Lou @Lifewithloux

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May 22, 2023
She’ll be at A&E later trying to blag some more

She could go to food banks if she was really hungry. I actually suggested it to her a few months back, she read my message and then blocked me. She just wants money, I’d love to know what bullshit she’s telling people for them to send money rather than sending her in the direction of food banks/charities.
Ill pop back on when my little girl is asleep 🍵
May 23, 2023
Well that escalated quickly!!


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May 11, 2023
Hold the bus! Is she claiming medical negligence because she fell over her own fat cankles and was prescribed codeine??
It’s her responsibility as a ‘recovering’ addict to make the health care professionals aware she’s in ‘recovery’
She’s so full of s, I can smell her here!!

I can’t with her today. Not today Satan!! 😫

That stupid b has more jam than hartleys and still pleads poverty. Her smack head boyfriend is another one.. he walks about thinking he’s gods gift when infact he’s just a lanky streak of piss with absolutely no hope of any kind of future. Pair of absolute scum


Apr 21, 2023
The stories yesterday confused me greatly. Not sure exactly what was nailed to what but either way it just made my imagination run wild and I couldn’t stop thinking about Ste nailed to the cross and Lou looking all depressed and sulky pushing that lip out screaming STEEEEEEE. I think I’ll give my therapist a call today xoxo


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May 1, 2023
Hold the bus! Is she claiming medical negligence because she fell over her own fat cankles and was prescribed codeine??
It’s her responsibility as a ‘recovering’ addict to make the health care professionals aware she’s in ‘recovery’
She’s so full of s, I can smell her here!!

I can’t with her today. Not today Satan!! 😫

That stupid b has more jam than hartleys and still pleads poverty. Her smack head boyfriend is another one.. he walks about thinking he’s gods gift when infact he’s just a lanky streak of piss with absolutely no hope of any kind of future. Pair of absolute scum
The hospital didn’t hold her down and force codeine onto her, the stupid t could have said no or just not taken them 🙄
May 5, 2023
I just didn’t wanna see Lou’s fing tuna taco tonight wtf. No emotional maturity is one of the best ways I’ve heard someone describe her.

Ring an ambulance. Ring a fing ambulance. Seriously?! What an absolute t. My nanny waited FOURTEEN hours for an ambulance when she broke her hip. We took her in a taxi in the end and the ambulance turned up after. But this cheeky fat little t thinks she should get one for a fing fat ankle cos she hasn’t even got the capacity to walk properly. Although she can fing manage when she’s munching down grey burgers or chasing her remedial boyfriend round.

I keep thinking she’s pregs but then I see rolls and it throws me. I never had any rolls like this when I was pregnant can you still get them??

"chasing her remedial boyfriend round"

remedial - a perfect adjective regarding Ste.

eta: sorry to hear that about your nan. I hope she got better ❤
May 5, 2023
She is 100% setting the scene for her stuff being ruined in the flood and/or stolen which means anything of value has been sold or pawned.

100%!!! That whole house needs new carpet all over. I mean, look at the state of it in Lou's room, it's covered in stains and burns from cigs/joints. The whole house would be done, plus carpet fitters don't use nails ffs, they only use tacks for carpet grippers & they're not big enough to go through a pipe. Besides which, they'd use an electronic tester that tells you where pipes & electrical wires are. Also, I doubt any grippers would be used anyway, as in most rooms fitters use a tool that pushes the carpet edges under the skirting boards.

It's a story that could be setting the scene for the loss of the laptop. I'm amazed she still has it, to be honest. I do know that Carol put stipulations in place regarding that laptop. Lou has to "report in" to Carol on facetime with the laptop every few weeks, to prove she still has it.

Weird for two reasons..
1 ... It's a means of control and maintaining contact and,
2 ... It proves that Carol actually does not have faith or trust in Lou, which makes her cheerleading and "you got this" crap all the more bizarre.


Apr 17, 2023
100%!!! That whole house needs new carpet all over. I mean, look at the state of it in Lou's room, it's covered in stains and burns from cigs/joints. The whole house would be done, plus carpet fitters don't use nails ffs, they only use tacks for carpet grippers & they're not big enough to go through a pipe. Besides which, they'd use an electronic tester that tells you where pipes & electrical wires are. Also, I doubt any grippers would be used anyway, as in most rooms fitters use a tool that pushes the carpet edges under the skirting boards.

It's a story that could be setting the scene for the loss of the laptop. I'm amazed she still has it, to be honest. I do know that Carol put stipulations in place regarding that laptop. Lou has to "report in" to Carol on facetime with the laptop every few weeks, to prove she still has it.

Weird for two reasons..
1 ... It's a means of control and maintaining contact and,
2 ... It proves that Carol actually does not have faith or trust in Lou, which makes her cheerleading and "you got this" crap all the more bizarre.
Has lou ever seen Carol like in real life? On FaceTime or anything? I don’t think anyone could ever convince me she’s real 🤣 I’d have to see her with my own eyes to believe it
May 5, 2023
I’ve told Dawn to come across here btw 😁

The laptop was put on FB the very next day for sale beggy quickly took it off because to many people had posted it. Carol has seen the light finally 😊

She hasn't. Not in my experience, anyway. She still makes excuses for Lou and is convinced that trolls mocked-up that facebook selling advert. She also believes that when Lou is OBVIOUSLY high, it's only from her prescribed meds. If you know 100% that she has seen the light (at last), would you be able to share why you think this? (Without "outing" yourself, obviously). My interactions with Carol have all been quite hostile, she's very prickly about being questioned about Lou & what drives her to help her out with so much money, she is fully gaslit by beggy imo.
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