Lou @Lifewithloux

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May 26, 2023


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Jun 21, 2023
As if ppl are offering to pay her for bus fare ! She has a free bus pass and has since she was in her temporary accommodation ! Unbelievable. Scabby f probably wanted the money for temazepan
I cannot believe ppl are still offering money to these sponging bastards
They both have good accommodation, free money, free bus pass, they get to sit on lives all day living their best life and want extra donations for drugs
Piss take! There's parents out there struggling to feed their kids and make do, yet these single tramps want money for drugs or house decor and bits and bobs for prison. You ain't going on all inclusive 5 star resort, its prison, get in and do your time . The fact he said on a live he's due a cost of living payment and 2 other payments, but still wants team steve money. The fhuck
They need reminding that DWP does not stand for Department for Weed and Pregabs

mad cat lady

Apr 16, 2023
Did any watch her get so excited about her col payment, saying I must budget can't spend it all on and mubbled saying must save but I can do Christmas!! How about people that are relying on that payment to feed and keep the kids warm for the next few months, I don't think Christmas comes into their heads and if it does it will the parents that will be thinking thank god I can actually get my kids something and still pay my bills, not oh I get a Christmas tree a Christmas tree! It's November!!! Who's going to see the tree oh yeah her! She literally was excited it was bloody Christmas to her! She won't use it to pay bills get food and items to help to winter! I noticed the other day she switched the heating on! Yes the heating as she was cold just her when she was on her own! my lot know to get fluffy pjs/tracksuit bottoms, hoody, dressing gown, oodies, blankets on before the heating goes on I wouldn't just reach for the heating because I was cold especially knowing how much the bills are. And it wasn't like she went in one room and shut the door she was going backwards and forwards with doors open! She can't be in top up meters to be hitting that button so freely without a care in the world, and I've not heard her say she needs to top up or pay a bill yet! Can't expect it to be cheap! But then she only has one light bulb and she has lived there how long?! See its this it's priorities that she just doesn't get, she will be walking into the Christmas tree without a light bulb 😂

mad cat lady

Apr 16, 2023
Okay and my other one, I'm sure she said last night she went to the doctors and begged them to give her somethink fer er menkle ealf! God that was hard to type 😂
Begging for antidepressants and but as a addict walks away with codeine? Yeah that makes sense but she also didn't take us with her which she always does and she to the chemist so I smell bullshit on many levels!
Antidepressants can take upto 3 months to take effect they will be hesitate to give them her as she had so many and more then likely advised seeking adult mental health time for other/deeper help that's what my gp does, you ring the 24 hour help line they access you and go from there, trust me if someone is Begging they will not just be sent away with codeine for pain! Also while she was there she should sort her sleeping/breathing out!
Oh lou did you know you can get pip for sleep apnea? Bet she will be straight on the phone now trying to get that diagnosis 😂

