Lou @Lifewithloux

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Apr 12, 2023
So if she picks her methadone up twice a week now, does that mean she’s picking up three or 4 days worth at a time? Surely she’s just going to take it all on day one and then have a massive crying comedown? Or Ste will steal it from her either to take or sell?
Yeah shes picking up more than one day at a time now. Wont last long though .
May 5, 2023
How can she be negative if she’s openly been taking codeine. She’s full of se. The box next to her on the sofa was
Lyrica, aka pregablin.

The pick-up thing is largely trust based, too, so her key worker is clearly a knobhead. To go from daily supervised pickup to twice weekly - Im absolutely not buying it; she should have been brought off supervised consumption first, then be trusted with lesser pickups. So essentially, she’s saying she’s gone from only being allowed to pickup every day and having to be watched taking the methadone, to collecting twice a week. She’s absolutely full of s the ugly t.

It's a common trick used by addicts. They take codeine (or any type of opioid prescriptive drug) and it can explain the appearance if opiate in the urine, which gives what they call a "false positive" result. That's what has happened here, but Lou is trying to spin it as a negative result, which it is not, it's a false positive. That's why she won't show any printed result.
She's scheming all the time to come up with innovative new bullshit ideas for tall-tales, to dupe her village idiots into thinking she's either done well or feel sorry for her, so that they reward her with misplaced praise or sympathy and she hopes atm, to buy her a birthday gift. She's very sly and manipulative and her enablers hoover up her lies. They're idiots.
May 18, 2023
Lou is living it up in free accommodation with free gas and electric not having to work and eating greggs takeaway.
Me and my partner run our own business and are having to eat pasta with grated cheese tonight because we have had a £900 energy bill and our rent to pay. We now have to wait until our customer pays his invoice so we can go out food shopping.
This does not seem in anyway fair.
But we are drug free and have our happy children in OUR care, so I guess we win 🤷🏻‍♀️
May 11, 2023

What the do. I saw this on her stories and my head melted - couldn't work out what the jumble of flesh was and just decided to ignore it.
I genuinely have no words other than is that what i think it is? 😣
May 17, 2023
  • Alcohol: 3-5 days in urine, 10-12 hours in blood
  • Amphetamines: 1-3 days in urine and around 12 hours in blood
  • Barbiturates: 2-4 days in urine and 1-2 days in blood
  • Benzodiazepines: 3-6 weeks in urine and 2-3 days in blood
  • Cannabis: 7-30 days in urine and up to 2 weeks in blood
  • Cocaine: 3-4 days in urine and 1-2 days in blood
  • Codeine: 1 day in urine and up to 12 hours in blood
  • Heroin: 3-4 days in urine and up to 12 hours in blood
  • LSD: 1-3 days in urine and up to 2-3 hours in blood
  • MDMA (ecstasy): 3-4 days in urine and 1-2 days in blood
  • Methamphetamine (crystal meth): 3-6 days in urine and 24 - 72 hours in blood
  • Methadone: 3-4 days in urine and 24-36 hours in blood
  • Morphine: 2-3 days in urine and 6-8 hours in blood
Smug Sally is in recovawee guys.
Explains why she’s steered clear of Ste for a few days then doesn’t it. She knew this was coming. That’s why she was so jealous he was off his nut the other day!
May 5, 2023
Wanting her mum to call and get them to send an ambulance for a sprained ankle?? 😡 are you fing real! No grip on reality

She is RIDICULOUS. Beside the fact that she doesn't need an ambulance for her swollen ankles (not sprained, even - her ankles are swollen because she's obese and carrying excess weight. I'm convinced she's pregnant, I really am. Either way, being overweight and/or heavily pregnant causes oedema. That's ALL it is) why does she need her mum to phone for an ambulance for her? She's got a fing phone and even with no credit/minutes, you can still call emergency services - in a REAL emergency!

She has no emotional maturity. She's like a petulant child. She really grinds my gears.
Apr 30, 2023
Wanting her mum to call and get them to send an ambulance for a sprained ankle?? 😡 are you fing real! No grip on reality
Came here as soon as l saw her story. The lazy little b. She can get taxis ok so stop draining the NHS.

If she was to overdose my response would be 'oh well, she had it coming!'. Waste of oxygen what she is 😡
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