Lou @Lifewithloux

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May 1, 2023
why is she blaming HER mess on the people who have been working on her house like they’ve been routing through her bags of temu se and dossing about in the living room 🤣
I don’t understand how she struggles to keep a house with only her in clean. It’s not hard to put things away when you’ve used them. Wash up and most importantly put rubbish in a bin.
May 11, 2023
I can’t understand any of the dribble coming from her mouth tonight. I’m with a toddler and a baby all day and I can understand them perfectly fine.

In one breath.. ‘I can’t go upstairs because of me ankle’ in the next.. ‘I’m gonna bring my tripod down’
You actually heard the brakes go in her head when she said it.. ‘it was at that moment, she knew she’d fed up’ 🤣🤣👌
Apr 30, 2023
It’s everyone else’s fault as usual the kids, the house even looking after ste 🤣🤣🤣🤣 honestly the day lou takes accountability for her actions will be the day she learns a lot she’s all me me me. You you you!
I heard that about Ste. So what's wrong with him that he needs looking after?!. Unconscious on his drugs again probably 🙄
May 29, 2023
I heard that about Ste. So what's wrong with him that he needs looking after?!. Unconscious on his drugs again probably 🙄
Neither of them help one another all they do is feed off to one another she is off her face tonight, also this ankle id of dragged myself to hospital bad or not just to get my pills, this is where I question where Lou plays on this to get money sent to get her proper fix because as an addict any fix will do!

Backdoor beg

Apr 20, 2023
Why the do is she wearing a leather jacket indoors?
And sunglasses 😂 who the do does she think she is?
She thinks she’s so bloody beautiful, I’ve had to stop watching most of its stories as quite frankly she’s stomach churning!
That scum round it’s mouth is bloody vile, it reminds me of when you are eating a chicken royale (messy fers them things! 😂) & now I can’t bring myself to eat ‘em!


Apr 18, 2023
What an absolute disgrace this girl is to recovered or recovering addicts and how she gives us a bad name, tarrs us with the same brush, she is not recovering or recovered because when you do you become total abstinence from any mind altering substance! The first thing I did was get off my script went into recovery and gave all I could back from the years I’ve took took took, that was helping in charity shop’s hospitals and doing local charity work because when your free from all that holds you living a normal life (dr**s) you don’t see what you’ve sucked out of society! Lou still is sucking from society with gifts, money and her daily begging! She is an addict and knows how to play the system well! There Are people who would give there hand and foot for what she’s getting, a roof over her head and benefits! I’ll hold my hands up I did wrong under the influence but the life I’ve had in the last 3 years I would not change for the world!
I know you’re not saying it for the big well done but congratulations. You should be dead proud of yourself. It takes a s tonne of time and effort to actually recover and I think it’s a great accomplishment. I hope your family and friends are proud of you.
Every time I hear her blame everyone in the nation but not herself I know she’s nowhere near it. I know there are couples that do get clean together but with Ste in her life she’ll not manage. She has this pure trauma bond with him.
May 29, 2023
I know you’re not saying it for the big well done but congratulations. You should be dead proud of yourself. It takes a s tonne of time and effort to actually recover and I think it’s a great accomplishment. I hope your family and friends are proud of you.
Every time I hear her blame everyone in the nation but not herself I know she’s nowhere near it. I know there are couples that do get clean together but with Ste in her life she’ll not manage. She has this pure trauma bond with him.
Thank you, I will never say it was easy because it’s not, and it’s hard adjusting to normal life, but my biggest regret I have is not doing it sooner, the years I wasted saying I’ll do it tomorrow and along went 5 years, truly blessed to have all my loved ones so close to me not crossing the street when they see me! and most importantly my children Back in my life!!! I still need to do what I’ve done for the past 3 years for the rest of my life but what a 3 years it’s been 🥳 no drug or drink gives you this type of buzz
May 12, 2023
All this fridge talk is taking me back to Lou's spider in the fridge days :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Genuinely have thought she’s missing a trick cause her fridge breaking or freezer randomly defrosting was a huge HUGE recurring theme in her begs towards the end of the “pretending to be sober” story. Like it was fing weekly it felt like lmao. She absolutely had the added impact of the two kids at that time though. I’ve been itching for a broken fridge for a month now ffs, it’s literally more believable than “I’ve no money for food ☹️” whilst being the fattest fat bastard in Redcar.
Apr 30, 2023
Fake tears reminiscing over the friends she had and now lost. Your fault, Lou, no one else's

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