Lou @Lifewithloux

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Oct 10, 2023
I cannot even imagine describing to the police that I’m worried about someone on TikTok who I don’t know! Likely to be me they section!
Best thing to do is contact the crisis team in their area. I've done it for somebody who was threatening to kill themselves.

And honestly, no matter what somebody's track record and attention seeking status etc, always always take it seriously. Tbh involve whoever you can get involved to get them help.
Whether they constantly cry wolf or not, it only takes once to get it right and fill you with constant regret that you didn't pay more attention.

Sound like I'm being a bit preachy, my biological father killed himself as well as a very good friend.... I'm not going to name drop the friend because I don't want Lou posting another fin status saying it was her best friend despite her not having turned up to the funeral for any but one of the 4 mutual friends I've had with her who died.
The one that truly hurts me, he called me a few days before he died and told me his ex was pregnant and he's really cut up and depressed about it.
I was busy and didn't pay enough attention.
I still message the guy's Facebook account whenever I think of him. I don't think he did it deliberately, it does appear to have been an accident but I still just wish I'd given him more or my time on that phonecall.
Anyway, just dumping some trauma for no reason.

Gofundme link incoming xxxxx
(Actually on that note, this guy was so well liked that the gofundme goal to pay for his funeral was hit within a day and massively exceeded by the time it came around. A truly lovely guy he was.)

.... And I still regret not giving more time to the ones I'd fallen out with.
Last edited:
Apr 12, 2023
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