Lou @Lifewithloux

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May 11, 2023
Looks like she got some of ste’s Dandelion and burdock after all 🤣 absolute disgrace for a woman of her age, on her own to be living like that! She may be 30 but she has the intelligence of a goldfish
May 11, 2023
KK never bought her anything, the fing liar. She CLAIMED she bought her the tablet, but she didn't, another enabler bought it and got called a liar by KK and Lou, even though she had the proof by way of Amazon "receipt", KK convinced Lou that the proof was fake. It wasn't.

Carol bought her the laptop, laptop bag, trainers, that chocolate dribbled dressing gown, tee shirts, pink jacket & a £50 Primark giftcard (& they're just the items we KNOW 100% were Carol, she's most likely bought her MUCH more) & she also put £50 into her "go-fund me". Carol is a fing imbecile with money to burn.
I’d seen the SS of the laptop apparently up for sale and KK had reposted saying she now feels like a t for helping her or something along those lines..

Carol is her enabler. I bet she walks passed loads of folk begging on the streets and doesn’t think twice but poor old Lou in England gets all the help and prizes she can give her. It’s very weird..


Apr 29, 2023
I’d seen the SS of the laptop apparently up for sale and KK had reposted saying she now feels like a t for helping her or something along those lines..

Carol is her enabler. I bet she walks passed loads of folk begging on the streets and doesn’t think twice but poor old Lou in England gets all the help and prizes she can give her. It’s very weird..
KK gave the impression she bought the laptop. Just Another s talking dippy t with nothing between her ears.

Tea and toast

Apr 17, 2023
Oh, she's got a debit card alright. I'm not 100% sure, but aren't benefits paid into a bank account these days, & you need a debit card to withdraw money from the post office/bank & pay for stuff in shops etc...
Im sure she said in a beggy post the other day that she has no card . ..
But hadn't thought about benefits being paid, so you're probably right.

All those bags for a single debit card and a small pouch of baccy! 🤣

Miss Shapes

May 6, 2023
She absolutely looks pregnant to me. I've said this before - she will go into hospital in late labour, give birth, have the baby taken by social services, & be back home within 24 hours and not one of us will be any the wiser. Then she'll miraculously lose weight due to her "exercise regime".
She definitely looks pregnant, her photo on Instagram back in March looks so different to today. Oh sad!
Apr 25, 2023
I'm so sorry to learn this. I've been blessed with two children and want to scratch that skank's face to shreds and rip her eyes out, so I can't even begin to imagine how the repulsive oxygen thief makes you feel ❤
Thank you. It just infuriates me. All I've ever wanted is to have a child.
seeing her loose hers to drugs is horrible (my own dad was an addict for the last few years of his life) so I know it happens. But he still at least fought for his kids jumped through hoops to see them. He still made me feel like his child even up until he died I was 23 and I still knew I was his baby.

Why doesn't she even fight for her kids thats what does me. She has made some bad choices but your supposed to be "in recovery" why is she not doing everything she can to see them and prove she wants to be part of their lives.

All she cares about is herself, getting free tatt and getting smacked out her face with that lanky streak of piss that she calls her boyfriend.
She needs sterilising, let's face it she will get pregnant again if she isn't already.
May 17, 2023
I am fully convinced she is pregnant. She can’t do normal things like wash her hands and wipe her mouth after choc choc, there’s not a chance she is remembering to take any form of contraception. She acted the same when she was pregnant with her second, claims she had no clue till she went in to labour, said she was getting fat etc. I’m now convinced she did that as a stunt to get everything for free. A group of women rallied round to kit that baby out with everything at no cost to Lou. She has always had everything given to her, pure greed and laziness.
May 13, 2023
When someone starts off addicted to pain killers they soon realise they are extremely difficult to come by in large doses. You have two options, you ask for help and your GP will prescribe you the meds in order to wean you off them, the other choice is you get your fix with drugs that are very easy to come by and before you know it you’re a smack head. I have addicts in my family and they are the most destructive, lying, rotten people when they are in the depths of addiction and I wouldn’t leave one alone with a dog never mind a child! And one of them literally started out with pain meds for a broken leg! I hope to god she is not pregnant again.
May 12, 2023
I think what is becoming clear is the amount of support that most of us have tried to give Lou over the years (evil bunch of trolls we are!!)
I’ve also spent hours supporting her in the past, giving her cleaning advice, parenting advice, sticking up for her when KK and 4head were ragging her all over Insta etc and then when the s hit the fan with all the bought followers and I asked her why she did it she dragged my name all over tattle, accused me of bullying her and started contacting my family and friends. Then the whole suicide story came out and that’s where my support ended. Anyone who uses suicide as a “joke” has lost my respect and support.
There is absolutely no helping her until she is at a point where she is at rock bottom and starts to help herself and sadly I don’t think she has got there yet.


Apr 16, 2023
she’s only posting sporadically recently, too. Laptop and tablet haven’t been in sight for ages. swapped for drugs, no doubt. She’s choosing exactly what she wants people to see, what will play the enablers in to the palm of her hand to fund and encourage her erratic and vulgar behaviour. She’s really starting to get right on my tits. She’s past the point of help, nothing will ever be good enough for her and she will never be able to function as a normal member of society.
I did wonder the other day if what she was on about with MC Steve..giving him something and he'd not given it back..if it was the laptop or tablet
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