Lou @Lifewithloux

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May 23, 2023
I wondered whether saying Alfie was coming was the start of a mahoosive scam. Alfie couldn't come because someone grassed me up to SS. Poor me. I tried so hard. Here's my wishlist/temu link (also pisses me off when she says tem-mu ffs 😡
Was thinking this. Either she’s gonna claim she was grassed up, she saw him and he couldn’t remember her, saw him and he could remember her but she’s never allowed to see him again, the parents were mean, Ste spoiled it or she was murgled half way through. Whatever her next post will be it’ll be for sympathy regardless 🥹
Aug 29, 2023
I wondered whether saying Alfie was coming was the start of a mahoosive scam. Alfie couldn't come because someone grassed me up to SS. Poor me. I tried so hard. Here's my wishlist/temu link (also pisses me off when she says tem-mu ffs 😡
That and i think she thought she would have more financial support for her seeing her own baby 😅 i still think that if he was adopted, there is slim to zero chance of her seeing him. If he was fostered possibly but I honestly can’t see that happening in the way she’s made out. Shed be lucky to see any of those kids ever again! Even in a contact center. Lets be honest it would only take any professional to watch her socials for one day and she’d have blown any chance. She lies that much its hard to tell. Take the temu as a prime example, every story it changes. Same situation with the baby, her stories are never consistent. If that baby turns up at that house I’ll show my arse on the town hall steps! I honestly just thinks she says it so it looks like she’s making some kind of progress in life
Apr 30, 2023
It's been two hours 😂😂😂✌️
It's how they were going to hers at 8.am, then that changed to 1.pm, but it was 1.20 when she said it.

Nah, somethings not right. But there's a wicked part of me hoping this has been made up, because it'll hopefully give her followers a wake up call.

She's never even showed what party food she bought!.


Apr 29, 2023
So there is a child on her story. I dunno, i just don’t see how he can be adopted if hes going to her house. That just isn’t how it works. Maybe he’s in foster care ir with a family member but I don’t see how he can be adopted at this point. This would be so unhealthy
Looks like a contact centre on the next story
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