Lou @Lifewithloux

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May 20, 2023
Just catching up on the James comments from yesterday and one thing I will say is just because he has custody of the kids does NOT mean lou is lying about him being violent and does NOT mean he isnā€™t a bad person.

I worked in social care and I know a lot of vulnerable mothers who have been abused by the father of their child and because they have been unable to cope anymore and spiralled out of control with alcohol/drugs the father got custody of the children even though it was so clear the men were narcissistic, manipulative pigs who could put on a ā€œgoodā€ act and manipulate judges and social workers.

Not defending Lou here as sheā€™s a pathetic piece of s and shouldnā€™t be anywhere near her kids, just donā€™t want people to think that because James got custody that he is a lovely man.
Never believed for one minute he was. See exactly how he carries himself and hes far from good
Apr 20, 2023
Like seriously she started off well saying I should buy loafs of toilet rolls and some essential bits but then threw it all down the fing pan and is going to buy the book cause no-one will buy her it. She has more journals than a fing library.
Like a child, drugs have fried the few brain cells she had. A Ā£1 pad from anywhere would do for her to write down the lists of things she'll never, ever do. Apart from the fact she has lots of them already, expect she can't find them in the piles of washing and s. Urgh what a disgusting way to live.
Apr 30, 2023
Whats with the massive ugly specs šŸ¤“


May 11, 2023
I'm sorry, I know we all have said it but I'm continuing mind blown this girl who seemingly has nothing is spending money on utter crap. Of all the things she whinges about, she's prattling on about a ring she got from Amazon? When I was on the bones of my arse, I wasn't buying fing s jewellery. She has completely resigned to this begging lifestyle.

"I really, really, really want this journal" You expect that sort of thing from a child, not a grown woman.

She needs a massive dose of reality to actually change. Drugs are only part of the issue here, they are just another thing to get away from being an actually functioning, responsible adult. She's the laziest person I think I've ever come across, on every single front.


Apr 17, 2023
Anyhoooo. Buckle up coz Iā€™m about to tell you what I was told happened to Lou when she left James. Now Iā€™m repeating this third hand as itā€™s come from a friend whose mum is a neighbour of Louā€™s mum (same street).

Basically, drug dealers turned up a Louā€™s house threatening the family home and kids because Lou owed money (SURRPRRRIIIISE).

James lost it with her and physically threw her out. He wasnā€™t beating her up. Heā€™s a t, for sure, but no, he wasnā€™t battering her. Her bruises were from him physically removing her from the home on that day. He was arrested for assault at the time, however was found not guilty in court. No idea why- I guess circumstances/provocation. Who knows?

Thatā€™s all I know. More as I get it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
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