Lou @Lifewithloux

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Apr 27, 2023
After all that se with Ste-bag, he's been bought back like nothing ever happened! His gaunt, crooked mug hovering over her shoulder like something off a horror movie. Pair of absolute whoppers.
Anyone remember that Snapchat filter from a while back; the one that made some weird gormless man appear behind you? It’s STEEEEE!


May 2, 2023
Aaaaand it all makes sense why she’s lied about the drug test - it’s all about getting people to buy her s from her wish list cos it’s her ‘birthday month’. Birthday month?! Cheeky t. It was her kids birthday the other week and he got absolute garbage from the pound shop.

One utter, utter stain on society.

I have no words about ste - what a weasel he is.
May 11, 2023
I got as far as the ‘look at me ankle. I’ll call 111 in the morning and they can just send an ambulance’ ‘ I waited ages the last time in A&E and all they gave me was codeine’
Ahhh if only I had the ability to put my hand through the phone and grab that smack head by the scruff of her dirty, grotty neck!’

My FIL waited 3 hours for an ambulance when he had his stroke and this big orange munter thinks it’s ok to waste their time for a sprained ankle because she’s too good to wait in A&E. the ambulance will leave her in A&E anyway. 😭😭

There’s no fing hope for her. She really grinds my gears and thinks society owes her. What she’s owed is a cardboard box in the street and nothing else the scummy b!!
May 17, 2023
I don’t know what’s worse
The headband
Describing south bank as a holiday (IYKYK)
Describing south bank as chilled and calm
The headband again
Using her ‘negative’ piss test as a way to get more sE for free
The headband
Or Ste calling someone, who actually gets off their arse to work for a living while he dosses about chasing the dragon with that fat meff, thick😅

Also the backtracking on I’ve got loads of stuff for my house, I mean tat for my bed sit 🤢


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May 23, 2023
Can’t get a taxi to A&E. Can’t afford a pot to piss in as she claims, yet has money for takeaways, fags and alcohol. Actually sick of these two, makes me so fing angry!! They need putting down, they are vile and beyond help.
it's actual vile. you could give that lassie your last and it still wouldn't be enough. I could never imagine not seeing my child. I've seen zero attempt of her doing anything to get them back or even visitation. all she cares about is her fing oompa loompa hobble leg self... and steeee 🤢

Vis and Vat

Apr 17, 2023
Omg how angry can someone get you in 5 minutes of watching their stories 😡
Why the do would you need an ambulance? For an ankle!! It's your birth day not a fing month. And now we know STEEEEEEEEEEE lives in Southbank. What's the betting when she goes back to the flea pit all her bits and bobs are gone?? And that white fing scummy mouth 🤮🤮🤮


May 22, 2023
Does anyone have a copy of Dawneshomelife's stories about Lou/Carol? Damned if I can find them, but I love some
I’ve told Dawn to come across here btw 😁
I think it started when carol bought her a shark vacuum cleaner - but as we all can see it's never enough. You could buy her the moon and she'd want the stars, buy her the stars and she'd want the sun - a new thing appeases her for 30 seconds if you're lucky. The addictive personality plays out in shopping or getting new things. She just wants STUFF. Then it accumulates and she gets overwhelmed so to feel better she wants more STUFF.
The drink situation the other day - it would never occur to her that tap water would even be an option - she wanted a flavour, a taste, a brand, a 'thing'. She is inherently unhappy and 'things' give her a 5 second hit.
She will never get better if she doesn't address the root cause of her issues and it doesn't look to me like anyone's helping her to do that.
In the meantime she annoys the do out of everyone (me included) and can't cope and lies and begs and flails from thing to thing. I can not see how this situation will ever be resolved.
It's all absolutely true. I've said it before, myself. Hinch created this catastrophe and Carol feeds it. Carol is a massive part of Lou's problems, not the solution she thinks she is. She's not a saviour, she's a monster. Buying her that £200 laptop was fing idiotic .. insane!
The laptop was put on FB the very next day for sale beggy quickly took it off because to many people had posted it. Carol has seen the light finally 😊
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