Lou @Lifewithloux

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May 23, 2023
Howcome she can speak clearly and with meaning to the people in the shops, yet when it comes to lives on her own she can’t string a sentence together. If she has a LD as she says, it wouldn’t switch itself on and off dependent on situations!
And she can read at a good pace as well, been noticing that when she reads comments on lives 🤔
Apr 30, 2023
The clip of that 🤣

Apr 21, 2023
Actually my name's lauren..... Not Kelly. But nice try tho. Plus it's comment cafe and just cause you don't like what a say don't mean a can't comment ..... I actually don't have a fringe. Weird how other people can join just to comment on a debate and noone bats an eyelid. But I say something that some people don't like and ya get pathetic comments like this ...... weird..... I was just looking at this from an outsider's perspective. I'm new to all this. Only a month into this drama saga.....
Yeah s stain is right I believe 🤣 “don’t like what a say don’t mean a can’t comment” your either a geordie or illiterate
May 17, 2023
Where is the little one supposed to be sleeping? It’s a joke.

She’s convinced that the woman who has adopted Alfie is one of her best friends! It sounds like a very terrible safeguarding issue for everyone.. she named the woman again. Also said it was Alma who threw all of her stuff away from her previous house. The attitude she was giving off in her live was disgraceful. No thanks for all the stuff she HAS been given, only bitching at people telling her to budget and not buy s! She produced a tablet from her bag and said she would take it of her wishlist, but was then looking at charging cables for it! It hurts my brain to try and work out anything in her world.
Apr 16, 2023
Actually my name's lauren..... Not Kelly. But nice try tho. Plus it's comment cafe and just cause you don't like what a say don't mean a can't comment ..... I actually don't have a fringe. Weird how other people can join just to comment on a debate and noone bats an eyelid. But I say something that some people don't like and ya get pathetic comments like this ...... weird..... I was just looking at this from an outsider's perspective. I'm new to all this. Only a month into this drama saga.....
Before jumping into a 864 page long thread with your outsiders perspective, maybe you should have done a bit of reading… (..)

P.S, it’s ‘I can’t’ not ‘a can’t’ like those Neanderthal Geordies use 👀👀 (no offence to any Geordies that aren’t illiterate pricks)


May 3, 2023
Before jumping into a 864 page long thread with your outsiders perspective, maybe you should have done a bit of reading… (..)

P.S, it’s ‘I can’t’ not ‘a can’t’ like those Neanderthal Geordies use 👀👀 (no offence to any Geordies that aren’t illiterate pricks)
Haddaway, you divvent need ta gan starting trouble with the toon.

Also Kelly is from gateshead. Even the geordies look down on her.
Apr 16, 2023
The tracksuit for Alfie was £65 it was just the top that was £40. Outrageous to say she was begging for 30quid for cigs the other day and has blu tac on her wish list. Definitely giro day for them 2, budgeted my arse. They'll have spent it all before the day is out. Ste will be in the bookies right now and it'll be gone while Lou cries hovering outside shouting STEEEEEEEE
It is giro day she said yesterday on stories that was payday thursday for them

mad cat lady

Apr 16, 2023
With kk's support 🤣 that's who has been teaching her to stand up for herself, she asked kayleigh to come on a live at 5 to which kayleigh said she was at work, and that she could see many trolls still watching her live and to trust no one!
I'm sure she was on about this person helping her had been trolling her before did anyone else hear that?
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Apr 16, 2023
With kk's support 🤣 that's who has been teaching her to stand up for herself, she asked kayleigh to come on a live at 5 to which kayleigh said she was at work, and that she could see many trolls still watching her live and to trust no one!
I'm sure she was on about this person helping her had been trolling her before did anyone else hear that?
Why would anyone go to KK for help sticking up for themselves 😂😂😂 the fat do ss herself at the first sign of a confrontation in real life 😂😂
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