Lou @Lifewithloux

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Apr 12, 2023
As if the junkies on here abusing us šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

Hi Ste & Lou you pair of gross smelly Junkie fers, thanks for joining us and giving us more entertainment šŸ‘ šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘
Iā€™ve brought my kids out to the trampoline park today because itā€™s pissing down so while they have fun with their cousins bouncing about Iā€™m sitting down having a cup of tea and cheeky bit of carrot cake (paid for with my own money) Iā€™m catching up on what the smack heads did today šŸ„°

You can abuse us as much as you like but youā€™ll never bother us, weā€™ll never ever be the scummy mummy and daddy that had their kid/kids removed (thank you authorities) Wonder what Alfie's doing on this Rainy day, whatever it is heā€™s loved by someone not you pair of fing wrongens, go take some more drugs you pair of divs, and fing clean yourselves you both look filthy and I bet your breath fing stinksā€¦.Iā€™m getting a rash at the thought of the pair of you šŸ¤®
How you can even show your faces after choosing drugs over children is beyond me, and stop blaming fing mental health issues, THAT IS NOT A GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD (hope you actually do go to jail though) there are genuinely people suffering not like you pair using Mental Illness to work the system!
Apr 21, 2023

You chat so much s you're breath must stink. Giving it large on live and acting like a tough guy on here, you're nothing but a weak, pathetic tool merchant who couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag.

You say you can find us, I say bring it on. I'm pretty sure I could have you in tears, on the floor in a quivering mess just by using words. In fact, you blocked me because I called you out, couldn't handle a simple question, but you're such a tough guy?

You're a waste of space, an oxygen thief, a scumbag with no morals. You lost your son because you chose drugs but then have the audacity to whinge you won't see him because you'll go to prison, all because of another dumb fing action you chose to make. Anyone with a brain cell wouldn't carry blades and drugs with your history. I hope you get a long time inside, I hope you piss off the wrong person whilst in there too.

Glad your son has decent parents and is away from you. Shame it wasn't further.

By the way, you're so concerned about others kids, I thought I best mention mines very happy, with his mates, dresses in designer brands (which get washed every day, not the same top for weeks on end) well looked after, fed and has everything a kid needs and more. I wonder if he will play on his xbox, his VR or his gaming PC tonight?
May 23, 2023
Can I just say Mr Billy Big Bollocks that you and two other people got your arse handed to you by one single person and youā€™re threatening people on here with no clue as to their physical abilities. Thatā€™s why youā€™re as thick as that toffee hammer you use to smash car windows with love. Come to north London and see what happens to you, youā€™ll get robbed soon as you leave Kingā€™s Cross station for a start you absolute filthy sloth looking crack fiend! Go down some pregabs and write some more year 6 raps and stay in your lane @fyousillysadcunts šŸ˜˜


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Jun 21, 2023
Guy is a fing piece of s and needs removed from society before he actually does kill someone (likely by accident as doubt he is ever sober enough to plan and execute anything properly in his pathetic existence).

So many threats to life. If a "normal" person was online making these threats Police would be at their door straight away.

fing outraged by what I have witnessed him say today.......and irony is, he's just proven that violently assaulting a child like his grandad did to him, does no favours towards violent behaviour later in adulthood.
Apr 17, 2023
Can I just say Mr Billy Big Bollocks that you and two other people got your arse handed to you by one single person and youā€™re threatening people on here with no clue as to their physical abilities. Thatā€™s why youā€™re as thick as that toffee hammer you use to smash car windows with love. Come to north London and see what happens to you, youā€™ll get robbed soon as you leave Kingā€™s Cross station for a start you absolute filthy sloth looking crack fiend! Go down some pregabs and write some more year 6 raps and stay in your lane @fyousillysadcunts šŸ˜˜
Can you meet him a bit further away as we donā€™t want that coming this far down south
Jun 9, 2023
Who the do do you think you are talking about my grandad you cheeky t ill put you into a grave you absolute rat don't talk about my dead grandad like he didn't do well with me HD did better than anyone else would of done with my behaviour problems and what I'd seen you know nothing about it you fing silly b ill put you and your boyfriend in the same ditch come n say that too my face n see if you walk away fing dog
do off ste you absolute melt, your grandad would be turning in his grave if you saw the way you and Lou behave.. go take your stash of pregab and chill the do out you angry little man šŸ¤£ You're never getting your kids back and theyre better off without car crash parents like you to mess up their lives šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø

Stes glamdad

Aug 17, 2023
Who the do do you think you are talking about my grandad you cheeky t ill put you into a grave you absolute rat don't talk about my dead grandad like he didn't do well with me HD did better than anyone else would of done with my behaviour problems and what I'd seen you know nothing about it you fing silly b ill put you and your boyfriend in the same ditch come n say that too my face n see if you walk away fing dog
I mean thank god your grandad isn't around to see what you have turned out to be. You disgusting specimen you need sterilised and locked up for good. I really hope lou sees sense and fs you off because even she deserves better than you. Poor Alfie I wouldn't even let you near a fing goldfish. I hope Lauren Alfies MUM and dad see what you have done and keep him so far away from you. fing creature enjoy prison I hope you drop the soap every single day


Jul 15, 2023
Wet Wang
@fyousillysadcunts ā€™come and say it to me and not on comment cafeā€™
Says it on his live, gets blocked šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ hard as fing nails you are Ste mate! Anyway as I said, North London, and bring your grandads ashes with you šŸ’Ø
i always end up getting blocked for the tamest stuff ever, like you, i got blocked today. sad times.
Oct 3, 2023
So having an opinion on people who document themselves more or less 24-7, to the point they take us in the bathroom while they have a piss, is worthy of being gassed to death?
Letā€™s hope the judge on Wednesday doesnā€™t have the same logic!
And you donā€™t want to take our PayPal donations? What about our taxes that fund your entire being? Happy to take those tho yes? You fing clown!
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