Lou @Lifewithloux

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Lous Alexa

Apr 16, 2023
I don’t lick her arse. My insta and tiktok are both my proper name. I’ll give my name out too now. I’m not in hiding. She knows I think she’s an idiot. I’d never offer to be her na sponsor just to get tea tho. Ryan went too far in my eyes.
Fair enough. I did say the majority. I think he went a little too far too (although we also know there is a lot of emotional history between the two of them, so who are we to judge) but then everyone on here just went way too crazy over it IMO.
Jun 21, 2023
No date but I believe this is in the bungalow? Looks like the bungalow blinds. Can anyone confirm? If it’s in the bungalow has to be in the last 2 months. She’s not even been on tiktok that long in the grand scheme of things
This picture is exactly why people like Lou under these schemes need spot checks performed on them
Apr 30, 2023

For me personally being sent this image of Lou with a syringe on the floor of her minging drugs den is far more offensive than a picture that’s clearly at least 3 years old of her with her spotty cleavage out.
Definitely worse! 😳
Aug 19, 2023
Fair enough. I did say the majority. I think he went a little too far too (although we also know there is a lot of emotional history between the two of them, so who are we to judge) but then everyone on here just went way too crazy over it IMO.
He needed to word it better on the live if he didn't want to appear as a snake. He could have said if you're willing to change for real Lou and put 100% effort in I'll help you in every way possible. He said himself he doesn't really want to help her or be her friend so I don't understand why he even bothered saying anything at all. I watch her lives occasionally I don't follow her like or comment on any of her lives or content. To say she's doing well is a lie we know he knows I bet even Lou knows it. The only thing she seems to do well at is acquiring drugs begging and getting a few people to send her money and items off her wishlist.

Lous Alexa

Apr 16, 2023
He needed to word it better on the live if he didn't want to appear as a snake. He could have said if you're willing to change for real Lou and put 100% effort in I'll help you in every way possible. He said himself he doesn't really want to help her or be her friend so I don't understand why he even bothered saying anything at all. I watch her lives occasionally I don't follow her like or comment on any of her lives or content. To say she's doing well is a lie we know he knows I bet even Lou knows it. The only thing she seems to do well at is acquiring drugs begging and getting a few people to send her money and items off her wishlist.
I agree. He could have worded it better. His approach was a little confusing but I do think the reaction on here was a little OTT.

It seems the gifting and money donations have dried up. I wonder when the last time someone sent her money (not TT) or ordered something for her??
Sep 6, 2023
He needed to word it better on the live if he didn't want to appear as a snake. He could have said if you're willing to change for real Lou and put 100% effort in I'll help you in every way possible. He said himself he doesn't really want to help her or be her friend so I don't understand why he even bothered saying anything at all. I watch her lives occasionally I don't follow her like or comment on any of her lives or content. To say she's doing well is a lie we know he knows I bet even Lou knows it. The only thing she seems to do well at is acquiring drugs begging and getting a few people to send her money and items off her wishlist.
Ya I think that's why people are so pissed off. Nobody here would begrudge her if she did actually get off her arse and try help herself. But no one would tell her she's doing well and that they love her etc. She doesn't need people pussy footing around her. She needs hard honest facts. Even her begging game is gone lazy. There's no more stories of broken fridges or needing haircuts anymore. It's just "I'm struggling guys". If she gets the pip and still begs she will lose all support she does have right now hopefully. We've all been in the situation where we've struggled to feed our families. I myself remember times where my parents would come visit but instead of bringing a pack of biscuits they brought meat for dinners. If you are genuinely struggling people help, not when you're asking for it constantly. Lou just uses all the right words that she hears from her drug workers and thinks it's fooling everyone. She has officially bit the hand that feeds her. Hopefully she comes to that realisation soon and does try to change her ways
Jun 21, 2023
There's a handful of people gifting Ste now. She seems to think that if they weren't supporting Ste, they'd be supporting her instead.

She hasn't shared her TeeMoo link in a while either. Wonder if it's because they stop giving away tat after a while. I'm liking that the flow of her supply is somewhat stifled at the moment, but I'd love to see it cut off completely
I agree. He could have worded it better. His approach was a little confusing but I do think the reaction on here was a little OTT.

It seems the gifting and money donations have dried up. I wonder when the last time someone sent her money (not TT) or ordered something for her??
May 12, 2023
Room temperature IQs? As if you’re going to try and insult the intelligence of people in here when you’re so desperate for the attention of a fat beggy smackhead. If you want her to suck you off I suggest taking a few pregabs round there not offering to be her sponsor.

do off weird t
I’m sorry but this made me piss 💀💀
Don’t tip the cow, don’t get in the cows box, don’t go real life. Don’t give her money to get on her good side (miss marvel). Enjoy the show and come here to discuss. I don’t think anyone cared you showed the pic Lep, it was what happened in the live chat after that. You can’t really straddle both sides. Sorry if this makes zero sense had to take tramadol this morning (stay the do out my box lou 👹) and it doesn’t agree with my brain power lol xx
Aug 19, 2023
I agree. He could have worded it better. His approach was a little confusing but I do think the reaction on here was a little OTT.

It seems the gifting and money donations have dried up. I wonder when the last time someone sent her money (not TT) or ordered something for her??
M's bday was the last time I saw anyone say they'd send her something to help her get gifts for M which her bday was last week. MM also said she gave her a £20 asda* shopping voucher.
Apr 16, 2023
When I used to have my lip pierced, I could spray drinks through the holes if I applied enough pressure and didn’t have my landers/rings in. They wouldn’t just dribble through of their own accord though.
Firstly…landers was meant to be labrets 🙄

secondly…Ryan was out of order because he posted that photo of Lou to try and embarrass her and then wants to offer to be her sponsor. No decent NA/AA etc sponsor or even just a person who wanted to seriously invest time in someone else’s recovery would contribute to these type of websites.
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