Lou @Lifewithloux

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Aug 29, 2023
All this tramp thinks about is money and food from strangers. She literally thinks the world owes her something. The only cONTeNT she puts out is links and lists and poor me someone send me this, heres my PayPal bla bla bla! Shes a fing idiot.
If she was serious about real change and really getting her act together, she could journal her recovery, post a daily diary kind of thing documenting the journey of recovery, attend online classes, promote pages that were beneficial to her growth, share videos and quotes to do with that.. get healthy, document that. Actively try to change and fight for her kids and document that! Live a life worth recovering for!
She would have much more respect and support that way. She is using people to fund her scruffy little life with no dreams or aspirations further than temu tat and conning her way through the dregs of the gutter. These morons who are enabling her are as thick as she is and as soon as the charity from idiots on the internet dries up she will spiral further. And the fact she hasn’t got two brain cells to rub together to realise this herself proves that.
There are many recovery pages out there she could take inspiration from but instead she clings on to this crazy delusion of becoming some kind of influencer? Influence what? Shes not even a temu influencer! Begging is not influencing. She need removing from the internet and her support worker needs to see what we all see because there are many people out there more deserving of the things shes been given.

She has been given ALL of the tools to get her life back, to make it better than it ever was and it still is the enough. She has a home, rent free, free support from all of the services provided and free money and she can’t even make use of that?! It’s still down to strangers she couldn’t give a toss about? She is so so lucky to be in the position she’s in. Shes been given a fresh start, a real chance to change for herself if no one else! And still will never ever be enough. At this point let her spiral and get back in the gutter because thats all she deserves. She is a selfish, disgusting human and she’s really pissed me off.
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May 3, 2023
All this tramp thinks about is money and food from strangers. She literally thinks the world owes her something. The only cONTeNT she puts out is links and lists and poor me someone send me this, heres my PayPal bla bla bla! Shes a fing idiot.
If she was serious about real change and really getting her act together, she could journal her recovery, post a daily diary kind of thing documenting the journey of recovery, attend online classes, promote pages that were beneficial to her growth, share videos and quotes to do with that.. get healthy, document that. Actively try to change and fight for her kids and document that! Live a life worth recovering for!
She would have much more respect and support that way. She is using people to fund her scruffy little life with no dreams or aspirations further than temu tat and conning her way through the dregs of the gutter. These morons who are enabling her are as thick as she is and as soon as the charity from idiots on the internet dries up she will spiral further. And the fact she hasn’t got two brain cells to rub together to realise this herself proves that.
There are many recovery pages out there she could take inspiration from but instead she clings on to this crazy delusion of becoming some kind of influencer? Influence what? Shes not even a temu influencer! Begging is not influencing. She need removing from the internet and her support worker needs to see what we all see because there are many people out there more deserving of the things shes been given.
This is the irony. If she made a a proper effort to improve, and showed it, warts and all - it'd be great content. In some parallel universe there's a Lou out there who's on a fitness journey (while selling detox teas or some crap i'm sure) in a well kept bungalow, showing (and keeping to) her plans for the week, telling long rambling stories of the pale white underbelly of addiction to her followers, and at least sometimes seeing her kids. And she'd get showered with the love of strangers that she so craves.

The only thing stopping this is Lou. And Lou has decided instead to choose to beg for parmo money.
Aug 29, 2023
This is the irony. If she made a a proper effort to improve, and showed it, warts and all - it'd be great content. In some parallel universe there's a Lou out there who's on a fitness journey (while selling detox teas or some crap i'm sure) in a well kept bungalow, showing (and keeping to) her plans for the week, telling long rambling stories of the pale white underbelly of addiction to her followers, and at least sometimes seeing her kids. And she'd get showered with the love of strangers that she so craves.

The only thing stopping this is Lou. And Lou has decided instead to choose to beg for parmo money.
May 23, 2023
All this tramp thinks about is money and food from strangers. She literally thinks the world owes her something. The only cONTeNT she puts out is links and lists and poor me someone send me this, heres my PayPal bla bla bla! Shes a fing idiot.
If she was serious about real change and really getting her act together, she could journal her recovery, post a daily diary kind of thing documenting the journey of recovery, attend online classes, promote pages that were beneficial to her growth, share videos and quotes to do with that.. get healthy, document that. Actively try to change and fight for her kids and document that! Live a life worth recovering for!
She would have much more respect and support that way. She is using people to fund her scruffy little life with no dreams or aspirations further than temu tat and conning her way through the dregs of the gutter. These morons who are enabling her are as thick as she is and as soon as the charity from idiots on the internet dries up she will spiral further. And the fact she hasn’t got two brain cells to rub together to realise this herself proves that.
There are many recovery pages out there she could take inspiration from but instead she clings on to this crazy delusion of becoming some kind of influencer? Influence what? Shes not even a temu influencer! Begging is not influencing. She need removing from the internet and her support worker needs to see what we all see because there are many people out there more deserving of the things shes been given.

She has been given ALL of the tools to get her life back, to make it better than it ever was and it still is the enough. She has a home, rent free, free support from all of the services provided and free money and she can’t even make use of that?! It’s still down to strangers she couldn’t give a toss about? She is so so lucky to be in the position she’s in. Shes been given a fresh start, a real chance to change for herself if no one else! And still will never ever be enough. At this point let her spiral and get back in the gutter because thats all she deserves. She is a selfish, disgusting human and she’s really pissed me off.

She would have had SO MUCH SUPPORT!!!
May 7, 2023
I’m sure I heard her refer to her followers as fans the other day. The way she thinks she’s as famous as Hinch when she’s talking on insta cracks me up 🤣🤣🤣

The audacity of her to say that Ste’s swapped drug addiction for gambling makes me laugh cos that’s exactly what she’s done with temu! Remember how a few months ago all we heard her say on repeat 25,000 times a day was “recovery” it’s now temu! It makes my toes curl hearing it!

I can remember Lou in 2019 when wish list sharing became popular on insta and she made a wish list and it was all things for the kids and it was all toy/activities for under £5. One of Lou’s mates even set up a fB group and they were all sharing their wish lists and would always return the favour if someone bought something off their lists.

In the last 3 years since her life has been in the gutter, all I’ve heard her say before sharing her wish list “I’m having a really hard time right now and trying to get back on my feet” or “this would really help me out”

Girl the whole worlds life was turned upside down 3 years ago, there was a pandemic if you didn’t realise, there’s a cost of living crisis! The hard working people are living in poverty. I don’t get how she can consistently repeat the same story of having a hard time. If you’ve not managed to do something about it yet, whar chance do you stand? The audacity of her to constantly expect someone else to pick up the bill for her is disgusting and just shows how far she has fallen, she is lower than a snakes belly! That Lou I remember as a mother in 2019 is long gone. She wasn’t an amazing parent/or person then but she was night and day to who she is now. I don’t think we’ll ever see her again.

The fact she was calling everyone friendly on TT when she was getting hate on insta the other day makes me laugh after seeing the comments she got on TT this morning. Do you think she’s finally starting to realise you can’t kid a kidder? 🙈


Apr 16, 2023
She’s had a hard week…. Living her best life on Thursday night shoving big fat fing greasy takeaway down her fat neck, begging for McDs money & Temu money & telling lies on the internet.
She won’t remember this, because she had all 3 children removed because she is a s MUM & a CRACK HEAD. But most people have had a hard week cos their kids have gone back to school & we’ve broke our back to give them the absolute best of everything they need both over the 6 weeks holidays & for back to school.
How her Mum & Dad don’t smack her head clean off her shoulders is beyond me.
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