Lou @Lifewithloux

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Aug 29, 2023
Ste’s been arrested for trying car doors. Shes crying on live that he’s probably not gonna get back out now and how unfoaor her life is. “Who’s gonna buy my fags for me”
I heard her say that, I thought she said I'm gonna have to buy my own fags now...I thought she meant she gave him money to get her fags and he'd been arrested with them. But then she said she had given him £50. Lots of people asked why did she give him £50. She didn't answer I don't think. So the likely story is she gave Ste £50 to go get drugs and he's been arrested before he's got back so no drugs for Lou...and that's probably why she's so upset. Pity she doesn't get so upset over her kids! One word for you Lou and that's KARMA
Aug 29, 2023
Wiping her snot on a top and saying “I’ll wear it tomorrow and put it in the wash”
She will still be wearing it next week and it will definitely not have been put in the wash 🤮🤢😬 wiping her nose on her sleeve is vile...iv seen her do it a few times now 🤮 She was crying in the job centre, I think it was a while back wiping her snot on the sleeve of that red fleece thing she wears
Aug 29, 2023
The thing is she's crying saying she has noone now Stes gone. Why is that? She must have had friends...where are they? She's probably fed them all over at some point. She lost her kids and her family keep her at arms length cos she's stolen from them and probably alot more reasons. Can't she see she's in this position because of her own choices? What about the kids who lost their mother cos she picked Ste and drugs over them..Where's her tears for them.
Apr 20, 2023
🎄🤪🤣😭 Prison day has come early! Is everyone ignoring the fact she called the police on him, which is why he's off to prison for hopefully a long time, why is the b whining about him getting locked up 2 days early. I'm a t, but this is making me laugh. Lou is crying over no pregabs or codeine as the ste the cad rotter and bounder has gone off with her £50.
Aug 29, 2023
What is everyone's thoughts on FWOs reaction? She actually apologised lol
I think she's starting to see the real Lou now! Lous probably been painting a poor me picture playing the victim and cos she didn't know her, FWO believed it and defended her but now she's seeing for herself what we all see...the real Lou that cares only about herself.
Aug 29, 2023
🎄🤪🤣😭 Prison day has come early! Is everyone ignoring the fact she called the police on him, which is why he's off to prison for hopefully a long time, why is the b whining about him getting locked up 2 days early. I'm a t, but this is making me laugh. Lou is crying over no pregabs or codeine as the ste the cad rotter and bounder has gone off with her £50.
Exactly, once again another thing Lou can't blame on anyone but herself. Ste wouldn't be going to jail if it wasn't for Lou calling the police in the first place. Lou takes no responsibility for anything tho...and she's not really crying over the fact he's gone. It's cos she's thinking of herself. She'd rather have him there than be by herself coz she's no mates, he gets her drugs, goes the shop for her, gives her money...she's just thinking about how him going to jail affects her.
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