Lou @Lifewithloux

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May 7, 2023
these social workers need their jobs taking off them. How are they safeguarding Alfie? they should be stalking her social media and seeing exactly what she’s like. Her house might look OK but guarantee if they looked at it thoroughly like opened the sliding wardrobes they’d see all her s just piled up or some drug remanents somewhere.

The fact she’s plasters his face on social media shouldn’t be allowed either. I wouldn’t have allowed it if I was his adoptive mum but I wouldn’t have allowed contact at her home full stop


Sep 7, 2023
I think that the last visits she managed to win a sympathy vote from the new parents who probably think she’s this dumb innocent victim that got swept along into a tragic life through sheer ignorance and vulnerability and so they, being caring people (I would hope to be the type to adopt), take pity on her and give her a visit once every six months. Bet it’s only for an hour and entirely supervised by themselves the whole time. Which explains why Lou called the mum her bestie, because she obviously sends a pity text here n there in response to lous woe is me yarn spinning. Bet she has no idea those photos are going on social media to thousands of strangers
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