Lou @Lifewithloux

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May 12, 2023
If she actually got herself clean I’d be the first to congratulate her, until she admits she’s absolutely not clean then do her. This is just a bit of drama for us but her poor kiddos pay the price daily. She’s utter scum tbh and I couldn’t care less that she’s putting a few clothes away. She’s got a phone call and went offline so no doubt we’ll not see her again today or she’ll do a slurring story on insta lol
Edit- I think she’ll go out of her way not to appear drugged up on tiktok, only to find they more drugged up she is the more people will watch. It’s the worst thing she could’ve done whilst not clean
May 12, 2023

Aye conveniently lol
May 26, 2023
I get why the people in the chat are trying to be encouraging but she’ll never change this is not a breakthrough that she’s folded some clothes. She’ll be off her tits slurring about haters in a few hours
Its tactical warfare I reckon. Cant stop her going live and can't say anything negative without being blocked so big her up and encourage her and she'll one of two things 1. Sort her s out and become productive member of society (highly unlikely) or 2. Let her guard down and show her true colours (all these wonderful new followers will watch her slurring and eyes rolling)
May 12, 2023
Have any of the big tiktok accounts been on lives with her yet? I feel like evening lives have more interactions
Nah, she’d need to have thousands of live viewers for anyone to take even the slightest bit of notice, the only people that are watching are followers and the only people she battles with are nobodies from random countries. She would need to find a niche, and tiktok is full of grubby druggie beggars already. Genuinely the only way she’d get noticed is if her life was even more of a car crash than it was already.
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