Lou @Lifewithloux

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May 18, 2023
She faked her unaliving herself. She got a friend to put out a statement saying she had found her dead and to "respect the family's privacy at this sad time".

James was in on it, too. He thought it was hilarious.

Then the next day she had her Jesus moment and was resurrected, drinking red bull. She got cancelled for that stunt and disappeared for a while.
Yep and came back making a big joke of it, thinking people will find it hilarious!
She’s not changed one bit either, still keeps saying things like today “the end is near” that’s her trying to manipulate people 😡
Apr 23, 2023
Anyone know what a Bufgalry is 😅😅😅😅. Illiterate t. And who the fook is Amy Vickers? Is that her real name?
Yes as csi on this Bufgalry case I’d like to explain that it’s when you are burglarised but not really they just kick your door and shout through the letterbox.

I don’t think for one minute loubeg wants her kids back she just uses them for poncing off people. She’s got what she wants her and him and drugs and beer. The end. How is drinking beer and smoking drugs being clean she’s more delusional
than Philip Schofield.
Apr 30, 2023
Maybe ste and her are splitting up and she has put in to move away because ste has had enough of her and the drama she has caused cause he could lose that house if they find out she is staying there, he does seem more detached from her and her neediness
Because she's told so many lies I'm not taking that seriously.
May 5, 2023
WTF! 😲 That's something you would see in a tv drama like that bloke in his canoe.

She's definitely tapped in the head to pull a stupid stunt like that.

...and guess what? Carol was around to see ALL of this bullshit and is still enabling her to this day. I think Carol is mentally unstable, I really do.
May 5, 2023
Anyone know what a Bufgalry is 😅😅😅😅. Illiterate t. And who the fook is Amy Vickers? Is that her real name?
Her name is Amy louise vickers!!!!!

Amy Louise Bernadette Vickers is her full, real, birth name.
She has MANY social media accounts in any variation of the above names. She has facebook in Lou Vickers, Louise Vickers & Amy Vickers.

She's a full blown con artist who hooked a big dumb fish called Carol 🎣
May 5, 2023
Maybe ste and her are splitting up and she has put in to move away because ste has had enough of her and the drama she has caused cause he could lose that house if they find out she is staying there, he does seem more detached from her and her neediness

Nah, he's not bright enough to tread that line of thought.

She's manipulating Carol again.

Carol has pleaded with her to leave Ste. Carol has told Lou he's no good for her and to get herself a better life with a chance of seeing her children again, she needs to go it alone without Ste. Lou is saying this so that Carol thinks she is following her advice, & will reward her for "being strong" by sending more money and/or gifts.

That's what today's baloney is about, I promise you.


Apr 19, 2023
you would be surprised what men are willing to sleep with. This show based in Leeds really opened my eyes a few years ago, it’s really sad and I can see her ending up this way. If you can find it still showing somewhere it’s a good watch
I watched this too, it is a real eye opener.
Apr 24, 2023
I'm now wondering did the hospital in fact give her the codeine or has she been buying them from a 'dealer'. Oh and not just codeine, I would say she's taking all sorts. There's no hope for her even without ste I don't think she's capable of trying to better herself. I mean she was on drugs and all sorts when she was with james also. Drugs are an easy lazy life for her

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
She just doesn't know jos to cope or adult. No idea how to see anything through. Cant manage her emotions. Lives in absolute chaos. She says these things she's going to do which in theory sound a positive start but then she doesn't even get off the ground with them. She needs to start small - clean her pit, plan some meals and do a budget food shop. She can't even do these basic things. She asks for help but what help does she want? Everyone has told her allow this and given her advice, only she can actually do it. I dont even know how she looked after 2 small children for as long as she did. She's completely clueless.
Apr 20, 2023
I'm now wondering did the hospital in fact give her the codeine or has she been buying them from a 'dealer'. Oh and not just codeine, I would say she's taking all sorts. There's no hope for her even without ste I don't think she's capable of trying to better herself. I mean she was on drugs and all sorts when she was with james also. Drugs are an easy lazy life for her
Sadly she made her choice when she stayed with ste and lost all the kids. Nothing she's said or done convinces me she's even a tiny bit regretful about her choices. She's more upset about her birthday month being disrupted by burgliers. Imagine complaining about a few quid going towards feeding and clothing your kids she's a real t.
Apr 30, 2023
...and guess what? Carol was around to see ALL of this bullshit and is still enabling her to this day. I think Carol is mentally unstable, I really do.
I agree. This Carol needs a smack up the head to knock some sense into her.

So she has to get back into her own place and she's scared, but still manages to mention her birthday list. You couldn't make it up with her 😂

Oh dear, what a pity, what a shame, Lou. The authorities have seen right through you. Time to give us a no tear lip wobble 😫
May 5, 2023
Stood there, eyes half open, staring into the distance, mumbling and getting words mixed up. Even STEE sounds spritely and more switched on than her. She's getting worse.

What happened about her getting on the scheme Stebag is on? Wasn't she meant to be getting a house?

She's fed up any chance she had of getting on a scheme. She's not even at her homeless house B&B, & they'll know because it'll be camera'd with cctv & her breakfast fruit shoots and cereal bars will be piling up. If anything, she'll get kicked out of there for not fulfilling the terms & conditions of tenancy. Likewise, Ste will be evicted from his gaff if he's not careful as he's breaching his T&C's too, with her living there (which she is, let's be realistic). She won't go back to that B&B because she's too scared. She really has bollocked up her life and thanks to her social media & Instastories we've watched it all unfold before our very own eyes, like a reality tv show.


May 29, 2023
Sadly she made her choice when she stayed with ste and lost all the kids. Nothing she's said or done convinces me she's even a tiny bit regretful about her choices. She's more upset about her birthday month being disrupted by burgliers. Imagine complaining about a few quid going towards feeding and clothing your kids she's a real t.
Staying with Ste isn't a reason why she lost the children it's one of many deciding factors.
With or without ste she would still been an addict. She'd of still lost her children.
Apr 20, 2023
Watched her stories 6 times each. I  think they've given her a talking to. Says she's going back to her place, but she's scared. I think she's been warned, comply with tenancy or get out. 💯 it's dealers wanting their money, I've been burgled and it isn't nice. Never worried they'd come back and me and my kid would be stabbed though. Whatever really, by Christmas they'll both be back on the street, they are in that sad category of homeless addicts, not being able to cope with normal life, living in a home and doing the every day stuff. It isn't as simple as giving them a home.
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