hinch she wouldn't be here - I think she as on her way well before Hinch (that drugs doc she was in was well before Hinch was a thing), but the sheer jealousy she had spurred her on. She wanted the free stuff - it wasn't even about Hinch per se - it was about freebies and the self-entitled little t felt like she deserved them and should have them, too; I'm not a Hincher, never really 'got' it, but I can understand how she's a marketing dream. Lou is delusional if she thinks she's anything close to that. Thing is, the basic 'Hinch' principle is a tidy, clean home - Lou can't do that, and she never has been able to - it was never about being like Hinch, it was about 'stuff'. If she loved Hinch the way she professes, she would at least have her s in order when it comes to her home - it costs around £3 to keep your home clean if you're skint. You don't need the bells and whistles, you need dish soap, a sponge/cloth and a bit of bleach. That will literally keep your home clean. If you can afford a dustpan and brush, that will sort you, too- how do these idiots think our Nans kept their homes pristine without Flash, Zoflora, Cif, Fabulosa or whatever utter gimmicky garbage is flavour of the month?!

Also, can we talk about the games console?! She's fing 30!!! She could have given that to the kids considering all she's contributed to them is a bag of poundland s and some hair bobbles. But no, Lou places her own importance over her own kids, and THAT is how she's in this mess.

fing absolute loser and absolute drain on society.


May 4, 2023
Sprained her ankle again so won't be going to her appointments today.

Her rooms a mess, but can't be arsed.

In other words it's groundhog day. Lazy, dirty bag!

Sprained it that bad to cancel appointment but was literally stood balancing on that foot before she mentioned it 🙄 absolute idiot she'll be crying next week when she's sanctioned again for not going
May 1, 2023
It's all absolutely true. I've said it before, myself. Hinch created this catastrophe and Carol feeds it. Carol is a massive part of Lou's problems, not the solution she thinks she is. She's not a saviour, she's a monster. Buying her that £200 laptop was fing idiotic .. insane!
Lou needs to be cut off by all of the people currently funding her so she has to actually fend for herself. That way she might finally try cleaning up her act.
May 1, 2023
How the do can a grown arsed, 30 year old woman live like this, and expect people to believe that her kids were removed because of a mistake by a solicitor (yeah right!) on a court order?! She lives like a kid in uni away from home for the first time - no clue about cleaning, no clue about wellbeing, no clue about looking after herself, no clue about nutrition. Thing is, these kids away from home for the first time are 18 and learning, I was one of them - she's got kids and had to look after them on her own for a few years, too. THAT is scary - how she cared for them when she can't care for herself is mind boggling. I get the whole hinch link and how that hindered her mental health - I don't think if she hadn't found Hinch she wouldn't be here - I think she as on her way well before Hinch (that drugs doc she was in was well before Hinch was a thing), but the sheer jealousy she had spurred her on. She wanted the free stuff - it wasn't even about Hinch per se - it was about freebies and the self-entitled little t felt like she deserved them and should have them, too; I'm not a Hincher, never really 'got' it, but I can understand how she's a marketing dream. Lou is delusional if she thinks she's anything close to that. Thing is, the basic 'Hinch' principle is a tidy, clean home - Lou can't do that, and she never has been able to - it was never about being like Hinch, it was about 'stuff'. If she loved Hinch the way she professes, she would at least have her s in order when it comes to her home - it costs around £3 to keep your home clean if you're skint. You don't need the bells and whistles, you need dish soap, a sponge/cloth and a bit of bleach. That will literally keep your home clean. If you can afford a dustpan and brush, that will sort you, too- how do these idiots think our Nans kept their homes pristine without Flash, Zoflora, Cif, Fabulosa or whatever utter gimmicky garbage is flavour of the month?!

Also, can we talk about the games console?! She's fing 30!!! She could have given that to the kids considering all she's contributed to them is a bag of poundland s and some hair bobbles. But no, Lou places her own importance over her own kids, and THAT is how she's in this mess.

fing absolute loser and absolute drain on society.
Does anyone remember when she was given affirmation cards to advertise and she surrounded them with a couple of fairy lights and then posted the pics upside down? She wanted to be an influencer but didn’t want to put the effort and work in.
Apr 12, 2023
Does anyone remember when she was given affirmation cards to advertise and she surrounded them with a couple of fairy lights and then posted the pics upside down? She wanted to be an influencer but didn’t want to put the effort and work in.
Haha yes I saw that pic on her page the other day, was having a look the old Lou, she's proper fed herself up
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