Lou @Lifewithloux

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Jun 3, 2023
Yes good point!!!
Also if they are "drug dealers", is she not making the situation worse,now she has shown their faces to the world on her very public stories.
Same stories that I hope someone in power is watching, because her behaviour is dangerous and destructive and I shudder to think that she would be allowed access to her kids at the moment if the authorities believe what she spins.
Some addicts do see their kids in supervised conditions, when they are compling with set terms ,as it can actually aid recovery and it can be worked into a recovery plan that at set points when certain goals have been achieved, a parent can see a child a contact centre....but alas lou doesn't do this.
I feel sorry for her landlord but sadly he will getting paid regardless via her housing benefit ( probably direct transfer as if she had it ....her and ste would do it).

Also the sanctions, she really isn't doing what she is told ,and also raises questions as to what type of uc she is on....has she been deemed fit to work,is she lcwra ,lcw, as to my knowledge you can only be sanctioned for "not turning up to appointments " and she seems to have alot of meetings, she just doesn't bother with.

So many questions.....but she is one solid answer. She hasn't a clue how to adult and she is not in recovery from addiction, illegal drugs or otherwise.

This burglary is not what it seems and its sad she thinks we can't see it.

Lou use this as a wake up call,if all the others haven't done it.

You can recover from addiction, its bloody hard work ,hardest thing you will ever do, trust me I know, I've been there, but first thing is be honest with yourself and get away from ste.

::gets off soap box ::
May 23, 2023
Oh do off! Here we go again. If she actually has got burgled it's likely coz she's owes her dealers money. It is funny though that she has been staying at stes a lot when she's not meant to. Also she's in such a bad way and crying yet her priority of course is to tell Instagram. Obviously Carol will need to top her bank account up now to replace all the 'stolen'
I bet the burglars took one look and thought someone had beat them to it.

Aside the laptop, what has she even got to steal?! How would she even know she had been burgled? So many questions.

On her birthday too, cherry on the top of the begging cake. Lying junkie.
We’ll thank the lord she had her kindle,her laptop and her kenny necklace at ste’s house with her. Burglar would have had a field with them 3 prized items.
May 29, 2023
Oh surprise surprise could see this coming a mile off! This is the consequences for your actions Lou!!
Never have I seen 2 “burglars” acting so casually to break into a house! These aren’t burglars or she hasn’t been broken in to and nothing has been stolen! this is dealers wanting there money!! This is why you’ve been hiding at stes for over a week but yet your clean and sober aren’t you Lou, like you have been for “months” if you were dealers wouldn’t been turning up to your house! Face your consequences Lou because you’ll end up hurt! Stop playing victim all the time! Absolutely smashed out your face this morning, feel sorry for me card, how you have the audacity to show your face and tell your lies should be ashamed! Your taking up homeless accommodation not staying there when somebody so desperately needs it! You shouldn’t be at stes your both a drain on society! Sick to death of this girl! And her amazing boyfriend! She’s trauma bonded to him can’t be on her own, yet he is clearly NO GOOD for you Lou, since being with him you’ve lost every single child since you met him! Speaks volumes!
May 23, 2023
They've put the bins out and gone to the launderette for her, too disgusted to leave her room in the s state it was in.
Seriously though if anyone broke in, they'd need to know which room was hers, go in, see the clothes everywhere see the fag ends and rubbish on the floor all empty bottles mugs and unwashed plates etc, and just leave, nothing but nothing to take.
I think the lads kicked the door in looking for them, one of the neighbours have rang the landlord as they probably have him on speed dial. Landlord has came round seen the state of the s tip and rang her and told her she’s been burgled 😂😂😂


Apr 18, 2023
I’m 100% certain nothing has been taken and she’s went with the burglary story because the house looks like a war torn part of the world. That’s a good point btw, she’s brave to show those faces. If they’ve came to the house once they want something. And if she’s grassed them in and put them all over social media they’ll be extra pissed.
And honestly a huge thank you to everyone who commented on this thread yesterday and made a se shift slightly funny. I was in stitches with the banter on here 😂
Apr 20, 2023
I've rewatched her stories from this morning several times. I could be wrong but in these early morning stories of her in the dressing gown I can see what appears to be bruising on the right side of her chest. Like I said I could be wrong but I'm sure that's what my eyes are seeing 🤔
It looks like the dirt from smoke, she ofter has it around her neck and face. Probably just has a lot of bonfires/smokes crack.
May 5, 2023
That “CCTV” was clearly someone filming from a top window behind a curtain wasn’t it? CCTV doesn’t move. So who was filming…?

I thought that at first, but then realised it was being played on the phone that Lou was holding, but being recorded on Ste's phone. He's then obviously sent her the recording from his phone, & she's posted it on her stories.

Those two drug debt enforcers are going to leave her for dead when word gets around that she's posted their faces on social media. Remember the drug dealer's house she was filmed going into a few weeks ago? His name is Leon. They will be his "heavies". She may well have put a death warrant on herself by posting them. Stupid, stupid girl.

I'm changing my user name today, just prepping a new avi to go with it 🎉😂
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