Lou @Lifewithloux

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Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
Only took a couple of pills guys, still clean from class A's. Does she think we are all dumb as do like her. Her and ste will have been popping those pills all day. Her live was hours ago and she's still mumbling and closing her eyes. That's not the effect of just the 2 pills she popped on her live. She will be taking 2 every hour. She is infuriating.
Apr 30, 2023
Those pills kicking in there, Lou?!.

And stop blaming trolls!. Just face it, you got caught out and the camera doesn't lie 🙄

Apr 21, 2023
I only read the first part of your post before liking and scrolling on, sorry for that because you deserve your own memoir! YOU MATE! ARE A LEGEND! You didn’t do any of that so you could tell a bunch of strangers on the internet either, did it for you and yours and do a duck you must feel so proud of yourself and what you’ve achieved! Big up to you and here’s to a lifetime of happiness to your famalam 🙌🏾
Seeing Lou in your position in 16 years time though? I can’t see it. It’s sad because if not recovery then there’s only one other way she’s gonna go. I’m no Carol but do kind of pray it doesn’t end that way 🙏🏽
Hey, that's OK. I didn't expect anyone to reply, I was just venting. However, I do appreciate it :)
Haha, I wouldn't say I'm a legend but I will accept the compliment, thank you. No, I didn't really even want to write it on here, but I'd just had enough and that live was the last straw.

I'm sick of hearing her pity party, people trying to help, blaming trolls and not taking any responsibility.

I do feel proud, but I owe everything to my son, he is my life, my world, my hero.

Sadly, I have to agree with you, I don't think she's got it in her to change. She can't accept help, despite there being hundreds of people who have tried. I just feel sorry for those kiddies. I don't wish her no harm, I just wish she'd grow up.

Anyhoo, thank you.

P.S I do follow/watch your stories, found you via the KK thread (another t) I don't know how you find them, but the reels you share are brilliant. So thank you 😅
Apr 16, 2023
It makes my blood boil that she blames trolls. Does she not realise that if she hadn’t fed her life up so badly, no one would be talking about her. She loves to blame everyone else because she refuses to accept that she is only person to blame for everything single thing that has happened to her.

Addiction: her fault
No contact with the older kids: her fault
Baby adopted: her fault
Homeless several times: her fault
Caught ‘relapsing’ today: her fault
Blocked on tiktok: her fault

Every…single…thing: her fault
Apr 20, 2023
Only took a couple of pills guys, still clean from class A's. Does she think we are all dumb as do like her. Her and ste will have been popping those pills all day. Her live was hours ago and she's still mumbling and closing her eyes. That's not the effect of just the 2 pills she popped on her live. She will be taking 2 every hour. She is infuriating.
Said she took 3 or 4, so you know it's probably more than that. No wonder she's looking so rough.
May 26, 2023
Said she took 3 or 4, so you know it's probably more than that. No wonder she's looking so rough.
It changed from 2-3 to 3-4 so in fairness it's probably more like 7-8
I actually said out loud what the do is she talking about. Thought they were just the ramblings of a drug induced slur but that's about the limit of her intellect.
Could u imagine her as a TA showing kids Carol Vordermans circles??


Sep 30, 2023
She’s giving us all the energy tonight, feeling hyper so she might move a lightbulb 😂 and Carol vorderman circles where half is asleep and the other half has another piece in so it’s it’s 3… doesn’t really go on to say much else about this other than we probably don’t know what she means but don’t worry guys, cos she does 😂🤣
She’s one to talk about living rent free!
Ps is that a new addition to the choker? Why is there a fing charm on there drawing attention to her cow collar?


Sep 30, 2023
Also, right at the beginning it sounds like she almost goes to take full responsibility- I was momentarily winded (no, I haven’t borrowed the crusty choking choker) with shock until she she manages to drag limpdick down with her 😂
“I’ve only got myself to blame, I can’t blame anyone else…. Well, there’s me and Ste.”
Still can’t quite bring herself to the realisation that it’s just on her to make these decisions for herself can she?
Oct 16, 2023
I've been lurking silently for the past few weeks but the carol vorderman circles have pushed me over the edge, I cannot cope!

I used to follow lou back in the day when she had 2 kids and used to brown nose Mrs Hinch and beg for things. I deleted insta as got fed up with it all and randomly a few weeks ago Lou popped into my head and I wondered what became of her... Well I would never have guessed this in a million years!

Can someone explain to me super briefly what happened with James and how she ever met Ste and got into this mess in the first place. Last time I watched her she was tidying up her kids toys and washing up her pots :(
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