Lou @Lifewithloux

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Apr 1, 2024
Wonder if she's trying to line up a 'friend' or a second phone to message one of them saying she committed suicide.

It's been 5 years since the last time she faked it. Reckon she'll be dumb enough to think we've forgotten about it, and have another go?
Surely nobody would believe that a second time. Even the people up her arse in the comments must know about her red bull resurrection
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Mar 31, 2024
Wonder if she's trying to line up a 'friend' or a second phone to message one of them saying she committed suicide.

It's been 5 years since the last time she faked it. Reckon she'll be dumb enough to think we've forgotten about it, and have another go?
This is exactly where it is heading hence I'm done with her. She plays dangerous games and pins things on people
Aug 29, 2023
I heard her say they’re gonna get her put in a mental hospital 🙄 has she said more? X
Around Christmas time on one of her lives she was saying she wanted to be sectioned. I'm sure she had called the crisis team and said she thought she needed sectioned and they weren't having any of it. Typical Lou, probably thinking that was an easy solution to the fact she was probably skint and if she was sectioned there be 3 meals a day, no bills to pay, no cleaning to etc. Nobody is going to wave a magic wand and sort her life...only she can do it. That requires hard work and effort which Lou doesn't want to do so nothing in her life will ever change or improve. She will just carry on begging, moaning, looking for sympathy and blame everyone else for her problems. Only person she's hurting is herself at the end of the day because her life will always be as grim as it is now until she does something about it.
Aug 29, 2023
I wonder why she needs to buy ID for a job, yes you have to verify who you are but a birth certificate and utility bills usually suffice? How does anyone else who doesn’t have a passport and medically can’t drive manage for example? Genuinely curious on that one.
She most likely has no intentions of buying an ID and there is probably no job she wants to apply for if she had the ID. This was probably reasons she thought people would be most likely to donate to her Paypal. If she said please donate to my PayPal because I need fags and choc choc she knew nobody would. She's a master manipulator and has years of begging experience so she knows exactly what she's doing

Beggy is back

Apr 30, 2023
When she was called out a few months ago didnt she “Promise“ in tears she would stop the begging and remove the PayPal and wish links from all of her profiles? I see they are back.

Hasn’t she been saying every day or so since she moved in to the hovel that she needs to sort it/clean it/organise it? instead she sits stoned on her arse everyday and has become a fat miserable cow.

How many times has she said that she is going to sort her s out and make a go of her “business” and start creating? It’s the reason she needed a desk, a chair, a shelf, an iPad, a laptop (or two), multiple electronics stands/lights etc, multiple journals, untold amounts of useless stationary. It is probably still sitting in the same pile of useless crap since she unboxed them.

How many times has she asked for ideas of content? As if anyone would ever be influenced from an obese, drug addict who does nothing but smoke, eat crap and live in a filthy hovel.

do right off Lou - you are a total waste of space.
Apr 12, 2023
I'm the same, I have lived on my own since I was 18. Never asked anyone for help, bought everything myself. My freezers have lasted years...one I had to replace because the fridge part broke but never the freezer. Her freezer is broken, (if that's even true!) because she left the door open and it got full of ice and she didn't do anything about it. Too lazy to defrost it. One drawer was jammed shut because the ice was so thick it wouldn't open. Then I think her or Ste tried pulling it open and the plastic drawer front broke. Could all have been sorted tho if she took the effort to just defrost. Now she will be begging and hinting for someone to buy her a new one. Doesn't she see that everyone who watches her knows everything she gets she breaks - probably because she's not earning the money and buying these things herself so doesn't look after them, so why would anyone want to gift her something that's going to end up broken by her, especiallyexpensive things!. She's the most bone idle, hard necked person ever 🤬
I've had the same chest freezer since 2002 & it's still working fine, never seen anyone more full of s 💩


May 3, 2023
Yep and saying she has now done things in response to peoples actions is where it turns a corner. Be very very careful she has and will spin this s. Let he get on with her festering
This is exactly it. She has no issues throwing people under the bus with lies (remember when Ste was "using a VPN to watch kiddy porn" so she could get some sympathy). Her word means nothing to those who know her - but not everyone is aware of quite what a sket she can be. You did wise by not letting her have your mobile number - I hope she doesn't have anyones name or addresses.
When she was called out a few months ago didnt she “Promise“ in tears she would stop the begging and remove the PayPal and wish links from all of her profiles? I see they are back.
Just checked - it went down mid november. Honestly lasted longer than I expected her to. I'd love to one day know how much she's made from the beg over the years. It's gotta be (low) 5 figures.
Jun 21, 2023
This is exactly it. She has no issues throwing people under the bus with lies (remember when Ste was "using a VPN to watch kiddy porn" so she could get some sympathy). Her word means nothing to those who know her - but not everyone is aware of quite what a sket she can be. You did wise by not letting her have your mobile number - I hope she doesn't have anyones name or addresses.

Just checked - it went down mid november. Honestly lasted longer than I expected her to. I'd love to one day know how much she's made from the beg over the years. It's gotta be (low) 5 figures.

Easily. There's all of Carol's money, the big ticket items Carol paid for: bunk beds, steam mop etc, the Amazon wishlist she had early on , a LOT of people had her "buzzing" with all the s they bought her, the people who kitted her place out when she first split with James, the free s she got in her subsequent places, the laptop, £100 for the haircut she DIYed, the PayPal money, grocery and takeaway people bought for her.

The TikTok battle money is pennies in comparison.

But for sure, she's done pretty damn well out of it all, hasn't she?
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