Lou @Lifewithloux

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Apr 16, 2023
Not necessarily. She knows any future babies will be removed from her at birth and she absolutely knows the handful of enablers she has left would be livid if she admitted to being pregnant. If you think about it, realistically none of us would ever know. She could easily carry a baby to full term, give birth, & be back home in 24 hours begging for tat, chocolate and takeaways and never admit she'd had a fourth child removed by SS.
Here in Scotland as soon as you have one child removed it’s an automatic referral to social work and the special needs in pregnancy mid wives service who link in with social work each step of pregnancy. Child protection pre birth assessment are done to determine if the child can go home following birth. I assume it will be similar in England, I know the cases I’ve dealt with that have transferred from England that’s been the case.
Apr 16, 2023
I'd like sources for these proven peer studies. I'm autistic, & my mum (or dad) never smoked weed. I've also never smoked weed in my life & don't smoke cigarettes (neither has my husband), & I'm teetotal, but my youngest is autistic too. It's a neurological condition. The neurodivergent (autistic) brain and neurotypical brain are like the difference between a Macbook and PC, they operate differently but the end results are the same.

I agree with you that she is concealing (albeit not very well 😂) a pregnancy, though. Another thing, aswell as the drug abuse, is foetal alcohol syndrome/disorder, as she also drinks hard liquor. That can cause significant brain damage and learning disabilities and I've sometimes wondered whether Lou has FAS/FAD, because her mum used to be an alcoholic. It would explain somewhat as to why she seems stunted and immature. Lou has talked about her mum's alcohol dependency in the past.
It’s not all just down to smoking weed there’s a lot of other factors that come into play with autism.


Apr 16, 2023
I mean if her bump shrinks that’ll be a giveaway she’s had a baby. She’d probably just say she’s not eating so much choc choc anymore and she’s literally starving.
That would be an easy one to catch her out on because it will be all around her gob. The girl can't even wipe her own mouth after eating, never mind caring for a baby 🙈


May 2, 2023
I'd like sources for these proven peer studies. I'm autistic, & my mum (or dad) never smoked weed. I've also never smoked weed in my life & don't smoke cigarettes (neither has my husband), & I'm teetotal, but my youngest is autistic too. It's a neurological condition. The neurodivergent (autistic) brain and neurotypical brain are like the difference between a Macbook and PC, they operate differently but the end results are the same.

I agree with you that she is concealing (albeit not very well 😂) a pregnancy, though. Another thing, aswell as the drug abuse, is foetal alcohol syndrome/disorder, as she also drinks hard liquor. That can cause significant brain damage and learning disabilities and I've sometimes wondered whether Lou has FAS/FAD, because her mum used to be an alcoholic. It would explain somewhat as to why she seems stunted and immature. Lou has talked about her mum's alcohol dependency in the past.
I didn’t say it was the sole cause of autism and adhd, nor did I say everyone who smoked weed during pregnancy will have a child with the conditions. There are studies out there albeit participation isn’t very high for obvious reasons - I was shown these by the adhd foundation due to links with a child on the spectrum/with adhd/mld. I am pro cannabis for a multitude of reasons, but like everything, it has to be used in the right way.

The link is via THC and how it crosses the placenta and blood brain barrier (it works well on brain cancer due to this, too - so can be great in some areas and bad in others for the same reason) - this can cause disruptions to the signalling that's involved in neurodevelopment in the foetus. Also been linked to impaired growth, impaired memory and learning disabilities in the foetus.

No offence intended whatsoever - just sharing information I’ve picked up along the way due to my own experiences. Just like not everyone who smokes will get lung cancer, not every child exposed will have these issues, and most children who do will not have them due to exposure.

Lou has also been drinking, taking antidepressants, methadone, smoking…. fing idiot. I was terrified to even consume a fing prawn when I was pregnant. I genuinely really hope and pray she’s just got a gut - it’s a fing big one, but we can hope hey.
May 5, 2023
It would be impossible to hide a full-time pregnancy... especially if its her 4th 1!!

It would be really easy to conceal a pregnancy if you want or need to. Otherwise (for example) young girls who hide it, give birth in secret, & abandon their newborns would be non-existent. If she never filmed herself below the waist in 3rd trimester and/or wore oversized clothing (which coincidentally she just had from Temu), & blamed weight gain on "recovery" & eating choc choc, nobody would definitively know.
May 5, 2023
I think Lou was talking about Dawn as STEEEE went from thinking I’m James to then thinking I’m Dawn. His language is beyond vile, I hope he gets kicked out of his house and back onto the streets. There are far more deserving people out there who would actually appreciate the help.

I would absolutely be sending those to Middlesborough social services and probation service. He calls other people keyboard warriors but that streak of piss would melt if confronted irl by anybody who can handle themselves. The best parts of him and Lou dribbled down their mum's legs. Oxygen thieves.
Apr 20, 2023
It would be really easy to conceal a pregnancy if you want or need to. Otherwise (for example) young girls who hide it, give birth in secret, & abandon their newborns would be non-existent. If she never filmed herself below the waist in 3rd trimester and/or wore oversized clothing (which coincidentally she just had from Temu), & blamed weight gain on "recovery" & eating choc choc, nobody would definitively know.
She lied about not knowing she was pregnant with molly, so she's done it before.
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