Lou @Lifewithloux

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May 5, 2023
I follow Lou’s sister that exposed her and carol also follows her.. Anyone else think that’s weird considering carol is meant to be Lou’s “friend”?!

Carol follows Kraken, too. So she's ABSOLUTELY seen Kraken's brilliant and true comment to her on Lou's Skinnytan/Dove post, but chosen to ignore it. Carol is in some fed up denial about Lou and I just don't understand it. If I was Lou's mum I'd be telling Carol to do off, stop enabling my daughter by funding her so she can buy drugs & mind her own business. Unless, you don't think she's trying to push Lou to her death do you? Like those weird & twisted Munchausen by Proxy people?....😬
May 11, 2023
It all makes sense now. There's no way her doctor has been prescribing all this medication. She's been buying it from dealers and has got herself into trouble with them. She's admitted before she could easily go and buy what she wants and that's exactly what she's been doing. She's been constantly off her face in particular this past few weeks. She's back at stes again so let's see does she actually go back to her drug den tonight
I understand how diazepam can affect her the way it does but propranolol? I was prescribed that for migraines and as someone who’s literally tuned to the moon on 1 cocodamol, I had no affect on me. Is it supposed to affect you the way she makes out?
May 5, 2023
Lads I am crying here. My husband mooches her stories here and there when I’m watching them just out of sheer “who the do is that?” curiosity. He’s just said “I’ve realised who that crackhead reminds me of. Forky. She’s got a mouth like Forky, it moves the same”


Husband's can be so funny, can't they? Mine said Ste looks like Sid from Ice Age ... and he burst out laughing when I played her story where she started with "I've been burgled". He couldn't see it, only hear it 😂😂😂
Apr 16, 2023
Would this actually help? I don’t think it would achieve anything as she could says it’s the trolls making s up


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May 11, 2023
Nah that Carol is not real, I’ve said it before & I will never ever believe she is a real person. She’s some weird little incel sitting at a computer, god knows what she gets in return for the money & gifts.
Either that or she is absolutely deranged & in some serious need of help herself
I’m inclined to agree..
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May 11, 2023
Does Lou have a private doctor because I’ll be tucked if I can get an appointment to see mine face to face.

She’s full of s. She’s no more been to the doctor than I have been to the moon
It’s like pulling hens teeth trying to get through on the phone line to our GP practice..
I think Lou has a direct line with hers.. 😭
May 11, 2023
Only just caught up on here.. 😰 it moves so fast.
Although I’ve watched her stories, I haven’t had a chance to dip in here and read the commentary. My kids seem to have all the illnesses going at the one time so adulting takes priority..

I mean her stories of late have been all over the place, it’s genuinely been like watching a slideshow of someone’s brain who has serious split personality disorder..
I can’t get over the way she’s completely kicked off about the deduction for CSA 🤣 James will be running to book his all inclusive trip to the Caribbean with all that dosh!! She’s the absolute slavers of society.. how she can begrudge so little for her children is beyond me.

I’m actually gutted I missed her live last night.. 😭


Apr 17, 2023
Nope. She's a real person. Married, with an adult daughter who also used to follow Lou. Lou still follows her though, Courtney Titus, her name is. She has facebook. Carol is on Linkedin and I've even had a look on USA Whitepages (like our electoral roll) and she's there, her address & her daughter listed as an associate. She's real. Just deranged with too much money. I often wonder whether her husband and daughter know the extent to which she enables Lou. I doubt it. If they do, they're a deranged family imo.
She’s a freak whoever she is. People can do all sorts of wonderful things on the internet, she has 9 followers & 9 connections on LinkedIn 🤷‍♀️ I’m sure Carol ballata is absolutely real but I’m not convinced it’s the one enabling lou. And whoever it is, we can all safely assume isn’t funding lou out of goodness. Carol is dangerous.
May 11, 2023
She’s a freak whoever she is. People can do all sorts of wonderful things on the internet, she has 9 followers & 9 connections on LinkedIn 🤷‍♀️ I’m sure Carol ballata is absolutely real but I’m not convinced it’s the one enabling lou. And whoever it is, we can all safely assume isn’t funding lou out of goodness. Carol is dangerous.
Also agree. Online we can be whoever we want to be..
Whoever is enabling Lou must have plenty money to burn, that’s for sure.
May 5, 2023
Also agree. Online we can be whoever we want to be..
Whoever is enabling Lou must have plenty money to burn, that’s for sure.

But this is where it gets odd. Carol's daughter has a facebook account. It's real, because she converses with relatives who are on their White Pages profile. Carol's daughter also has Instagram, & follows her mum's account. She's a real person, just a really strange one. I highly doubt anybody would go to the extremes of creating an extremely sophisticated identity theft, simply in order to fund some random drug addict in the North of England.

I absolutely believe Carol is real.
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