Lou @Lifewithloux

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Oct 7, 2023
Ok I'm new here, but not new to lou.
I once tried to give her advice many years ago, and she basically shat on it and blocked me,she now seems to be popping up everywhere.
She makes me so angry, and my heart aches for those children but I am so glad she is so far away from them, the damage she would do to their lives (she already has damaged them) would be irreversible.

Lou is not clean, I can speak from experience, I am a recovered drug addict myself, clean for over a decade and it was a journey to hell and back but I did it, and the benefit of retrospect is I can see my previous behaviours in other addicts.

Lou is supplementing her addiction with various substances, so whilst she claims she is passing tests( tests that are easy to dupe when you know how) she is supplementing her addiction with legal drugs and painkillers , same thing I used to do.

Her inconsistency and the slurring is part of it all, I was like that.

The fabrication is all the addiction trying to justify actions so as to not admit fault.

Her relationship with ste is codependant,she has no strength to leave him but on the same foot she would be able to get her fix without him, again I was like this and relied heavily on "friends" ans did things I regret just to get my hands on drugs albeit mine where mostly prescription based.

I was always screaming for help, I wanted to live but wanted to die all at the same time. I took my family member finding me foaming at the mouth at the start of being unconscious that saved my life and I went cold turkey and changed my life from the depths and never looked back.

Its not impossible but you either have the drive or you don't.
I don't lou falls into either category, her narcissistic and immature Outlook is just her and who she is.
The recovered addict in me will always hope for the best but the recovered addict in me is also a realist. She is older than i was at my peak.

I just hope that her kids get as protected as they can be and know that this is never their fault.
Her children are very loved.
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Apr 16, 2023
I've only ever met one person as gormless as her before and I nearly threw her off a balcony in magaluf lol

Still no comments but everyone's muted anyway
I’m not muted but I’m playing it very safe because there are so few people online now

Oh here we go, ‘he’s took all my benefits’, no he hasn’t you lying cow
Apr 16, 2023
She's saying (in between nodding off) that he's taken her money but she's too scared to look through his stuff for it. She wasn't scared when she was looking for her vape a little while ago.
Ffs she's crying now
Did you hear where she said she has never asked for money, it’s him that does that? Was she not asking for money the other day for a warm meal and a hot drink even though she food in the cupboards 😂

Apparently the black eye request video is on the FYP page now 😂😂😂
May 26, 2023
Did you hear where she said she has never asked for money, it’s him that does that? Was she not asking for money the other day for a warm meal and a hot drink even though she food in the cupboards 😂

Apparently the black eye request video is on the FYP page now 😂😂😂
Soon as she's off live I'm gonna go look. If she was to be TT famous she going about it the wrong way, all she's gonna attract is real trolls
Apr 16, 2023
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