mad cat lady

Apr 16, 2023
Clout chasing, trying to outnumber each other with their insta lives/tik tok
This got me last night he was sorting out her cupboards putting stuff in different places, the oats together the noodles together etc and also making her food! Now in my eyes he was trying to make sure she had food for when/if he gets sent down tomorrow! He wasn't hurting anyone he was washing up and tidying up, now here is the part I didn't understand she was on her live saying he is taking my food? (I didn't see him take any he was showing the cupboard) saying he can't do this it's not fair and had people in her live saying tell him to stop kick him out etc etc but he was making them yes them food! So she wouldn't kick him would she because she didn't have to cook or wash up etc, and she kept getting up and going in the kitchen to goad him, then go back to her live read more s him off more, she even muted people for having a different opinion and saying its my live no one else's! Honestly it was she was 5 years old saying it's my game and I say you can't play no more, sat there with her fingers crossed saying when he goes down I will be better off! Thing is lou who you going to have then? Your going to be very alone as that's why I think they stay go back to each other as that is literally all they have is each other and without each other they are very lonely people
Apr 16, 2023
Okay and my other one, I'm sure she said last night she went to the doctors and begged them to give her somethink fer er menkle ealf! God that was hard to type 😂
Begging for antidepressants and but as a addict walks away with codeine? Yeah that makes sense but she also didn't take us with her which she always does and she to the chemist so I smell bullshit on many levels!
Antidepressants can take upto 3 months to take effect they will be hesitate to give them her as she had so many and more then likely advised seeking adult mental health time for other/deeper help that's what my gp does, you ring the 24 hour help line they access you and go from there, trust me if someone is Begging they will not just be sent away with codeine for pain! Also while she was there she should sort her sleeping/breathing out!
Oh lou did you know you can get pip for sleep apnea? Bet she will be straight on the phone now trying to get that diagnosis 😂
She never went to no doctor, she rang up her original app with doc was just for a ecg nothing to do with mental health, the doc was then going to give her a call back, which lead to her apparently getting codine, im sorry but i suffer with mh, and if i ring my docs and say its bad he has me in for face to face i also get offered counciling ,for her just to be given codine shes mention her bad leg ,its all about the fix shes still addicted to prescription meds ,shes using the mh card to gain sympathy and cash there is no way as she said my doctors not helping me its bullshit Lou
Apr 16, 2023
This got me last night he was sorting out her cupboards putting stuff in different places, the oats together the noodles together etc and also making her food! Now in my eyes he was trying to make sure she had food for when/if he gets sent down tomorrow! He wasn't hurting anyone he was washing up and tidying up, now here is the part I didn't understand she was on her live saying he is taking my food? (I didn't see him take any he was showing the cupboard) saying he can't do this it's not fair and had people in her live saying tell him to stop kick him out etc etc but he was making them yes them food! So she wouldn't kick him would she because she didn't have to cook or wash up etc, and she kept getting up and going in the kitchen to goad him, then go back to her live read more s him off more, she even muted people for having a different opinion and saying its my live no one else's! Honestly it was she was 5 years old saying it's my game and I say you can't play no more, sat there with her fingers crossed saying when he goes down I will be better off! Thing is lou who you going to have then? Your going to be very alone as that's why I think they stay go back to each other as that is literally all they have is each other and without each other they are very lonely people
Its all an act, for her viewers ,telling them i hope he does get sent down ,shes only with him for the money and pregabs ,she kicks off everytime he mentions the 100 quid he gives her, she doesn't want ppl to know he helps her ,she will never get kids back or see m and o again she's only interested in her next fix and money LOU YOU WILL NEVER CHANGE YOUR A DRUGGIE AND ALWAYS WILL BE
Apr 17, 2023
Was this doctors a new one as the other day she didn’t know where it was and everyone told to Google map where it was.

my doctors always insist on a face to face appointment For any new patients so they can go through your notes and medical history with you.

if this doctor had her notes infront Of them would they honestly give an addict codeine!???

and if you are on the system for mental health then surely they will help you quicker than some one who isn’t on the system for mental health?
Apr 17, 2023
I don’t believe for one minute that there was any doctors yesterday

it was all a scam for sympathy and a cover for them both to go and score.

i don’t go to the chemist with my husband and vice versa ! We as adults can walk on our own and she seem to manage to go for her methadone earlier in the day!

IF she was in genuine recovery she would tell the ‘doctors’ that she can’t have codeine and why! But no she was happy to take it🙄
Jun 21, 2023
Did any watch her get so excited about her col payment, saying I must budget can't spend it all on and mubbled saying must save but I can do Christmas!! How about people that are relying on that payment to feed and keep the kids warm for the next few months, I don't think Christmas comes into their heads and if it does it will the parents that will be thinking thank god I can actually get my kids something and still pay my bills, not oh I get a Christmas tree a Christmas tree! It's November!!! Who's going to see the tree oh yeah her! She literally was excited it was bloody Christmas to her! She won't use it to pay bills get food and items to help to winter!
The sooner she gets kicked out of the bungalow the better. Preferably before she trashes it too much, so it can be cleaned up and given to someone(s) who would really appreciate the early Christmas present
Apr 30, 2023
The sooner she gets kicked out of the bungalow the better. Preferably before she trashes it too much, so it can be cleaned up and given to someone(s) who would really appreciate the early Christmas present
Her getting kicked out can't come soon enough for me. That tidying up didn't last long after seeing things strewn on the floor in the hallway yesterday.
Filthy little b!.
Apr 17, 2023
I'll be so pissed off if he walks with just a tag
He said a tag would be worse than jail😂

a tag will mean that he has to be at his home address at a certain time for the night so he can’t stay at Lou’s overnight and he can be tracked by the tag I think(will google it)

have googled it.. if he gets a location tag his location is monitored to make sure he goes to places that he has to be for his sentence conditions and also that he saying on his curfew.

he can be sent to jail if he doesn’t follow the rules!!!!!!!!!!!!

i think I might prefer a tag for him just for the entertainment we will get!!,
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