Lou @Lifewithloux

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Apr 16, 2023
to then go on to say ' I hope they declare their readings to the DWP/HMRC' only serves to reinforce the fact that the person stating such has proof they aren't...
Where did anything I said give that impression? She openly admits she's on all kinds of benefits and also charges for tarot readings. My comment was just a little friendly reminder for her ;)

You were doing some maaaad stretching with your comments m'dear.
Jun 9, 2023
Where did anything I said give that impression? She openly admits she's on all kinds of benefits and also charges for tarot readings. My comment was just a little friendly reminder for her ;)

You were doing some maaaad stretching with your comments m'dear.
Yup she stretched all the way to the island of DoNt HaVe A fInG cLuE 🙃
May 23, 2023
So hold on a minute…
she has completely and utterly Ignored everyone who,has told her about planning her days and yet someone posts a mocking Wind up of a plan of her day and she uses it as fing gospel!!

you couldn’t make it up could you!!!!
I just wish they’d included washing her dressing gown on the list 😅
Apr 16, 2023
I'm only in them if Lou is there. If Lou wasn't in there spouting s, she'd be doing it on her Instagram stories and I'd be watching there.

The whole watching everyone ignore her desperate pleas for attention adds another layer to it, as does her in the box interacting with the others . But whether it's Angie, pearl, Red or anyone else makes no difference to me.

I'll give them points for the stamina required to spout s for 12 hours straight. Lou can't even sit up properly for 30 minutes. I don't know how she even thinks about becoming like them. Try staying awake for a whole live,Lou
Same, only reason i go in them 🤣
Apr 16, 2023
Absolutely not,I'm in Angie's a lot,she's inserted herself into this group,she constantly drops hints about being hungry and that she's been crying,last night she was telling that group that what happened to ange has happened to her,the revenge porn thing I mean,she's going to try and get Alex on her side,hers was a photo of god knows what,Angie's was a video of her kebab exposed.... completely different,.
Her's was in no way porn, and does she look like she's hungry deffinatly not
Apr 17, 2023
Being responsible adults and helping each other because you have a son together only works if you're actually the child's parents hahahahaha. Lou, neither of you are his parents. He is adopted. Whatever you and ste do or don't do together has ZERO bearing on him and his upbringing. You speak as if you both have responsibility for the child. You do not. Never have done and never will have. So don't come with that lame excuse you plonker.
Apr 16, 2023
She's still saying that post about sorting her life out really helped her. If only she had the brain to see what it really meant, but let her stay in a happy bubble with it 🤣🤣
Wonder how many of her new friends she told today, that she's skint, gets trolled and been 'revenge porn' bet it was most of them
Apr 17, 2023
Of course you want to,keep it quiet Lou. People won’t feel,sorry for,you if you are mocking about with him and they won’t donate to,his PayPal,if he is knocking about with her.

he donated his sperm to you and you,grew and birthed a human And that is all you,have ever done for Alfie.

don’t try and act like you a Co parenting as you are non parenting and that will be how it will be until,he is 18 and tells,you,both to,do off
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