Lou @Lifewithloux

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Jun 21, 2023
If I remember correctly, when Lou “died” people contacted her mum and she told them to do off 😂
Yes! I remember now.
Didn't she pretend she was James when she did it? fing bellend.

At least a "do off" from the mother is a pretty good indicator that it was all bullshit. Not that any of us needed confirmation, but it did get the likes of MissMops to wise up to her bullshit.
Apr 22, 2023
The X box was meant to keep her off social media and they have bought her stuff for the bungalow.
She’s a 30 (or near 30 I think) year old woman who has lost her kids and is crying about not being able to have warm food or drink. Her mam is as backwards as her for buying her an Xbox regardless of reasoning. No one in her position needs an Xbox, it’s a luxury. You get it once you’ve got everything you need 🤷‍♀️ it would be different if she’d been working, had a house etc that she’d paid for and bought it when she could financially afford it and then lost her job and was struggling now. But Xbox is bottom bottom bottom of the list if you’re in that position imo
Apr 12, 2023
Yes! I remember now.
Didn't she pretend she was James when she did it? fing bellend.

At least a "do off" from the mother is a pretty good indicator that it was all bullshit. Not that any of us needed confirmation, but it did get the likes of MissMops to wise up to her bullshit.
Her mother set up a gofund telling people she had kidney cancer and wanted to buy art stuff when she got pulled about the cancer she blocked everyone and came our and said the hospital got it wrong!!
Apr 22, 2023
So many people on the live asking if she’s pregnant because she’s got horrendous stomach pains 🤣
ETA:: Sorry in labour


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Apr 17, 2023
Is Ste’s mam called Andrea? An Andrea Coltman joined the live towards halfway through and wasn’t sure if it was any relation to him or just an unfortunate shared name
Yes that’s his mum.

so has ste pissed her off or is it someone else.
she is making a right drama about it. Either say who it is or shut upabout it.
Jun 21, 2023
Her mams just as beggy! I’m sure Her mam was buzzing when Carol bought the kids beds. I know my mam wouldn’t be happy if she knew a stranger was funding things for my grandkids.
Mine would have a LOT of (very valid) questions if that was happening with my kids, as would most people probably

Stes glamdad

Aug 17, 2023
I don’t have TikTok so there could be context to it, but why on all the screenshots posted does she look totally confused? Every single time! 😂
Because she has no idea what day it is or who she is half the time. She has fried the very few brain cells she did have pre drugs. She has no purpose, no job, no responsibilities, no kids to get up to. She literally has to attend a couple of appointments and drink methadone. That is her life


May 4, 2023
Because she has no idea what day it is or who she is half the time. She has fried the very few brain cells she did have pre drugs. She has no purpose, no job, no responsibilities, no kids to get up to. She literally has to attend a couple of appointments and drink methadone. That is her life
Amd asked if she can use kitchen roll instead of loo roll because it's cheaper 🤦‍♀️
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